June 2021


Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, June 9, 2021.  Those in attendance were Craig Knox, Fire Chief; James R. Smith, Derek Dozer and Randy Elson; Township Trustees and Paula Frank, Fiscal Officer. Also in attendance were:  Adam Foshee from The Shelly Company, and township residents, Marty Smith and Brandon Stackhouse.

Meeting was called to order by Trustee Dozer at 6:00 pm.

Pledge to the flag was led by Derek Dozer.

Agenda approved. 

Minutes approved.

Public Participation:  Bid Opening – The Shelly Company was the only bidder and was the low bidder at $153,873.10.  Mr. Smith’s neighbor is trying to lay out septic for a new build and the leach bed has to go through the alley.  The county is in the process of doing the engineering of the bridge replacement so nothing new is happening with Fletcher Road and the new bridge construction.

Fire Department Business

Chief Knox— Asking if we have an employee assistance program and if not Six County has something available to us. Six County has offered to contract with the department at $75 per 1-hour session.  Three one-hour sessions would be available to the employee and then any remainder sessions would be covered by employee medical insurance.  They have a contract for services.  Dozer questioned why they wanted a contract.  They will provide marketing and educational materials and there would be no cost until an employee would need it.  The department would agree to pay up to 3, one-hour sessions.

The lights are pretty much complete and the ceiling tiles were replaced in the cafeteria and painted the grid black.

Old SCBA bottles and compressor have been sitting collecting dust.  Carthage Township in Athens County in Guysville, OH would be interested in obtaining that equipment because they are just getting started and cannot afford new equipment.  Craig asked if the trustees would have any objection to donating the equipment to them.  Craig will check with Mark Zanghi if something needs drawn up that would release Newton Township from any liability.  Trustees were all in agreement that it was ok to donate that equipment.

Driveway – G and M Construction submitted an estimate and including demo it would be $67K not including materials.  LEPi is booked for the year.  TNZ concrete – they are going to give them a price as well.  He wants an answer by the July meeting from any remaining contractors.  G and M is at $11,300 for demolition and $56,500 is for labor.  Dozer suggested just bidding the project out and seeing what comes in.  The board all agreed that maybe that would be the way to go and see where the prices come in.    

The Bureau of Motor Vehicles has approved the department’s account for pulling driver records.  He does not believe there are any fees but does not know for sure.  He thinks that can be used for the Township employees as well.

Assistant Chief—none.

Road Report –none. 

Old Business –

New Business – Mahon Road has slipped again from the top.  Hoping to get that fixed by next week.

Trustees Reports:     

Smith— Nothing more.

Dozer— Nothing more.

Elson— Lakewood, Thorn and Moxadarla – pavement is cracked.  Jason is going to get a price from Crawmers (Birkhimer Asphalt) on getting those sealed.

Fiscal Officer Report:

·         Distributed Grassroots Clippings

·         Received DVD’s from OTARMA for Sexual Harassment Training. 

·         The audit is still in process.

·         Resolution 05-2021 – to create fund line items for tax collection fees and to allocate money to those funds and other existing tax collection funds to adjust the fees from the 1st half receipt. 

·         Bolyard letter – follow up.  Jim said Mr. Bolyard did receive the letter that was sent via regular mail and he told him he needed to clean up his yard and get the junk off the right-of-way.   Derek will stop down and talk to him.  We will go from there at the July meeting on what to do next.  Not much can be done with the appliances.

Trustee Dozer made a motion to pay bills.  Trustee Smith seconded the motion.

All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

Next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 6:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m.


Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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