November 2014


Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, November 11, 2014. 

Sherry Ziemer, John Phillips, Tim Bankes, Bob Mock, Ardin Hewitt, and Marilyn Hewitt, Township residents; Larry Taylor, Road Maintenance Supervisor; Allen Deaver, Larry Geiger and Craig Knox of the Fire Department;  John Finley of Finley Fire, James R. Smith, Robert Stephenson, Charles Elson, Township Trustees; Derek J. Dozer, Township Fiscal Officer.

Meeting was called to order by Trustee Smith at 7:00pm.

Pledge to the flag was led by James R. Smith.

Agenda was approved as read.

Minutes were approved as presented.

Public Participation:

Mrs. Hewitt –  Did you decide on our problem?  Trustee Stephenson stated that he had sent the Hewitt’s a letter last Tuesday or Wednesday and they should have received it by now.  The Hewitt’s were given a copy of the letter to read while the meeting continued.

Mr. Mock – Will you please look into putting guardrail on Thompson Run Rd where we fixed the large culvert a few years back?   Trustee Smith agreed to look into it and start the process if reasonable.

Mr. Hewitt (after reading letter) – He debates whether he cussed or not.  Mrs. Hewitt said she is the cusser.  They stated that they had called out the County ditch man and he had said it was fine for them to not put a culvert in the bottom of the ditch.  On fencing laws it says that they have 10 feet of property if needed.  Said they complained about the ditch immediately when it happened and they should have sued Bob Dolen at the time it happened.  Trustee Stephenson asked why the fence is needed?  Because Bob Dolen was supposed to put the fence back up.  Mr. Bounds has cut down their trees but now won’t let them cut his.  Mr. Hewitt said he will not take the stone out of the ditch even if told to do so.  They can’t even climb across the ditch and church members were helping them to put the new fence up.  Stated again that they feel the fence laws give them 10 feet and they have a legal right to put up the fence.

Trustee Stephenson agreed to contact Bud Chess and try to get an answer next meeting.

Dale Clayton – Talked to Trustee Smith about a fence line problem.  Says that his neighbor is destroying his fence located on Old Town Rd.  Stated the neighbor is dumping bricks, cans, an old sauna, dirt and other debris onto the line fence. He has contacted the Health Department because the junk is close to his water source.  The property is for sale and knows the old junk cars and tires will hurt the property value.

 Fire Department Business

9 Fire Runs, 56 EMS for a total of 65 for month.

$2,775 trailer for donated boat will be coming in.

Medic is at Jim Millers to repair damage.  Will be getting reimbursed from PERSO.

They are looking at a Fire truck to replace the Rescue.  The rescue is 19 years old.  Finley has a demo truck coming that he would like for the Trustees to look over after the meeting.  The demo has a price of $553,463.  Trustee Stephenson asked how much to fix up the current truck as a short term fix and it was estimated that it would be over $50K.   The trustees questioned the fact of not purchasing a tanker and bringing the ISO rating down for residents.  Chief Deaver agreed to look at a used tanker as well.

The safety considerations are a big reason he would like the Trustees to consider upgrading the trucks and to get them up to standard due to age would take more than half of their value now.  When you look at an engine of a truck costing 30K, 20k for a transmission there can be things that come up which quickly add up when things go wrong.  Things like LED Lights, bigger brakes, heavier axels, 10-15 years is the normal replacement for most trucks.  Deaver said he understands the cost but when he joined the department a truck was $179K.  New emissions systems add cost as well.  State bids are online and can be accessed by anyone.  Trustee Stephenson said he felt like he was being pressured and wanted time to think about it.  They agreed to look at the truck after the meeting if it arrived.

Road Report

Larry Taylor

·         Mowing back now.  Found some salt but need some more.  Will get 80 tons from State but need to give ˝ back next year.

·         Larry brought quote from Franklin Tractor.  Will get other quotes.

·         Have snow plows and boxes ready.

Trustee Smith – Ditch in Avondale needs repaired.

Trustee Stephenson – Nothing new at this time.

Trustee Elson – Guardrail needs put up when they can.

Old Business

Lewellyn – Heckels and AEP were only ones concerned with road closing.  Recommendation is that the road be maintained and kept up due to AEP needing to access power lines.

There is a gentleman that needs to do 24 hours a month of community service and will be helping where needed.

Signs for grant have not been received yet.

Motion to move into Executive session was made by Trustee Stephenson, all 3 approved to discuss Fire Personnel issues.   Went into executive session at 8:25.   Exited Executive session at 8:30pm.

New Business


Trustees Reports:

Smith – Nothing further.

Stephenson – Nothing further.

Elson – Nothing further.

Fiscal Officer reports:

Copies of Bank Reconciliation, payment register, minutes, and monthly Grassroots Clippings was made available to all trustees.

Presented completion certificate from Dozer completing Continuing Educating for Fiscal Officers on Oct 21st.

Presented correspondence from OWBC on claim from Justin Delong from accident.

Presented correspondence from OWBC on John White claim from 1979.

Presented correspondence from PERSO on medic accident.

All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented. 

Motion to pay the bills was made by Trustee Stephenson, Smith seconded and all three agreed.

Next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,  December 9th, 2014 at 7:00pm at the Fire Department.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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