August 2012
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 @7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department. Those in attendance were: Russell Swope, Rita Swope, Norm Gill, John Phillips, township residents; Larry Taylor, road superintendant; Craig Knox, Larry Geiger of the Fire Department; James R. Smith, Bob Stephenson and Charles R. Elson, Township Trustees; Derek J. Dozer, Township Fiscal Officer.
Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by chairperson James R. Smith.
Pledge to the flag was led by Smith.
Agenda was approved as read:
Public Participation:
John Phillips was first to speak and said that Larry (Taylor) did a great job with the ditch he fixed.
Norm Gill was next to speak. Mr. Gill asked “what determines gravel, chip seal or pavement? Trustee Smith explained that the condition of the surface and cost has the most to do with the decision. Gill then asked, “what is the cost of chip seal?” Stephenson answered, “around $10,000 a mile.” Gill then asked for contact number for all the Trustees and all 3 gave him their contact information.
Fire Department Business:
Russ Swope introduced himself and said that he was there on behalf of the auxiliary. Swope brought forward a need for tables that the auxiliary would like to help the Township purchase. He presented prices and numbers. Craig Knox the way they are using seminar tables and 4- 8 foot lifetime tables. After discussion about how they would be used and who would take care of them Trustee Stephenson made a motion to buy 10 seminar and 4 regular tables. Trustee Elson seconded the motion and all 3 Trustees approved.
Know presented run stats and reports.
Lighting upgrade project will cost $5,600 and ½ of that should be reimbursed.
Kitchen project was discussed and would need $15,000. Would use current hood, would replace dish washer, ceiling, floor, 1 wall of cabinets and the stove. Drawings were asked about and they were in but cost wasn’t included. The FD feels that doing the project in stages will be much easier due to cost and the ability to not be without the facilities for long periods of time. Stephenson made motion to approve $15,000 for kitchen to start project, Smith seconded and all 3 Trustees approved.
Exhaust on the generator needs fixed, likely by Maysville Muffler.
30th of September is the Chicken BBQ.
Fire School will be week of October 6th. 8am will be opening remarks.
Presented quote for wrecked medic from Horton.
Quote on Brush Truck was $1,800.
FD may be cooking chicken for VFW either at their location or at Newton.
Old Business:
Elson – What is status of 2nd round of chip and seal. Discussion followed.
Malibu and how long and how far it has been maintained? Discussion followed.
Fence on Avalon is still there so Prosecutor will be involved.
Wisecarver issue is still the same.
Has had 1 meeting with the EMA/FEMA on storm clean-up. Disappointing as only overtime work hours for the road crews can be reimbursed. FD is around 9K, chipper should be around 3K in reimbursement.
1890 Greenhouse Rd. is acceptable at $100 a month. Stephenson made motion to accept the $100 a month payments until $2,000 is paid off by Mr. Waltemire. Elson seconded motion and all 3 Trustees agreed.
Smith – None.
New Business:
What is status of 2nd round of mowing? Taylor – still in process and not complete due to storm clean-up and prepping roads.
Stephenson – Nothing else to report.
Explained situation that has caused post office to request mailboxes be moved to corner and off the road.
Road Report
Larry Taylor
Mowing. Have road grader back together. Smith reminded to check signs and mentioned a couple that need checked in Avondale. Someone stole non-maintained signs past Terry Lattier’s house.
Fiscal Officer Reports:
Copies of Bank Reconciliation, payment register, minutes, and monthly Grassroots Clippings was made available to all trustees.
Dozer agreed to follow-up again with Mr. Waltemire about the Greenhouse Rd. property payments.
All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented. Motion to pay the bills was made by Trustee Stephenson, Elson seconded and all three agreed.
Next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.
9:05 pm meeting adjourned.Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.