July 2014
Newton Township Trustees met in special session on Wednesday, July 02, 2014.
Jeff Lloyd, Larry Geiger, Allen Deaver, and Craig Knox of the Fire Department; Debra Nye, County Auditor; James R. Smith, Robert Stephenson, and Charles R. Elson, Township Trustees; Derek J. Dozer, Township Fiscal Officer.
Meeting was called to order by Trustee Smith at 7:00pm.
Debra Nye, County Auditor presented information on how to place a levy on the ballot, residential values for Newton Township, data on Renewal, Additional and Replacement levy options.
The Auditor answered questions about the various levy options and was very helpful in determining how we move forward.
Next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 08, 2014 at 7:00pm at the Fire Department.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, July 8, 2014.
Kathleen Kearsh, Eric Dusenberry, Chris Wright, John Phillips and Sherry Ziemer, Township residents; Josh Weaver to join FD, Larry Taylor, Road Maintenance Supervisor; Chief Allen Deaver of the Fire Department; James R. Smith, Robert Stephenson, and Charles R. Elson, Township Trustees; Derek J. Dozer, Township Fiscal Officer.
Meeting was called to order by Trustee Smith at 7:00pm.
Pledge to the flag was led by James R. Smith.
Agenda was approved as read.
Minutes were approved as presented.
Public Participation:
Chris Wright – Came to ask if Church of the Bretheran can use the Township’s ball diamond in White Cottage. They will need electricity if it is ok. Saturday August 23rd. All 3 trustees agreed to allow the use of the field and shelter house.
Kathleen Kearsh – Came to ask for reimbursement for flood damage at her residence at 3475 Maysville Pike. Discussion ensured.
Fire Department Business:
- Runs last month totaled 73. 8 Fire and 65 EMS.
- Swore in Josh Weaver.
- Discussion of AC quote. On hold for now.
- Lawnmower discussion. Want to get a zero turn from American Pride. Presented quote for $8,500. Current mower is 11 years old and is a rider. Grass takes a long time to mow and putting a lot of wear on the mower.
o Trustee Smith made motion to purchase mower from American Pride with cost not to exceed $8,500. Stephenson seconded motion and all 3 agreed.
- Squad is having AC issues. Other could also be replaced. After discussion they will be taking the squad to be looked at.
- Discussion on subsidances.
Road Report
Larry Taylor
- Have been ditching and readying roads to be chip sealed. Replacing culverts.
o Smith – Signs that need to be replaced when grant money comes.
o Elson – Stay on mowing and patching still some bad places.
Old Business
Stephenson – Trustee Stephenson made a motion to accept the County’s state bid chip seal quote for 9.8 miles of road. Plus added .7 miles of road for Butcherknife. Seal to be applied at .4 gallons of emulsion instead of 3 as on original quote. Trustee Elson seconded and all 3 agreed.
New Business
Welfare office has person who will be assisting to do labor work at no cost to the Township. He will be covered under their WC.
Trustees Reports:
Elson – Nothing further.
Smith – Nothing further.
Stephenson – Will be attending records retention at OSU. He will be the designee for the Township.
Fiscal Officer reports:
All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.
Next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at 7:00pm at the Fire Department.
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm.
Newton Township Trustees met in special session on Wednesday, July 24, 2014.
James R. Smith, Robert Stephenson, and Charles R. Elson, Township Trustees; Derek J. Dozer, Township Fiscal Officer.
Meeting was called to order by Trustee Smith at 7:00pm.
Resolution to be presented to the Board of Elections that was received back from the Auditor’s Office was discussed and signed.
Next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at 7:00pm at the Fire Department.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.