May 2021
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, May 11, 2021. Those in attendance were Jason Taylor, Road Maintenance Employee for the Township; Craig Knox, Fire Chief; James R. Smith, Derek Dozer and Randy Elson; Township Trustees and Paula Frank, Fiscal Officer. Also in attendance were: Bernadine Swingle, township resident, Shane Stephenson and Adam Foshee from The Shelly Company.
Meeting was called to order by Trustee Dozer at 6:00 pm.
Pledge to the flag was led by Derek Dozer.
Agenda approved.
Minutes approved.
Public Participation: Bid opening for 2021 Paving – The Shelly Company was the only one to submit a bid and it was $336,364.75. The trustees wanted to clarify with him that it would be all of Foxfire beginning at Stine Road and then all the way across to Limestone Valley Road.
Fire Department Business:
Chief Knox— They have hired 3 more employees. The ladder truck has had some repairs. The cost was around $4000.00. They also did the annual testing on the ladder and there is a plate that needs to be replaced so they are getting that taken care of. The price is unknown at this time. The 60 minute RIT bottles need to be replaced – this is used in the case of a trapped fire fighter which costs around $2268.00. Craig asked about purchasing a hose tester for $2636.76. This would enable them to test the hoses themselves and would be a one-time fee. It will last several years and would end up being less expensive than paying to have the hose tested by another company. The Trustees agreed this would be a good purchase.
The $20K has been received from the County Commissioners. A-Emt class –pass rate was consistent with the national average. They were within the 60th percentile and the national average is 63. Summer basic EMT class started last week and the FF 2 class has also started. The FF 2 class is maxed out. The restrooms are finally complete except for the on-demand hot water tank.
Facia – metal falling off the guys are willing to replace the rotten facia board and put the metal back up once they get the lift for the gym painting. This will allow more money to be used for the concrete pad. Craig is thinking if they could purchase the concrete and then hire a contractor to pour it we could stay under the $50K bidding stipulations.
Employee that was on administrative leave has been reinstated.
Jason has contacted two other contractors about the concrete pad. He will follow up with everyone again and see if they could get pricing put together.
The company that wrote the exhaust system grant are they are taking clients now and Craig would like to have them write a grant for new fire hose, nozzles, etc. One-time fee of $150 / hour not to exceed $2500. If successfully awarded, they get 7% of the federal amount awarded. The trustees signed the agreement.
The County Commissioners are not wanting to take on the electric bill for the fire siren, so that will stay in the fire department’s name and the Township will pay the bill.
Craig also brought up the option of collecting the old fire levy – to purchase a new medic. Dozer said Craig should go to the County Auditor directly and see if she would go to the budget commission and ask if they could collect on the levy that the county took back so they could pay for a new medic. That money is not being collected regardless of the fact that the taxpayers passed the levy. The trustees / fire department were told that they could go back to the budget commission at such a time that the money was needed.
Assistant Chief—none.
Road Report – Jason Taylor— Contacted the state and it is the township responsibility to put road signs up. He has ordered some already.
Then Lincoln Street water issue – Jason went yesterday and checked it out. There was water laying everywhere. He will need to remove a few trees in order to clean out the culvert. He has the berm box on so he will take care of Thompson Run and a few other roads. Jim asked him to go to Georgia Pines and Shaw Road. Mr. Dozer stated that he has had a high number of calls about potholes and filled culverts. The Thorn culvert is done and he is getting the supplies to do the Lakewood culvert.
Old Business – Gary Browning – Rodayle – his property line is behind the trees and then halfway through it is in the trees. The whole corner of pine trees are in the right-of-way. Mr Browning – he would like to take out the fence and install it 48” from the blacktop which would still be 3-1/2’ in the right-of-way. The trustees agreed that would be acceptable and it will allow his neighbor to get in and out of his drive without hitting the fence. He also wants the township to pay for moving the fence, which they all agree will not happen. Mr. Dozer made a motion to allow him to install the fence 48” from the blacktop and Mr. Smith 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
New Business – Street light on Cornett’s curve on Foxfire. AEP finally texted back last week and today they have finally made the arrangements to get that light installed on that curve.
Jason asked when the Trustees wanted them to start mowing. The first round will be the beginning of June.
The board agreed to go ahead and advertise for paving bids, at the June meeting, for the following roads: Sheila Circle, Sheila Lane, Nutter Road, Dollings Road, Railroad Street in E. Fultonham (aka Spring St.) and Payne Road to the top of the hill.
Trustees Reports: Avondale Streets – Mr. Porter said they would fix it but not up by Tina’s where they went through the gas line.
Smith— Nothing more.
Dozer— Nothing more.
Elson— He had talked to Matt at the Engineers office about chip seal pricing and it is $10,000 per mile.
Fiscal Officer Report:
· Distributed Grassroots Clippings.
· Let the trustees know about the May 15th deadline to notify the County Engineer’s office if we would like any help with roads this summer – to include chip seal. Derek will take care of contacting them about the help we will need with chip seal.
· OTARMA – distributed the insurance valuation report.
· Liquor license renewals are coming due July 1 and we need to let the liquor agency know if we have any objections to an of them renewing.
· Distributed KLA Risk Management recommendations. Discussion followed about some of the items that they were recommending. Sexual harassment training might be available through OTARMA.
· Old Fiscal Officer equipment – computer and printer – asked if that could be given to the FD. Trustees agreed that would be ok.
Trustee Dozer made a motion to pay bills. Trustee Smith seconded the motion.
All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.
Next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday June 9, 2021 at 6:00 pm at the Fire Department, instead of Tuesday the 8th.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.