June 2020
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, June 9, 2020. Those in attendance were Jason Taylor, Road Maintenance Employee for the Township; Craig Knox, Assistant Fire Chief; James R. Smith, Robert Stephenson and Derek Dozer; Township Trustees and Paula Frank, Fiscal Officer.
Meeting was called to order by Trustee Smith at 6:00 pm.
Pledge to the flag was led by Trustee Smith.
Agenda approved.
Minutes approved.
Public Participation: William ? 4025 Workman Road by the county line—dusty. Any chance it will be chip-sealed this summer? Workman is on the list that is being considered for chip-seal and the board will discuss further if that portion is going to get taken care of this year. Trustee Smith told the resident that they would be in touch with him.
Dora Maxwell wants the permission of the board to purchase a freezer for the community days to store their food. That way their food does not “walk away”. The board approved them to purchase the freezer. The Auxiliary has received an estimate to have the windows tinted in the gym and cafeteria, for $900 and possibly paint the ceilings and walls in gym and cafeteria. The fire department has a building maintenance fund that they could use to help out with some of the cost as well, if they wish to do so.
Dozer made a motion to give $500 toward the price of renting a lift for painting the walls and the window tint. Stephenson 2nd the motion. All members were in favor of the motion.
Craig brought up that the beginning of the year there was discussion that a percentage of the general fund be used for building maintenance.
The board discussed an estimate given to the board, by Joe Smith, to get the canopy enclosed on the main entrance of the building to keep the birds out. The amount was for 4,502.40.
Bob made a motion to accept the estimate to have the stoop cleaned up. Dozer 2nd the motion. Motion carried by an aye vote by all members.
Fire Department Business:
Assistant Chief Knox—Medic 1081 had some maintenance issues but is now fixed. The grant writer does not think the department is eligible for fire hose, turn out gear or vehicles. There are some other items they would be eligible for station modifications, like a new fire alarm in the old part of the building, sprinkler system, etc.
Building rental—do we want to open back up for rental of wait another month. Dozer agrees to re-open as long as we are following protocol. FD / auxiliary would like a 4th of July function at the station and Craig does not want to tell the public they cannot have a function but the department can.
Dozer motion 50% capacity of building Stephenson 2nd the motion. The motion carried with an aye vote from all members.
There was discussion regarding the CARES Act and whether or not the fire department would be applying for funds. Katy with Paumier Medical Billing had already researched this and decided the department would not be pursuing any type of monies through the CARES Act.
Road Report – Jason Taylor—Tractor is fixed. The cylinder was bent and has been replaced. Jeff is mowing road sides. East Fultonham is finished; Butcherknife is finished; ¾ of Porter Run is finished. He picked up grating for a catch basin for Dona Drive. He is also working on the Chadwick water issue. Mahon Road—discussed the slip issue. Jason would like to drop the road down and make a bench and try to rebuild it. Waterline may be affected if they do that.
Old Business – Chip Seal—Gasoline Tax fund will be used to pay for chip seal. Derek made a motion to accept the estimate from the County to chip seal all roads on attached list for $186,886.42. —Jim 2nd the motion. Motion was carried by an aye vote by all memebers.
Mr. Stephenson mad a motion to pass a resolution stating that we will no longer be using brine water on our roads. Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was carried with an “aye” vote from all trustees. Resolution number 05/2020 was adopted and signed.
New Business –Interviews for Chief positions will be held at the July 14th meeting. Jeffrey Cohen will be at 7:30 and Craig Knox will be at 8:00. The board will interview Jake Lutz on August 11th at 5:00 pm, since Jake will be out of town during the July meeting.
The board opened sealed bids for 2020 Asphalt project and the bids were as follows:
NLS $ 358,138.00
The Shelly Company $ 305,812.55
Mr. Dozer made a motion to accept the bid from The Shelly Company, with the exception of the Thompson Run Road portion. Mr. Stephenson 2nd the motion—motion carried by an aye vote from all members.
Trustees Reports:
Stephenson—FEMA—look like Dilts, Ridgley, Huggins, Stires could be eligible for money--$82,242.56. There are more roads that will be added later. The EPA and Health Deptartment cannot help with the tires on Payne Road. Much discussion followed regarding the disposal of the tires and the uniforms. Bob said he would contact Waste Management about disposing of the tires, etc.
The company that is supposed to be trucking the salt to us cannot get into the storage facility yet. They will get it to us as soon as they can.
Mr. Stephenson brought the Shafer lawsuit up and the board discussed accepting the settlement offered by Mr. Shafer’s insurance company. On the guidance of Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Mark Zanghi, the board agreed to accept the offer. Mr. Dozer made a motion to accept the $13,000 settlement and Mr. Stephenson 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Bob will contact Mark Zanghi tomorrow to let him know our plan.
Roydale drive fence—Jim and Jason checked the lot survey to figure out where the right-of way was.
Smith—Circle drive resident—alley vacated. He asked Jason to be sure the alley is closed. Residents are having a dispute on one using more of the vacated alley than they are.
Dozer— The Kimpel’s have been maintaining their cemetery and they would like the road fixed, but they do not want it to appear that the road crew is fixing their personal driveway. Jason will make sure to get some stone added when the time comes.
Fiscal Officer Reports
Distributed Grassroots Clippings.
Trustee Stephenson made a motion to pay bills. Trustee Smith seconded the motion.
All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.
Next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 6:00 pm at the Fire Department.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.