June 2016


Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, June 14, 2016.  Those in attendance were Mollie Crooks – Candidate for Muskingum County Commissioner, Dale Phillips – Candidate for Muskingum County Commissioner and John Phillips, Newton Township resident; Larry Taylor, Road Maintenance Supervisor;  Assistant Chief & EMS Coordinator Craig Knox of the Fire Department.  James R. Smith, Robert Stephenson, and Charles R. Elson, Township Trustees; Derek J. Dozer, Township Fiscal Officer.

Meeting was called to order by Trustee Elson at 6:00pm.

Pledge to the flag was led by Charles Elson.

Agenda approved.

Minutes were approved as presented.

Public Participation:

Dale Phillips – Candidate for Muskingum County Commissioner

Mr. Phillips distributed brochures.  Talked about experience and the issues that the Townships are having with the County Engineer’s Office getting work done.

Mollie Crooks – Candidate for Muskingum County Commissioner

Mrs. Crooks distributed brochures.  Talked about her experience, business background and how feels like she can do the job.

John Phillips – Can the Township possibly clean his ditch area so he can concrete it?

Fire Department Business

April numbers = 16 Fire runs and 74 EMS runs for a total of 90.  1 non-response.

Engine 1081 went to Finley Fire for repairs.  Medic needed to go to Lucas.

22 tested from last EMT class and only 3 failed.   Propane props are here and temporarily set up.

July 4th FD will be at Lake Isabella.  Lucas device is now in service on #1 truck to go out.

Trustee Smith made a motion to pass resolution 1-6-14-2016 that creates a Road District.  Trustee Stephenson seconded the motion and all 3 trustees agreed.   This was recommended in order to use funds from the Road levy.

Trustee Stephenson made a motion to pass resolution 2-6-14-2016 that declares a 4.7 Mill levy for the FD be put on the Nov ballot.  Trustee Elson seconded the motion and all 3 Trustees agreed on moving the resolution onto the next step.

Trustee Smith made a motion to pass resolution 3-6-14-2016 that declares a 3.7 Mill levy for Road repairs within the Road District in Newton Township be placed on the Nov ballot.  Trustee  Stephenson seconded the motion and all 3 Trustees agreed on moving the resolution onto the next step. 

Road Report

Larry Taylor

-          White Cottage – Flooding area looked at and the houses should never have been built there at that level.  There is a 10 foot drop needed to drain the area.

-          Discussion on Georgia Pines, Stine Road

Trustees Smith made motion to patch areas of Georgia Pines in the next month.  Trustee Elson seconded motion and all 3 Trustees agreed on doing the road work.

-          Avondale is still a huge mess.

-          Mowing still going on.

Old Business


New Business

Nothing further.

Trustees Reports:

 Trustee Smith  - continues to get multiple calls on Avondale.  Right-of-way abuse, dust, mess.  Lewellyn Road has been repaired but still needs more work.  Residents did not want to let the Township create the proper drainage last time through so water lays on roadway and problem will continue.

Trustee Stephenson – Wrote letter on Nolan drive issue.  Axaline Ave vegetation issue still going on.  Wrote letter on Washington Street – old house and garage in Avondale.  Elm Street issue.  Cemetery on Restless there are graves on Potts property.  Working with County on issue.

Trustee Elson – Moxadarla done.

Fiscal Officer reports:

·         Presented payment registers, fund status reports, bank reconciliation, grass roots clippings.

All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

Hix Snedeker letter asking Township to consider writing a letter on the Dollar General store.

ODOT letter letting Township know that Shelly Materials is proposing expanding existing operation in Fultonham.

Trustees are paid out of two funds (1000 and 2031) and they are to be keeping track of their monthly hours to turn them into the Fiscal Officer for auditing purposes.  These sheets can be turned in each month or at the end of each calendar year.

Next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 12th, 2016 at 6:00pm at the Fire Department.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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