December 2018


Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, December 12th, 2018.  Those in attendance were; John Stottsberry – Township Resident; Larry Taylor, Road Maintenance Supervisor for the Township; Craig Knox – Assistant Fire Chief; James R. Smith and Robert Stephenson, Charles R. Elson, Township Trustees and Derek Dozer, Fiscal Officer.

Meeting was called to order by Trustee Stephenson at 6:00pm.

Pledge to the flag was led by Robert J. Stephenson.

Agenda approved.

Minutes were approved as presented.

Public Participation: 


Fire Department Business

The trucks have all had their annual maintenance.

Wes Kelly found a matching grant that can be used for a side-by-side.  Could be reimbursed up to $10,000.   Side-by-side  would be an estimated $18,000 including tank etc.  Knox said have called other departments who have had them before to help.  The Trustees all 3 agreed to allow the department to apply for the grant.

Hittle roofing did some work to repair the roof.

January 19th is banquet.  Family dinner is Monday, December 17th.

Family dinner’s will be held in off months.

Knox asked to attend training

Road Report – Larry Taylor

Holes on Bush Run have been filled.

Crock Road came up.  Cold mix freezes up and would like to look into a hot box.

Payne Road needs some repairs.

Called salt company and they said good until the 1st of April to order it.

Old Business -  

Rucker Road repairs is being handled by Prosecutor’s Office.

Foxfire Drive ditch was tore up and insurance is going to repair it.

MORE Grant status for 2018?  Dozer will check.

Sexual Harassment policy has been reviewed by risk assessment policy.  Working on completing a draft of the policy.

Form for weightroom use was sent from risk control to the Trustees.  The weightroom will be limited to Township employees, spouses and significant others of Township employees, and children over 18 of Township employees effective January 1, 2019.

New Business -  


Trustees Reports: 


Fiscal Officer Reports

2 resolutions (1-12-12-2018, 2-12-12-2018) were presented, approved, and signed to moved funds in account 2191 for appropriations.  The first resolution moved funds totaling 10,085.  The 2nd resolution moved funds totaling 15,000 all in fund 2191.

Notice from Maysville Regional Water, Thank you letter from Auditor – Debra Nye, and Suddenlink.

Payment registers, appropriations, fund status reports, grass roots clippings received.

The Trustees approved Dozer attending the annual Ohio Township Association Winter banquet.

Trustees approved $100 Christmas bonuses for Jason Taylor and Larry Taylor.

All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

Meeting went into Executive Session at 6:40pm to discuss personnel issues.

Came out of Executive Session at 6:55pm.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm



                Newton Township Trustees met to close out business for the year 2018, close the books for same, and organize for 2019.  Those in attendance were; Charles R. Elson, James R. Smith, and Bob Stephenson, Township Trustees.

                The meeting was rescheduled due to illness.  Meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by chairperson, Stephenson.

There was no public participation or other business to open.       

Fiscal Officer had requested the following to be updated/closed for the year:

*O.T.A. Conference is scheduled for 2019.  Dozer is scheduled to attend and all elected officials are encouraged to attend.  Reservations need to be made soon for the conference and housing.

*Trustees to represent the township at JEDD meetings; Randy Elson and Bob Stephenson agreed to continue in this position.

*Trustee to chair the township meetings for the year 2019 was agreed to be covered by Trustee Elson.

*Trustee Stephenson moved maximum amount of any super-blanket certificate to be opened by the officer shall not exceed $10,000.00.  This motion was seconded by Trustee Elson.

*It was moved by Trustee Stephenson to pay the Fiscal Officer based on average amount of work done and percentage of budget within each fund.  The current percentage taken from each fund will be Fire 2281 and/or 2291 – 40%, Road 2031 and/or Road District – 30%, General – 30%.  The Trustees will continue to be paid from the Road & Bridge and/or Road District and General Funds and will continue to track their hours and turning them in as needed to verify Road/Bridge applicability.  We will pay all full time road employees from the Road and Bridge Fund and/or the Road District Funds.  Part time road employees if needed will be paid from the Gasoline or Road and Bridge Funds or Road District funds.  This motion was seconded by Elson.

Budgets were submitted for Fire and EMS for 2019 by Assistant Chief Craig Knox.

*The following wages were discussed and raises were made accordingly;

                Larry Taylor currently is making $17.25 / hour, and will continue to make $17.25 / hour in 2019. 

                Jason Taylor currently is making $16.50 /hour, he will make $17.25 / hour in 2019.

There will not be a Road Maintenance Supervisor in 2019 it will be a shared responsibility.

                Diana Latier; fire department custodian is currently receiving $475.00 per month with a cap of 30 hours / month unless otherwise approved.  Latier will make $475.00 per month in 2019. Latier is expected to work a minimum of 6 hours each given week, unless extenuating circumstances prohibit it.  

                Jeff Swingle; part-time Road Maintenance will be paid $14.50 /hour in 2019.

Travis Lyon will continue to be employed to mow the cemeteries.  Travis will be paid $13.25 per hour in 2018.  The Township will continue to pay the Kimpel family $300 per year to maintain Goshen cemetery.

                Allen Deaver; Fire Chief received $850.00 a month, but Deaver is on unpaid leave so the position will be addressed if the leave ends or the position is filled by a different individual in 2019.

                Craig Knox; EMS coordinator receives $800.00 per month currently.  Knox will continue to receive $800 per month in 2019.

FF wages are currently at : FF = $11.00, EMT = 13.00, Medic = $15.00.  Wages will remain the same for 2019.

Motion made by Trustee Smith and seconded by Trustee Elson that the following holidays:

New Year’s Day, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving, and New Year’s Eve Day be paid at double time for the Fire/EMS employees working on those holidays.

Motion was made by Smith to accept the above, second by Elson.  All three Trustees agreed.

*All elected officials will continue to receive a $70.00 cell phone allowance per month (effective 1/1/2016); moved by Trustee Stephenson, seconded by Trustee Elson.  All 3 agreed.

*A resolution 1-12-31-2018 was presented for health coverage for road employees & elected officials.  This was accepted and signed by Smith, Elson and Stephenson.

*All township meetings will continue to be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month with the following dates put in place.  January 16 (is 3rd Wed); February 13; March 13; April 10; May 08, June 12, July 10, Aug 14, Sept 11, Oct 09, Nov 13 and Dec 11, 2018, with closing of the books to occur on Thursday, Dec 26, 2018.  All meetings will begin at 6:00 pm in the township meeting room.  Any variance from this will be posted on the “Marquee” in front of the fire department, on the front door, on the Township’s website, and/or will be noted in the local newspaper.

All books were noted to be in order and will be closed.

The next regular meeting of the board will be held on January 16, 2018 in the township meeting room at 6pm the fire department.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm.


Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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