December 2012


Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 @7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.  Those in attendance were:  Don Yeyon, John Phillips,  Township residents; Larry Taylor, Road Maintenance Supervisor; Larry Geiger, Craig Knox, Fire Department; James R. Smith, Robert Stephenson, and Charles R. Elson, Township Trustees; Derek J. Dozer, Township Fiscal Officer.

Meeting was called to order by Smith at 7:00pm.

Pledge to the flag was led by James R. Smith.

Agenda was approved as read.

Minutes were approved as presented.

Public Participation:

Don Veyon

Big tree on property owned by Mary Bell is on property near his house.  Tree is dead and is a big concern.   4 wheelbarrow loads of bark came off it in the big wind storm.  Mr. Veyon presented pictures of the tree.

Fire Department Business: 

Knox reporting;

                *  Medic came back from Horton.

                *  Medic 1081 will be sent to Horton next year.

                *  Rescue is not running well.  JD List checking with Neffs on issue.

                *  Knox presented budget to be considered at budget meeting.

                *  Trustees approved $1,000 for FF appreciation banquet at EagleSticks on 1/19/13.

                *  Knox submitted run reports.

Old Business

                Stephenson sending letter to Mrs. Wisecarver that Township has no responsibility with her culvert.  Bud Chess and Doug Davis both agree that this is not a Township issue.

                Lisa Bateman has called him twice.  Trustee Elson at first had no comment.  Trustee Elson then asked why the Township is bending over backwards for the Batemans?  Elson stated that he “is not happy about this”.  Elson and Stephenson traded heated comments about the Carpenters and past history on the issue.  Stephenson and Smith agreed that the Township will not be plugging the culvert it will be diverting the ditch to run back toward Stine Rd.

Dilts – No turn-around was made so the guys put on in.  Want to put stone on it but will check with the Engineer’s Office to ensure we are not stoning private property.

Ironspot – Letter has been sent to Mr. Boyd.

Fat Boyz Tavern – Sheriff’s Department will need to be involved with resolution.  Will address further in Spring.

 Trustees Reports:


·         Call from Sheriff’s Department on trash on Mahon Rd.  Larry took 5 bags of trash where deputy had ripped apart bags looking for names and left trash there without cleaning it up.

Road Report – Taylor

Alley is Avondale needs cleaned up.

Huggins is getting rough as well as Darlington.

Company called Kleem Industries is interested in selling us signs and reflectivity stickers.  Smith made motion to buy some signs from Kleem to see how they compare to others and this was seconded by Stephenson and approved by all three.

Guardrail is now half completed.

Going to get battery tenders for trucks if ok.  Stephenson made motion to purchase needed battery tenders from Advance Auto.  Smith seconded and it was approved by all three.

 Fiscal Officer reports:

3         resolutions were presented for approval:

1-12-11-2012 = Moved $3,028.28 from 1000-110-121-0000 to 1000-110-111-0000

2-12-11-2012 = Moved $2,000 from 2191-190-000 to 2191-220-190-0000

3-12-11-2012 = Moved $3,500 from 1000-110-121-0000 to 1000-110-211-0000

·         Copies of the following notices were provided to each of the trustees;

                                Payment register, fund status reports, bank reconciliation, grass roots clippings.

All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

A end of year book closing and budget meeting will happen on December 27th, 2012 at 7pm.

The next regular township meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 08, 2013 at 7:00pm in the township meeting room.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.



                Newton Township Trustees met to close out business for the year 2012 and to close the books for same.  Those in attendance were; Charles R. Elson, James R. Smith, and Bob Stephenson, Township Trustees; Derek J. Dozer, Township Fiscal Officer.

                Meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm by chairperson, Smith.

                Fiscal Officer noted the following items needed updated / closed for the year:

*O.T.A. Conference is scheduled for January 30-February 2, 2013 and all elected officials are encouraged to attend.  Reservations need to be made soon for the conference and housing.

*Trustee to represent the township at JEDD meetings; Bob Stephenson agreed to continue in this position.

*Trustee to chair the township meetings for the year 2013 was agreed to be covered by Trustee Elson.

*Stephenson moved maximum amount of any super-blanket certificate to be opened by the fiscal officer shall not exceed $10,000.00.  This motion was seconded by Smith.

*It was moved by Stephenson to pay all elected officials wages from the General Fund and pay all full time road employees from the Road and Bridge Fund.  Part time road employees will be paid from the Gasoline Fund.  This motion was seconded by Smith.

Budgets were submitted for Fire and EMS for 2013.

*The following wages were discussed and raises were made accordingly;

                Larry Taylor currently is making $16.75 / hour and will remain there.        

                Jason Taylor currently is making $12.00 /hour and will receive a $1.25 increase to $13.25 as of 01-01-2013.

                These wages will be looked at again at the July 2013 meeting.

                Doug Mc Connell, part-time road employee will receive $11.00 /hour. 

                                Diana Lantz; fire department custodian is currently receiving $350.00 per month with a cap of 30 hours / month.  She will be increased to $375 / month ($12.50 per hour) and still work 30 max hours/per month unless otherwise approved.

                Allen Deaver; fire chief is currently receiving $500.00 per month with a $60.00 cell phone allowance.  It was determined this would remain unchanged and Deaver would be asked to attend the next meeting in January, 2013 for the annual evaluation.

                Craig Knox; EMS coordinator is currently receiving $375.00 per month.  This will remain unchanged and Knox will be asked to attend the next meeting in January, 2013 for the annual evaluation.

FF wages will increase due to minimum wage if unchanged as of 1/1.  The new wages for FF = $7.85, 9.20 for EMT and $11.50 for Medic.

                                Motion was made by Smith to accept all the above, second by Stephenson.  All three Trustees agreed.

*All elected officials will continue to receive a $60.00 cell phone allowance per month; moved by Smith, second by Elson.

*A resolution 1-12-27-2012 was presented to continue with necessary health coverage for road employees / elected officials.  This was accepted and signed by Smith, Elson and Stephenson.

*All township meetings will continue to be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month with the following dates put in place.  January 8; February 12; March 12; April 9; May 14, June 11, July 9, Aug 13, Sept 10, Oct 8, Nov 12 and Dec 10, 2013, with closing of the books to occur on Dec 26, 2013. All meetings will begin at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.  Any variance from this will be posted on the “Marquee” in front of the fire department and will be noted in the local newspaper.

All books were noted to be in order and will be closed.

The next regular meeting of the board will be held on January 8, 2013 in the township meeting room at the fire department.

Meeting adjourned at 7:32 pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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