December 2013


Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, December 10, 2013.  John Phillips, Sherry Ziemer, Township residents; Larry Taylor, Road Maintenance Supervisor; Larry Geiger, Allen Deaver, Craig Knox,  Fire Department; James R. Smith, Robert Stephenson, and Charles R. Elson, Township Trustees; Derek J. Dozer, Township Fiscal Officer.

Meeting was called to order by Trustee Elson at 7:00pm.

Pledge to the flag was led by Charles R. Elson.

Agenda was approved as read.

Minutes were approved as presented.

Public Participation:


Fire Department Business

Knox reporting:

-          Presented new suggested wages for Fire Fighters.  Tabled until 12/30 meeting.

-          Engine that was backed into the bay estimate came back at $21,373.  Will likely need to go back to factory, either driven or trailered.

-          Requested uniforms shirts with cost of around $1,800.  Trustee Stephenson made a motion to purchase shirts for total cost of no more than $1,800.  Elson seconded and all three agreed.

-          Reminder the FF appreciation Banquet will be Sat, January 18th at Eagle Sticks.  Social Hour at 5pm.  The Trustees agreed to help defer the banquet by helping the Association with the cost.  The bill will be submitted following the banquet.  It was noted that although agree the bill for the 2013 banquet was not paid so the bill will include both years for a total cost of $2,000.

-          FD may consider doing a newsletter in 2014.

-          An emergency key was requested to be able to get in Township Garage in case of an emergency.

-          Nothing more to report.

Road Report

Larry Taylor

-          Have been pushing a lot of snow.  Cleaned culverts after rain.

-          Door on salt bin is broken.  Will look at replacing it in the Spring or Summer.

-          Will get cinders when they can.

-          Will be cleaning ditches and patching.

 Old Business

Smith - None.

Stephenson – None.

Elson – None

New Business

Smith – None.

Elson – None.

Stephenson – Contacted Brian Taylor of Engineer’s Office.  Eligible with Falls and Springfield to get a sign grant for up to $50,000.  Will be working on it.  Deadline is Jan 21st.

Greenhouse Rd accident damaged guardrail.  Mr. Short has called County and others.  Guy who hit the guardrail had no insurance.  Repairs will be around $1,300.  Will be checking with South Zanesville and will also see if homeowner has checked into his insurance on property.

Trustees Reports:

Elson – Nothing further

Smith – Nothing further.

Stephenson – Nothing further.

Fiscal Officer reports:

·         Read letter received from Ohio Department of Commerce on alcohol permit objections.

·         Presented payment registers, fund status reports, bank reconciliation, grass roots clippings.

All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

The next Township meeting will be held on Monday, December 30, 2013 at 7:00pm in the township meeting room to close out book for 2013.

Next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 7:00pm at the Fire Department.

Meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.



                Newton Township Trustees met to close out business for the year 2013 and to close the books for same.  Those in attendance were; Charles R. Elson, James R. Smith, and Bob Stephenson, Township Trustees; Derek J. Dozer, Township Fiscal Officer.

                Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by chairperson, Elson.

                Fiscal Officer noted the following items needed updated / closed for the year:

*O.T.A. Conference is scheduled for February 12-15, 2014 and all elected officials are encouraged to attend.  Reservations need to be made soon for the conference and housing.

*Trustee to represent the township at JEDD meetings; Bob Stephenson agreed to continue in this position.

*Trustee to chair the township meetings for the year 2013 was agreed to be covered by Trustee Smith.

*Trustee Smith moved maximum amount of any super-blanket certificate to be opened by the fiscal officer shall not exceed $10,000.00.  This motion was seconded by Trustee Stephenson.

*It was moved by Stephenson to pay all elected officials wages from the General Fund and pay all full time road employees from the Road and Bridge Fund.  Part time road employees if needed will be paid from the Gasoline & or Road and Bridges.  This motion was seconded by Smith.

Budgets were submitted for Fire and EMS for 2014.

*The following wages were discussed and raises were made accordingly;

                Larry Taylor currently is making $16.75 / hour and will receive .50 cents per hour raise, making $17.25 for hours worked after 1/1/2014.

                Jason Taylor currently is making $13.25 /hour and will receive a $1.25 increase to $14.50 per hour for hours worked after 1/1/2014.

                Diana Lantz; fire department custodian is currently receiving $375.00 per month with a cap of 30 hours / month.  She will be increased to $400 / month ($13.33 per hour) and still work 30 max hours/per month unless otherwise approved.

                Travis Lyon will continue to be employed to mow the cemeteries.  Travis is currently paid $8.50 per hour.  Travis will receive a .50 cents per hour raise and will make $9.00 per hour for hours worked after 1/1/2014.   The Township will continue to pay the Kimpel family $300 per year to maintain Goshen cemetery.

                Allen Deaver; Fire Chief is currently receiving $500.00 per month with a $60.00 cell phone allowance.  Chief Deaver will be increased to $600 per month beginning with hours worked in 2014, continuing with a $60 per month phone allowance.

                Craig Knox; EMS coordinator is currently receiving $375.00 per month.  EMS Coordinator Knox will be increased to $475 per month beginning with hours worked in January 2014.

FF wages will increase due to minimum wage for hours worked after 1/1/2014.  The new wages for FF = $8.15, 9.50 for EMT and $11.80 for Medic.

                Motion was made by Elson to accept all the above, second by Smith.  All three Trustees agreed.

*All elected officials will continue to receive a $60.00 cell phone allowance per month; moved by Stephenson, second by Elson.

*A resolution 1-12-30-2013 for health coverage accepted and signed by Smith, Elson and Stephenson.

*All township meetings will continue to be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month with the following dates put in place.  January 14; February 11; March 11; April 8; May 13, June 10, July 8, Aug 12, Sept 9, Oct 14, Nov 11 and Dec 9, 2013, with closing of the books to occur on Dec 29, 2014. All meetings will begin at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.  Any variance from this will be posted on the “Marquee” in front of the fire department and will be noted in the local newspaper.

All books were noted to be in order and will be closed.

The next regular meeting of the board will be held on January 14, 2014 in the township meeting room at the fire department.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.

 Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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