October 2012


Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 @7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.  Those in attendance were:  Drake Prouty, Sidwell Materials; Kristina Bell , Muskingum County Health Department; Shirley Cole, Norman Gill, John Phillips, Sonia Brown, Tim Brown, Ginny Wright, Township residents; Larry Taylor, Road Maintenance Supervisor; Larry Geiger, Craig Knox, Fire Department; James R. Smith, Robert J. Stephenson, and Charles R. Elson, Township Trustees; Derek J. Dozer, Township Fiscal Officer.

Meeting was called to order by Smith at 7:00pm.

Pledge to the flag was led by James R. Smith.

Agenda was approved as read.

Minutes were approved as presented.

Public Participation:

Drake Prouty representing Sidwell Materials

Came to discuss “tax”, referencing Tipping Fee Resolution passed at September meeting.  He wanted to know why he heard about it from the Commissioners prior to finding out from Newton Township.  It was explained that the resolution was sent to Sidwells via registered mail.  The resolution that was passed did not apply to Sidwells because it was for “solid” waste and Sidwell on takes “construction waste”.  Mr. Prouty stated “we are in a crisis right now in this Country.”  He stated “we have invested a lot of money in Newton Township, referencing the donated brush truck.  He stated that he (Sidwells) came to the Township in 2010 regarding the 22/93 project, sewer grant.  He went on to say that “the 22/93 corridor project has been shot down” and “we are giving money and going above and beyond”, asking that the Trustees consider revising and taking back the resolution.   Trustee Stephenson questioned how much is the amount?  Did not know the amount.  The Trustees talked and the amount was very small to the point they would look at not moving forward with revising the resolution.  Prior to leaving Prouty suggested the Trustees look at the JEDD agreement signed for Wal-Mart project and look at the fine print referencing that the City will get a windfall of money from the project should the 22/93 corridor not be completed.  The verbiage in the agreement doesn’t fairly split or share the money it will all go outside of the Township.  Mr. Prouty left a copy of the JEDD.  The Trustees thanked him for coming and said they would consider the resolution and look at the JEDD information.

Lisa Bateman

Came to meeting  to discuss water issue on Nutter Road.  Water issues on her property.  Her field gets ruined with water, further and further back.

 Group of residents from Avondale

Came to discuss noise and problems with Fat Boyz Taavern.  The music is going on until 1am in the morning.  Sheriff’s department has already come once.  There has been drag racing through the neighborhood.  They were sure to state they don’t want the business shutdown just please respect the people living there.   Trustees stated they would talk to County and check Liquor Licensing details.

Kristina Bell – Muskingum County Health Department

Presented and spoke about renewal levy on the ballot in November and the service that the Health Department provides to Newton Township.

Resident (did not sign in) – Regarding Thompson Run Rd.

There are 2 dips in the road.  Can they be fixed?  Trustees asked Larry Taylor and he stated they could fix the problem.

Fire Department Business: 

Knox reporting;

                *  Generator light needs repaired.  $1,636.17  QDCIP Fire.  All 3 Trustees agreed this could move forward.  Stephenson made motion, Smith seconded and all 3 ok’d.

                *  Heart monitors need cards.  Verizon cost will be $7 per device.  Trustee Stephenson made motion to accept, Trustee Elson seconded and all 3 agreed.

                *  January 19th will be Appreciation Dinner at EagleSticks.

                *  Fire Department Christmas Dinner will be at 7pm on December 17th.

                *  Fire Department made around $700 on chicken dinner.

                *  Fire School had around 85 students per day.

Trustees Reports:


·          Yost Rd has it been worked on?  Taylor stated the work was completed on Friday.

·         Gave copy of statement where Norman Gill came to his house and starting curing at him that he was going to fixing his road.

Road Reports, Larry Taylor reporting;

·          Fixed spring on Slack.

·         Workman tomorrow.

·         Completed work on Ridgely Hill.

·         Smith questioned tree on Drain and alley in Ironspot.  Still working on it per Taylor.

·         Needs a couple signs from County.

·         Will have around $3K in truckbed and will undercoat it.

 Trustee Reports (Continued)


*  Greenhouse Resolution?  Dozer – yes, completed will be signed tonight.

*  Fence is moved on Avalon.

                *  Wisecarver hasn’t heard from State.

                *  Gave information on why no Kid at Play signs to be put up by Township.

                *  Made several attempts to contact resident about issues on Sunset Drive.

                *  Received call about vehicle at 3750 Dona Drive.  Contacted owner about car.

                *  Holbert Lane had ruts from semis that Taylor fixed.

                *  Malibu Drive – mailboxes are back up.

                *  FEMA – talked to official.


                *  Sidwells – Trustee Smith will call.

                *  Wants problem with Boyd’s fixed.  If there was a fire the entire area would burn up besided the unsanitary conditions.

Old Business; nothing to report.

New Business; nothing to report.

Fiscal Officer reports:

                *Election notice to use facilities was received.

                *Fall Banquet for Muskingum Township Association presented.

                *Resolution for Waltemire property issue presented.

                *Copies of the following notices were provided to each of the trustees;

                                Payment register, fund status reports, bank reconciliation, grass roots clippings.

All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

The next regular township meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 7:00pm in the township meeting room.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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