March 2023
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. Those in attendance were Craig Knox, Fire Chief; Larken Slack, Derek Dozer and Randy Elson; Township Trustees and Paula Frank, Fiscal Officer. Also, in attendance were, township residents: Brandon Stackhouse, Bruce McConnell, Shane Stephenson, Sam Lantz, Jon Stottsberry, Dustin Gerken, Greg Sykes, Matthew Tompkins and Dan McConnell.
Meeting was called to order by Trustee Dozer at 6:00 pm.
Pledge to the flag was led by Derek Dozer.
Agenda: approved.
Minutes: approved.
Public Participation: Greg Sykes - inquiring about Township Rd 277 / Opera – asking if it is a township road. Trustee Dozer stated it is a township road but it is no longer maintained. Dustin Gerken purchased the land previously owned by Mr. Phillips off of Opera Road. Mr. is asking if maybe it could be a private driveway. Dozer stated that the consensus of all of the surrounding landowners could be taken and it could be closed and turned into a private drive. Matt Tompkins, who lives in this same area, says they have not been notified of what is going on with that access. He is concerned with people coming onto his property without announcing themselves. Derek says if it is brought up to a maintained status, the township could take over the maintenance. Matt is worried about a liability issue of people who are coming onto his property.
The Trustees referred these landowners to the County Engineer to see about next steps, which would be to vacate the road giving all the right of way back to the original land owners and then each landowner would have to give a driveway easement to Dustin Gerken.
Dan McConnell, a Shaw Road resident, is wondering if there are any plans or a scope of work. Larken said that not at this time. It is still in the planning phase of the widening project. Bruce McConnell said if they take from his side of the road, he will take the fill dirt. There are also a couple of very large trees that they will need to remove.
Fire Department Business: The department cannot take action on the 5 year revolving levy until next year. That levy funds the department through 2025 so it will be up for vote in 2024 if they want to replace or renew that levy. Their committee will continue to meet to determine funding needs.
There were 99 calls in February – 76 Muskingum County and 23 Perry County.
There was one 12-hour shift uncovered in Feb due to illness. The 2022 ATFF grant – is in its first round of review.
Computer upgrades – the hardware and firewall – all the access points, junctions and server and desktops are at end of life. The server is on life support. The computers are all very outdated and subject to malware. The security camera system is not working currently, so the new system would also upgrade the security system. The whole system is around $15,000. He has chosen a line item for this to be taken out of. Cody Smith, firefighter here at the department, have been working on this project. The department phones would be used through this system. Tiger Direct, CDW and a camera vendor are the 3 vendors that this hardware would be purchased through. Derek made motion to allot $15,000 for computer upgrades, vendors—to begin immediately. Larken seconded. Motion carried.
Assistant Chief: none.
Road Report: The guys have been cleaning up around the shop and hauling to the scrap yard. Jason got the ditcher on the tractor and it is working well. Derek asked if he thought we would need to order salt for next year. Jason thinks there would be enough but it would be close. He says 75 ton is probably all we would need.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Trustees Reports:
Elson—Repairing the cracks in the blacktop. Resident (Jon) has a piece of equipment that could be used to make those repairs. The machine holds two cubes of tar and it is a walk behind unit. Jon estimates that you could repair 500 to 600 feet in a day’s time. He offered for the township to use it if they want. He isn’t sure he wants to sell it. The trustees all agreed that they would be willing to give it a try.
There is a semi parking again on Mona Drive. There is not much that can be done about it.
Dozer— Has 16 letters going out to properties with junk cars – asking them to remove the vehicles. Reported property owners with junk cars are: Tabatha Ann Barnett, Donald W. Spears, Todd & Karen Ferrell, David Spears, Philip S. Temple, Dale E. Parker, Donald Jones, Walter Taylor III, Duane R. III & Mindy Bolyard, Misti D. Malfe, Christopher Cannon, Phillip Scott Temple, Daniel Hutchins, Kendra Talbert, Robert Cunningham, and Michael Hoge.
Fiscal Officer Report:
· Distributed Grassroots Clippings
· Presented payment agreement to acquire property at 5745 Crock Road for $18,000.00 from GARROX, LLC. Agreement needs signed by the trustees and the current owners.
· Presented Resolution 05/2023 – Conversion of vacation time to cash for leave accrued and not used as of December 31st of each year. Determining that these disbursements will have OPERS retirement contributions withheld.
· Opioid Settlement – Followed up with Derek on whether we want to pursue these funds based on the information supplied at the February meeting. We are not going to pursue this.
· Gave Larken information on the Southeastern Ohio Joint Solid Waste Management District for review.
Trustee Elson made a motion to pay bills. Trustee Dozer seconded the motion. Motion carried.
All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.
Next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 6:00 pm
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.