September 2014
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, September 9, 2014.
Sherry Ziemer and Bob Mock, Township residents; Larry Taylor, Road Maintenance Supervisor; Josh Ames of the Fire Department; James R. Smith, Robert Stephenson, Charles Elson, Township Trustees; Derek J. Dozer, Township Fiscal Officer.
Meeting was called to order by Trustee Smith at 7:00pm.
Pledge to the flag was led by James R. Smith.
Agenda was approved as read.
Minutes were approved as presented.
Public Participation:
Mr. Mock – 6 months ago asked about culvert on Thompson Run. Taylor – Will put plastic pipe through it as it is about gone. Plastic will hang down but that will be fine. Mr. Mock is very disappointed that the County will not be straightening up the bridge due to right-of-way concerns on County’s side. Mr. Mock states that the Safety concerns are worth trying to do it right now at the time of repair. Trustee Stephenson will call.
Fire Department Business:
Nobody present – 14 Fire Runs, 52 EMS for a total of 66 for month.
Road Report
Larry Taylor
o Mowing now.
o Workman – Fultonham Corp to concrete bridge will not be chip sealed this year due to logging.
o Ford Rd – Creek bed is still issue, can’t keep flooding. Will call Van Slack.
Trustee Smith – Needs some holes filled.
Trustee Elson – Would like to see both mowing if we can.
Old Business
Trustee Stephenson – Sink holes. County Engineer’s Office is saying that if roads are closed will need to have 3 100’ cul-de-sacs installed on Huggins, Lewellyn and Stiers. Not enough funds to make this happen.
New Business
Trustees Reports:
Smith – Nothing further.
Stephenson – Nothing further.
Elson – Nothing further.
Fiscal Officer reports:
Copies of Bank Reconciliation, payment register, minutes, and monthly Grassroots Clippings was made available to all trustees.
All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.
Motion to pay the bills was made by Trustee Stephenson, Elson seconded and all three agreed.
Next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 14th, 2014 at 7:00pm at the Fire Department.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.