March 2024


Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, March 12, 2024.  Those in attendance were Craig Knox, Fire Chief; Larken Slack, Derek Dozer and Randy Elson; Township Trustees and Paula Frank, Fiscal Officer. Also in attendance were Township residents:  Bernadine Swingle, Brandon Stackhouse, Jim Smith, and Shane Stephenson.

Meeting was called to order by Trustee Slack at 6:00 pm.

Pledge to the flag was led by Larken Slack.

Agenda:  approved. 

Minutes:  Addition of:  Derek asked what Allen’s status is.  Craig discussed a safety officer position, the same as what Larry Geiger is.

Public Participation:  Jim Smith asked about having some gravel on the alleys.  Along Market Street, there is a sump pump that runs all over the road and makes a mess.  The blacktop needs replaced in Avondale.  Discussion followed that it had been several years since it has been done.  Larken said he and Sam had filled holes on Charles Street a few weeks ago.  Jim said Market and the alley that goes behind the old candle shop.

Fire Department Business:  Craig needed to correct the number of runs for January –there were 136 runs in January.  There were 97 dispatched calls in February – 74 in Muskingum County and 23 in Perry County.  There were no shifts that went uncovered in Feb.  The auxiliary and the association are buying new chairs for around the tables in the kitchen.

Craig asked for an executive session for a personnel issue.  Meeting went into executive session at 6:24 p.m.  Executive session ended at 6:33 p.m.

Craig said that Chad Hina is taking a leave of absence from the department.

Village of Fultonham wants to use a fire truck to flush hydrants.  Josh Ames will be driving the truck and supervising that.

Assistant Chief:  none.

Road Report:  Jason is getting a lot of vehicle maintenance done.  Calipers on the back of the 550 and the 350.  The top of the trailer is painted and all the boards are on it.  They moved dirt today on Porter Run Road for the widening project.

They have gone out on Ford and worked since there had been a hard rain. 

Larken said they need to get the culvert replaced on Thompson Run Rd. 

There is a lot of ditching that needs done.  Jason is still checking on getting prices to get the asphalt fixed in the places that the new pavement is breaking down. 

The water department just cut across Sunset.  They did call Jason before cutting it.  The water department is contracting out the water line on Shaw Road.  Jason wants to get back to Sunset and fix it up after the water department is done so you can make a turn in the truck and the residents will appreciate that.

Jason said Zella is another problem getting turned around.  Not sure how to fix that.  It is supposed to be a cul-de-sac.

Tedrick on Harlan Road – she wants the one-lane bridge sign closer to the bridge.  It is forcing people over where it is now.  Jason said he has checked it out and doesn’t see where else to move it.  He doesn’t want to move it because it will be in her yard.

There is wash-boarding on the Workman hill that Jason has addressed.

There was a dead deer on the new bridge on Bagley right before Ridgley that Jason removed.

Chico Repuyan on Lewellyn has a ditch that is washed away and delivery people are complaining about it.

Foxfire – Russell on the end – a sign has been hit and asked that it be replaced and a school bus stop ahead sign be added as well.

Thompson Run Road – bridge just past Avalon – driver hit it and wiped out the guardrail.  Driver does not have insurance.  Craig asked if the driver was cited.  Jason isn’t sure. 

Old Business:  Randy mentioned that the board needs to advertise for Larry’s position.

Larken called Brandon with Seal Master about a crack sealing machine.  A new one costs $74,288.00 and a used one is $45,000.00.  There is 2250 lbs. on a pallet and each pallet costs $1620.00.  If you buy two pallets of their product, they will give you the machine to use for one week.  The representative would come to deliver the item and show them how to use it.  It takes 3 people for it to be efficient.  The board agreed that renting the machine for a time would be the way to go to try it out.  Derek made a motion to purchase 2 pallets of seal master --- Randy seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

New Business:  Derek noted he had received a certified envelope from 911.  A resolution needs to be passed to approve the Muskingum County 911 program’s final plan.  Failure to pass a resolution within 60 days shall be deemed a disapproval by the board or authority.

Derek also received a letter regarding the CDBG grant program on May 8th.  Derek will plan to attend. This meeting will cover application guidelines for the Block Grant with money available in 2025.

The 3 parcels in White Cottage that abut along township property.  The landowners want to sign the parcels over to the township.  Parcel numbers are:  47-41-03-13-000, 47-42-03-14-000 and 47-42-03-15-000.  FO will forward the info to prosecutor’s office so paperwork can be started.

Trustees Reports: 




Fiscal Officer Report:

·         Distributed Grassroots Clippings

·         We received the final FEMA distribution from flood damages in 2019/2020.  The check was for $61,963.91.

·         The bid notice for cemetery mowing was published today.  Bids to be opened at the April 9th meeting.

Trustee Slack made a motion to pay bills.  Trustee Dozer seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

Next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 6:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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