January 2020


The Newton Township Trustees met held an emergency meeting on January 7, 2020, at 6:00 pm.  In attendance were, Trustees, James R. Smith, Robert J. Stephenson and Derek J. Dozer; and Fiscal Officer, Paula J. Frank.

The purpose of the meeting was so the Trustees and the newly appointed Fiscal Officer could sign the signature card for Huntington Bank so that checks could be written and bills could be paid.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 pm.


Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, January 14, 2020.  Those in attendance were Jason Taylor, Road Maintenance Employee for the Township; Allen Deaver, Fire Chief, Craig Knox Assistant Chief and EMS Coordinator; James R. Smith, Robert Stephenson, Derek Dozer; Township Trustees and Paula Frank, Fiscal Officer.  Also in attendance were Township residents:  Jon Stottsberrry, Mike Shilling, Maria Rock, Tim Lutz, Jason Lawson, Kim and Kade Hambel, Tom Carr, Mike tucker, Kassiddy Rock, Dora Maxwell, and Mark Vensil.

Meeting was called to order by Trustee Smith at 6:00 pm.

Pledge to the flag was led by Trustee Smith.

Agenda approved.

Minutes were not presented at this time.

Public Participation: Jason Lawson asked if the Township had been given any information on Route 22 being closed beginning on January 20th.  The Trustees indicated that ODOT had not been in contact with them. Discussed followed regarding the detour and the residents voiced concern that there would be a large volume of traffic flowing through White Cottage. 

Mr Stottsberry—marked water line in front of his garage and was wondering what was being done.  Waterline extension, by Maysville Water was discussed.

The Lewellyn Road property owners, Carr and Tucker, asked the Trustees if there was anything that could be done to maintain their road.  It is impassable and has become a place where people go four-wheeling and are making the road even worse.

Tom Carr owns the bottom lot and is expressing concerns about culverts and ditches being plugged up.  Any possibility of getting them cleaned up.  It is becoming a huge mess.  He has some 20’ 10” smooth bore pipe that he would donate to the Township if they need them for the culverts.  The Trustees were receptive to that and will check the pipe out to see if it is something they can use.

Trustee Stephenson brought up closing Lewellyn all-together.  The residents liked that idea to keep people from driving through and making a mess, or just maintain it with cleaning out ditches and add some stone so the road is not so soft.  AEP had given the Township money to maintain and the road and it was in good shape.  The Trustees will remain in contact with the residents.

Mr. Schilling presented information on a truck that he has for sale, if the Township would be interested in purchasing it for the road department.  It is a 2013, one ton Chevy dually, 4x4, with snow plow. He presented paperwork to Trustees giving all the details of the vehicle.  The street across from him needs a stop sign.  Jason said he will get one up there in the very near future.

Kim Hambel works for the Sheriff’s office and said he would arrange to have patrol cars checking Limestone Valley Road during the closure, as well as Lewellyn Road.

Dora Maxwell presented a liquor permit that needed signed for the Hillbilly Casino Night event planned for the White Cottage Community Days fundraiser, on February 29, 2020.  Trustee Smith signed for her.

Fire Department Business

Jeremy Yarger is applying for a $2700 Forestry Grant through ODNR with a 50/50 match for brush fire equipment—hoses, rakes, etc.  He will have to show proof of purchase by October 20th, if they get the grant and purchase the equipment.  Most supplies from Finley Fire or the Fire Store online.  Trustee Dozer made a motion that the Township would match the other 50% and Trustee Stephenson seconded it, Smith also approved.

Chief Dever is in the process of closing out the FEMA grant.  They are working on the software and it is going well.  They are also working on the interface with the hospital.  The Advanced EMT class had 12 students and the average GPA was 90.3.  The Firefighter class had 14 students.  Total revenue from last year, for training classes, was $36,200. They trained 58 students, 2 failed and 2 didn’t show up to take the test.  Jake Lutz applied for a BWC grant for an automated CPR device and powered hose rollers.  The Fire Department was awarded the grant in the amount of $30,000 with a 10% match. 

Assistant Chief Knox—the discussion for raises for the Fire Department was tabled at the December meeting and Knox asked to re-open the discussion again.  He asked that there be a $.50 increase for each classification and that a new classification be added for Advanced EMT.  Current wages are $11 for Firefighters, $13 for Firefighter / EMT, and $15 for Firefighter / Medic.  The new wages would be as follows: $11.50 for Firefighters, $13.50 for Firefighter / EMT, $14.50 for Firefighter / Advanced EMT and $15.50 for Firefighter / Medic.

Dozer asked what he expects in revenue this next year. Runs down were 100 from 2018 but reimbursement rates have dropped.  Training was down $40K, which would be why the income was down.

Dozer made a motion to increase the wages as reflected above, effective on the payroll due on 1-17-20.  Smith seconded motion and Stephenson abstained.  Dozer also suggested that when the duty crew isn’t busy with other responsibilities, that they work on the landscaping around the building and take a little pride in the property.

The fire association is going to buy the hardware for the new software that is being implemented.  They are dropping Verizon and going with AT&T.  Dozer asked to be sure that new PO Box gets updated for billing purposes.

The Trustees verified with Chief Deaver that did in fact want to start interviewing for Chief position.

Road Report – Jason Taylor

Filling holes.  He asked if it was ok to continue buying stone and the Trustees said to do so sparingly until appropriations come in.  The parts have come in for the backhoe so it will be down for a couple of days for repair. Discussed followed regarding Ironspot potholes.  Jason has started on Porter Run Rd but it is busting up everywhere.  


Old Business -     None.

New Business -   None.

Trustees Reports:   Stephenson—FEMA contacted him today and they needed paperwork signed today.  He thinks the Township may be closer to getting some money.  Some of the roads that the Township wanted to repair (Workman Hill, Mahon Rd and Ford Rd).  He is anticipating the Township may receive around $35,000 from FEMA, but it could be more.  This doesn’t include Workman, Mahon and Ford, which would add additional money. 




Fiscal Officer Reports

FO Frank will attend the 2020 Township Winter Conference as previously approved.

Bob Snavely with the County Commissioners Association of OH will attend our next meeting on February 12th regarding the Countywide Electric Aggregation.

Dozer made a motion to pay bills, Stephenson seconded the motion.

All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.


Next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 6:00pm at the Fire Department.    

Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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