September 2023


Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, September 12, 2023.  Those in attendance were Craig Knox, Fire Chief and Larry Geiger, Deputy Fire Chief; Larken Slack, Derek Dozer and Randy Elson; Township Trustees and Paula Frank, Fiscal Officer. Also, in attendance were, township residents:  Shane Stephenson, Bernadine Swingle, Kent Cornett, Brandon Stackhouse, Renee Stackhouse, Jasmine & Ella White, and Kristi Newville.

Meeting was called to order by Trustee Dozer at 6:00 pm.

Pledge to the flag was led by Derek Dozer.

Agenda:  approved. 

Minutes:  approved.

Public Participation:  Jasmine lives at 5880 4th Street– alley runs beside her house and there is currently a backhoe blocking her back door.  She has contacted the Sheriff’s office and they told her to contact the Township first to see if the alley is maintained by the Township.  House is being rented by Mike Bennett.  Trustees and Road Superintendent reviewed county GIS and determined that the alley is still maintained by the Township so it cannot be blocked by vehicles.  Trustees encouraged her to go back to the Sheriff’s office with that info and they can contact the Trustees if they have questions.

Fire Department Business:  There were 126 dispatched calls in August, 87 in Muskingum County and 39 in Perry County making the total for the year 850.  There were no fully uncovered shifts in August.

There was a 2nd meeting for the Appalachian Grant project.  You need 150 points to have a successful application to apply and Newton had 143 as of that meeting.  They are working on getting the other 7 points that they need.

Medic 1082 – 2017 Ford – the motor needed replaced.  The new maintenance person looked at it and found an oil filter that was plugged causing oil to back up into the motor and burning the oil inside the engine.  They found a Jasper motor and the medic has been towed to Hughes for replacement.  There are a few other items they will replace while the motor is out.  The cost is going to be around $22,000.00.  Dozer asked when that filter might have been changed to cause that issue but they could not determine when that happened.

The new maintenance contractor has been in on the weekends doing a thorough job of getting all equipment up to par.

The Department received 3 grants in the last month.  A $1000.00 grant from Walmart.  That money will be used for purchasing electric chainsaws.  The received $4,168.39 from the Ohio Division of EMS priority 1 equipment funding and they received the FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant in the amount of $65,695.23 federal share and department share is $3,284.77.  This will be for hoses, nozzles, intakes and apparatuses.  Craig is asking that we pay the grant writer the additional $2500 to have the grant writer manage the grant and file the paperwork – purchase requests, procurement, etc.  They will get 2000’ of 5” hose, 1600’ of 1-3/4” hose, and around 1500’ of 2-1/2” hose.  It is basically two engines worth of hose, nozzles and intakes.  Ours is 25 years old and older so they needed replaced.  They have had a lot of hose fail pressure tests in recent years.

Our instructors helped with the County Fire School this past week. 

They are having a surprise welcome home cookout for Neil Cornett who has been deployed for the last year.  It will be this coming Sunday from 6-8 pm.

They have gotten specs for replacing the 2017 Ford Medic- $400,000.00 for delivery in 2025.  Increase of $30,000 to $40,000 per year that they would wait.  Guys are reviewing the specs.  Atlantic is going to go out to Hughes to appraise the current medic for a trade in value. 

Chicken BBQ is coming up on September 24th.

Dozer asked about the status of some of the non-active members and have they been asked to move on.  Craig said he has not moved them on because they have not gotten any new applicants to take their places.  He stated that the “non” active members may not cover shifts, but they would come in for any type of major emergency that would come up. 

Dozer asked about the drain at the corner of the building – there is a large hole that is getting washed out and asked him to look at it.  It needs filled in with something.

Dozer asked Craig if everything was satisfactory with Mrs. Latier’s cleaning work.  Craig said it has been good.

Assistant Chief:  none.

Road Report:  Jason stated they are almost done on Carson.  Huggins and Crock are also pretty close to being ready for paving.  He graded Stiers and it was not too bad – just one pothole.  He also graded Ridgley.  It was wash-boarded pretty bad.  Elson said Workman is pretty bad and so is Lower Kroft.

Dozer – Steve Bradley at 6244 Second Street in E. Fultonham had emailed about the maintenance on his alley.  Jason thought maybe spray the grass to kill it and then see if the sod could be scraped off to reveal the stone that is there. 

Jeff is going to start mowing again on this coming Monday.

Kent Cornett asked about the school speed limit sign that still has a missing bolt.  He says they might need 2 bolts.

Old Business:  Larken – has talked to Beth at the Water Dept. about the possibility of a waterline being installed along Carson.  He asked if Craig could have a firetruck go out and spray off the road if the water department doesn’t do it.  She also stated she is going to install a 2” line out Crock Road.  Larken also said that two people from Shaw had paid their water bills and the water department said they weren’t installing that new line until the township widens the road. 

Jason is still trying to find out what they are supposed to do with the old walkway bridge.  Craig said the training division still wants it.

New Business:  Larken – there is an issue on Foxfire that needs addressed beside Jack McClelland’s driveway. The culvert is separating and there is a crater / ditch beside that that needs filled in before someone drives into it.  Also, a new culvert on Ford.  Derek also said there is some wash out along Ford as well but it may belong to the County.

Trustees Reports: 


Dozer— none. 


Fiscal Officer Report:

·         Distributed Grassroots Clippings

·         Presented a right-of-way permit application from South Central Power for review and approval.

·         Presented Resolution 15/2023 to adopt the 2024 Budget as received from the County Auditor

·         Presented Resolution 16/2023 to reallocate funds in 2281 and 2191.

·         Maysville Water – 5745 Crock Road property – requested to have tap removed. Still received a bill for $25 for August.  Will make sure there is not one in September.

·         Competitive bidding threshold for Townships will increase on October 3rd from $50,000 to $75,000, through 2024 and the will increase 3% annually.

·         The Ohio Township Association has a township webinar subscription which will be available January 1st.  It costs $250 for a year and gives OTA members the ability to attend live webinars and view archived webinars at no additional cost.  Are we interested in that?  No objections so will look into it.

Trustee Dozer made a motion to pay bills.  Trustee Elson seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

Next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 6:00 pm

Meeting adjourned at 7:29 pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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