January 2012



Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, January 12, 2012 @7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.  Those in attendance were:  John Phillips, Bob Mock, Tom Wisecarver,and Kim Wisecarver, township residents; Larry Taylor, road superintendant; Allen Deaver, Craig Knox, Jeff Swingle, Gene Hensley and Jeff Lloyd of the fire department; James R. Smith, Bob Stephenson and Charles R. Elson, township trustees; Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by chairperson James R. Smith.

Pledge to the flag was led by Smith.

Agenda was approved as read:

Public Participation:

                Bob Mock was first to take the floor with concerns re; the condition of Greenhouse Road.  States he traveled that road recently and found it to be in need of some repairs as to filling holes and adding some stone.  Also, again mentioned he is unhappy with the continuing condition of Thompson – Run Road.  Feels it was not prepared and finished adequately at the time it was widened and black topped.

                John Phillips was next to voice concerns re; the street lights in the Renner / Southern Hills subdivision.  It was noted the poles have been set and the lights should be in place soon.

                Mr. Wisecarver was present to state his road, Malibu Lane is in dire need of help, nothing has been done to it for a number of years? And he feels it is time to be upgraded.  He states there are large pot holes, no drainage / ditches and the culvert between him and Barb Morrison is full of shale coming off the hillside from the Jenkins addition.  Stephenson noted to him that road was worked on this past season, some local residents have contributed to the condition of same, the county engineer has been on site and made some recommendations as to what can be done to improve the situation.  This will be addressed when the weather breaks in the spring of 2012.

Fire Department Business:

                Fire Chief Deaver reporting for the fire department; the department did respond / mutual aide on a double fatality recently in Perry County.

                Stat report for December, 2011 was made available to the trustee board.

                A dog was rescued from a Maysville Water Pond.

                The sensors on the gas meter have gone BAD.  To replace the sensors would cost approximately $900.00.  A new meter can be purchased from “The Fire Store” at the cost of $850.00.  Stephenson moved to proceed with the purchase of the new one, second by Elson and Smith agreed.

                The boiler in the fire house seems to be working adequately at this time.

                Plans are in place for fire and emt training; firefighters are now required by state law to have 18 hours of continuing education per year.  This will take place on site.  Requirements at this time for EMT’S stand:  Basic EMT’s need 40 hours, E M T advanced needs 68 hours; Paramedics need 86 hours every 3 years to remain certified.

                Grants for the year 2012 have been issued in the following amounts:

                                $2500.00 is coming from the State Fire Marshalls Office (Oh Dept. of Commerce).

                                $3190.00 received for EMS training.

                3 new fire helmets need to be ordered from Finley Fire at the cost of $300.00 each.  Stephenson moved to proceed with the purchase, Smith seconded the motion, Elson agreed.

Road Reports, Larry Taylor :

                Currently the road crew is mowing roadside, attempting to get the areas cut back further from the road.  Working in the western part of the township and moving east.

                Stine road needs some stone / cold mix.  Taylor is to proceed with the purchase of cold mix per recommendation of the trustee board.

                Greenhouse Road needs a ditch cut along the property line of one Marvin Stevens to convert water from coming out into the road.  Stephenson agreed he would meet with Taylor and talk to Stevens about proceeding with this.

                The signs have been installed on Lewellyn to hopefully prevent traffic from proceeding into that area during the winter months and becoming disabled off the roadway.  Stephenson noted to all trustees and the road employees, if someone calls for help to be pulled back onto the road, the township is not able to do this; they will need to call a tow truck.

Trustees Reports:

                Smith noted he will need some help with some problem areas on Lewellyn Road.

                Stephenson has secured several pieces of training material to be presented to the road employees for safety and maintenance issues.  This can / will be done via DVD in the township meeting room.  

                Elson had nothing more to report on.

7:40 pm Smith called for an “Executive Session” to perform an annual evaluation of the fire chief and ems coordinator.

8:20 pm Smith moved the executive session come to an end, second by Elson and agreed by Stephenson.  There do need to be some updates provided to the board from the fire department such as; S.O.P. updates and all three trustees need a copy.  Same is true for the department by-laws.  Shon Holdren has been removed from the slate of fire – fighters.

 Old Business:

                Stephenson noted he had received a phone call from Ron Lazamaur of the County Prosecutors Office re; property that had been sold on Greenhouse Road.  It had been foreclosed on, sold for $2000.00 and a lien of $4000.00 from the township had been overlooked.  Discussion followed as to what was the best approach to the situation and it was determined that one Eric Waltermire who was the purchaser, would be asked to attend the February meeting to work on some type of agreement for recovery of the lien costs.  Stephenson agreed to contact Waltermire re; this situation.

New Business:

                Smith asked the trustee board to please have an agenda at the February / March meeting of the board as to what their plan was for road maintenance for the upcoming season of 2012.

                It was noted the trustees are scheduled for an annual meeting with the County Engineer on Thursday, January 19, 2012 at 4:00 pm to discuss the upcoming assistance from the engineers’ office.

Minutes were approved as read:

 Fiscal Officer Reports:

                It has been noted that the annual “Inventory” report is due to the Engineer’s Office.

                Notice has been received from OBWC of one Gary Sterling having had more medical attention.

                Copies of the January, 2012 Grassroots Clippings was made available to all trustees.

                Notice has been received from the County Recorders’ office re; township zoning.

                Notice has been received from the Zanesville – Muskingum Bounty Port Authority re; names and addresses of the 2 appointments of the trustee board to serve on the Tax Incentive Review Council.  Currently Smith and Stephenson are listed as Newton Township members, they both agreed to continue same.

                A resolution was presented to move funds from line item 2281-110-100 to line item 2281-190-190 to cover December wages.  This was approved and signed by the trustees.

                All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

                Next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.  Meeting date was changed to allow township personnel to attend the OTA winter conference in Columbus February 8 -11, 2012.

                9:05 Derek J. Dozer was sworn in as the newly elected Fiscal Officer of Newton Township, Muskingum County.  This was performed by the current fiscal officer.

                9:15 pm meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted,



Bernadine E. Swingle

Fiscal officer


Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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