July 2013


Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, July 09, 2013.  John Phillips, Brenda Hunter, Bob Mock, Township residents; Don Madden, Kenny Beisser from Muskingum County Water; Dan Lindsay from W.E. Quicksall & Associates; Larry Taylor, Road Maintenance Supervisor; Larry Geiger,  Fire Department; James R. Smith, Robert Stephenson, and Charles R. Elson, Township Trustees; Derek J. Dozer, Township Fiscal Officer.

Meeting was called to order by Trustee Elson at 7:02pm.

Pledge to the flag was led by Charles R. Elson.

Agenda was approved as read.

Minutes were approved as presented.

Public Participation:

Bob Mock – About a year ago Larry Taylor put culverts in on Thompson Run.  Holes are getting deep.  Culvert on corner of Thompson Run (Campbell’s) will be getting a culvert put in.  At that time Mr. Mock will show tree that needs cut back to Larry.

Brenda Hunter – Cannon street stop sign(s).  When people come out of the Lake they turn down Cannon.  Kids can’t even ride bikes or go outside because of speed.  4th of July she called Sherriff’s department.  She talked to Dozer on what to do.  Can Township put in speed bumps, stop signs or something?  Doesn’t get patrolled and people go fast and might ignore signs.  Even if just while Lake is open to put up signs would be a big help as she thinks someone could get killed.  She has list of residents who support stop signs.

Dan Lindsay – New Philly – Working with County on Avondale sewer project.  Gave out map of project area.  What county is proposing to do is replace sanitary sewer as most have septic tanks that dump overflow into the sewer then overflow goes to New Life Temple pump station.  Replacing with conventional system stops problems.  Will be crossing streets and cutting open.  Here to talk about alternative to CDF.  CDF will drive up cost quite a bit.  Presented plans that are in development phase.  Would like to propose backfilling in cuts then cover with asphalt.  Would like open discussion and get feedback from trustees.  Have used CDF in other jobs.  Want to talk about alternatives to keep costs manageable. 

Smith – Why aren’t you doing the whole town? 

Beisser – the project is confined to the area presented with income levels. 

Lindsay – County is under a mandate by the EPA to get ground water out and get rid of I&I and excess overflows. 

Stephenson – Why not do this in the beginning? 

Lindsay – At the time this was better than nothing at all. 

<Discussion on Hydrogen Sulfide and I&I>

Bob Mock – I really have a problem with what I pay verses the City. 

Beisser – City has 15,000 customers which drives down costs. 

Stephenson – How much time to decide? 

Lindsay – Have some time. 

Stephenson – When? 

Madden – Would anticipate 2014.  Would help to bid in winter for Spring start in 2014.  Used 2014 as tentative date.  

Lindsay – will take 90 days for Ohio EPA to approve. 

Madden – Applied for grant money.  Did receive low interest loan.  2 things that are really key is compaction of stone and cutting sides back to virgin soil. 

Lindsay – presented CDF cap alternative.  Gives solid base.   Will get numbers to Township. 

Fire Department Business

Knox reporting:

-          Presented numbers for previous month.

-          Received grant from Alladin Shriners for $1,560.58 for FD training/equip.

-          State Div of EMS - $6,250 grant covering software and other costs.

-          Medic getting ready to be taken was backed into by a Dr. outside the ER.

-          Combining with SZ for golf outing on Sept 15 at Jaycees.

-          Chicken BBQ slated for Sept 29th.  May do a bigger event next year.

-          Generator was repaired.  Norm Gill helped determine it was fuel filters.

-          Nothing more to report.

Road Report

Larry Taylor

-          Mowing is starting to get caught up.

-          Discussion on Charles Street in Avondale culvert.

o   Trustee Stephenson made motion that Township purchase 12” culvert and Tees for $1,749.56 from Carter Lumber with Township doing the install work.  Smith seconded and all 3 agreed.

 Old Business

Smith – Georgia Pines?   Larry – will be doing it next.

 New Business

Kimple – RoseHill Road wants to know if Township would be interested in abandoning cemetery?  <Discussion on cemetery>  Not interested in abandoning at this time.

Helen Parker – Property located at 3360 Lincoln is owned by Spires.

Nothing additional.

Trustees Reports:

Elson – Nothing further. 

Smith – Nothing further.

Stephenson – Nothing further.

Fiscal Officer reports:

·         Presented newsletter from Maysville Water District.

·         Presented copies of MORE Safety Grant submitted to OTARMA for $500 reimbursement for safety items.

·         Presented correspondence from Ohio EPA on Quasar.  <Discussion on terrible smell coming from the plant and all the complaints being received from residents.>

·         Presented information from AEP on energy saving ideas.

·         Presented payment registers, fund status reports, bank reconciliation, grass roots clippings.

All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

The next regular township meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 13, 2013 at 7:00pm in the township meeting room.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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