April 2023


Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, April 11, 2023.  Those in attendance were Craig Knox, Fire Chief; Larken Slack, Derek Dozer and Randy Elson; Township Trustees and Paula Frank, Fiscal Officer. Also, in attendance were, township residents:  Walter Taylor, Stacy Foster, David Gilder, Renee Stackhouse, Kent Cornett, Kelly Temple, Philip Temple, Brandon Stackhouse, and Bruce McConnell.

Meeting was called to order by Trustee Dozer at 6:00 pm.

Pledge to the flag was led by Derek Dozer.

Agenda:  approved. 

Minutes:  approved.

Public Participation:  Kelly Temple wants to know, if he builds a fence to block the view of his junk cars, who will approve the fence.  Dozer stated that the trustees won’t really specify how it should be built, as long as it blocks the view.  Slack stated that the fence could be just 3 sided since the trees block the back view.  Discussion also continued about how tall the fence needed to be and the trustees stated 8’ would be a reasonable height.

Walter Taylor asks if someone from the County would come around and appraise the value of his cars.  He has hot rods that are more valuable than a junk car.  He is not planning to build a fence.  He is concerned about his classic vehicles even though they do not have an engine in them.  His vehicles are being restored and should be moved in the next few months.

Philip Temple has a car dealership and is parking them off-site from the dealership.  They may still be fixed up and sold, as they can get to them.

Dozer explained that if it falls under the ORC “junk cars” code, it is a junk vehicle and needs to be moved or blocked from view of the road.  If the township doesn’t act against the vehicle issue, residents will decide to vote in zoning and nobody really wants that either.

Mr. Gilder was told the cars parked on Moxahala Park Road would be out by summer.  Philip Temple stated it would be cleared out by summer so he can mow. 

Fire Department Business:  The department had 118 dispatched calls in March.  86 in Muskingum County and 32 in Perry County.  There were no un-covered 12 hour shifts in March.  New rescue tools have arrived that were purchased off the BWC grant.  Training will take place in the near future.  The hydraulic set on the rescue will be moved to a new apparatus so it can still be used.

The fire department made it through the initial computer scoring for the FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant.  They will now enter the second phase.

Unofficially, the Community Days group is disbanding and the Newton Twp. Auxiliary will be taking over those functions.  The Community Days organization is spending down their money buying equipment for the fire station to include folding chairs and racks for the chairs.

Brian Bott is taking a leave of absence for 12 months to return to school.

Ladder truck is back and needs some preventative maintenance done at Crawmer’s when they have an open bay.

Dozer asked how many members the department currently had on the roster.  Knox stated they currently have 44 members and are allowed 45.  They have one right now going through the hiring process – she is a level II paramedic.  Dozer asked of the 44 – how many have not made a run in the last 6 months.  Knox says there are probably 6.  One has gone through the health safety officer program so he is fulfilling his obligation.  Another has not responded to texts or phone calls so the medical director will be sending Craig a letter on Thursday stating that individual is no longer permitted to be an EMS provider under the protocol and that will be grounds for termination. 

Assistant Chief:  none.

Road Report:  Englefield Oil has sucked the tank dry at the garage so they will be able to use both tanks for on-road fuel.  The last load of scrap has been cleaned up and hauled away.  They are filling potholes.  There is one area on East Darlington that is going to need some extra attention.  Dozer asked what are the top 5 roads that needs paved.  He said Shaw, Carson, Butcherknife, and E. Darlington hill.  There are some spots on Nutter, Thompson Run and Stine that the pavement is breaking up.

Jason is working on Shaw so the county can work on the bridge.

Jason will be taking vacation the end of July to the beginning of August.

The water department is going to be replacing the waterline along Shaw.  Discussion followed on the location of the existing water line.  The water dept will be sending out a surveyor and they may have to go down center of the road part of the way on Greehouse and Shaw.  Derek stated that pictures needed taken and a lot of documentation done so they bring the road back to the condition it was in before they started.

Old Business:  Per Larken, Denis from the County surveyed the Thompson alley so that should be finalized in the near future.  The blade that they were going to purchase won’t be ready until next month.

New Business:  None.

Trustees Reports: 


Dozer— Attended the Health Dept. meeting on March 22nd.  They went over what was new with the health department.  Not much was covered regarding Township news.  Wants to start working on the list of roads to be paved and chip sealed this summer, in the near future. 

Slack—Southeastern Ohio Join Waste District– passed out a summary to the other board members.  The resolution can be passed next month.  Everything is already in place, decisions are made, they just need the blessing of the townships.   They decided to table signing the resolution until the next meeting.

Fiscal Officer Report:

·         Distributed Grassroots Clippings

·         Presented Resolution 06/2023 – Possible removal of assessments for two properties owned by the Village of Roseville.  Derek made a motion to leave cemetery assessment and take off the Village of Roseville parcel on Ransbottom Rd. Randy 2nd.  Motion carried.

·         Presented ODOT Salt Resolution for purchase of road salt.

·         Letter from ODNR regarding new blasting activities by Shelly Materials on 13.2 acres in the township.

·         Followed up with Larken on the signature on the purchase agreement for the property on Crock Road.  He is having issues making contact with Gary Smith so the agreement has not been signed yet.

Trustee Slack made a motion to pay bills.  Trustee Dozer seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

Next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 6:00 pm

Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm.

    Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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