April 2012
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire house. Those in attendance were; John Phillips and Norm Gill, township residents; Larry Taylor, road supervisor; Larry Geiger and Craig Knox, Newton Township Fire Department personnel; Art Kunkler of 20 / 20 Enterprises; James R.Smith, Robert J. Stephenson and Charles R. Elson, Township Trustees; Derek J. Dozer Township Fiscal Officer.
Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Smith.
Pledge to the flag was led by James R. Smith.
Agenda was approved as read.
Minutes were read and approved as presented by all 3 trustees.
Public Participation:
Rich Davis was first to speak about the status of the generator. Mr. Davis said the pad has been completed and he will be sealing the concrete before long. He has core drilled the 14 inch wall and ordered the transfer switch. The switch will be around $2,900 and has been ordered from American Light. He requested PO’s from Carter, Freuh and Bakers crane to move the generator to the pad. All 3 trustees agreed, motioned by Smith, 2nd by Stephenson and approved by all. The antifreeze and oil in the unit needs changed but Larry Taylor may be able do this.
Norman Gill from Lower Kroft Road was next to speak. He requested to know what the status was? Trustees said that is why 20/20 is coming tonight. Mr. Gill said truckers have been destroying the road with overweight log trucks. He said that he has gone to them at least once to talk about what they are doing. Trustee Stephenson told Mr. Gill that his road is on the list. Mr. Gill also says that the new county signs placed on the bridge reflect back at a driver to the point that they are more harm than good.
No other participation from the public was requested.
Fire Department Business: Geiger and Knox reporting.
*Knox questioned trustees on when/if funds are available to start work on the kitchen. Trustees agreed to have Pat Kelly look at a layout or cost if he is available and interested.
*Deaver tentatively signed an agreement with the Muskingum County Landowners Group with a stipulation that the trustees needed to approve it by April 1st if they were in agreement and interested. Discussion then followed about the fees to attorneys (believed it was 7% in this case) and the upfront fees if any. There was also discussion on how much property the Township owns that would be applicable and if the trustees when able to sign an agreement in this manner. This matter is tabled until discussion with the Prosecutors office.
* Knox gave a status on the Medic trucks. 1082 is 10 years old with 50K miles. Issues with patient compartment. Going to get a cost on possibly refurbishing the truck. Newer of the 2 trucks is 6 years old. It has actually been broken down for the last week and in need of repairs. Batteries have been main cause of problems lately. Truck may need to go to Grove City for repairs. Knox stated that one way or the other he feels like in 2-5 years 1082 will need replaced or repaired and it is 185 to 200K for a replacement.
* Tuition Reimbursement Policy was approved by all 3 trustees.
Road Reports, Larry Taylor reporting;
Art Kunkler of 20 / 20 Enterprises was present to discuss roads and what can be accomplished in 2012. Mr. Kunkler brought a cost sheet. There was discussion about the type of gravel needed and how the base and what is trying to be accomplished long-term should be the deciding factor on the gravel selected. Mr. Kunkler also presented a cost breakdown for coating and gravel and said to keep width in mind as one of the biggest factors that people forget about. County pricing on limestone is around $14.10 for 8’s, $13.85 for 57’s. Billed directly on stone and really the only thing 20/20 bills for is the application. Mr. Kunkler felt that June and August for split or when to do roads would be optimum to space out road prep and weather. If conditions are right the Trustees felt this would be a push but could be done. There was discussion about many of the Township roads and how to prioritize them based on what can be potentially saved and what needs to be ground up and started fresh. Mr. Kunkler will take a look at the roads as well and get back with his recommendations and suggestions.
*work on Chadwick is done.
* Discussion on zipping and road prep trying to get ready for 20/20. Road crew, mowing and how to get by with as few people as possible but maintain the roads.
*Back hoe window busted out again. Basically exploded or burst as driving so Smith and Taylor had discussion about other options to ensure safety and cost effectiveness.
*Mark Yeagle of E. Fultonham has been working through the County for the Township as of late and has been doing an excellent job. Discussion about Mark extending his time and working in the Summer followed. He will complete physical and needed paperwork and start asap.
Trustees Reports:
Elson – Trailer on Limestone has been somewhat cleaned up. Elson attended the WC meeting for the Township.
Stephenson – Nothing further.
Smith – Nothing further.
Old Business:
Ironspot trash situation was discussed. Nothing is done. Biggest concern above smell, property values, and disease from pests, is it is a major fire hazard. Stephenson to speak with Fire Department and Bud Chess.
New Business:
Fiscal Officer reports:
Request was made for new chair, small fire proof document safe, and office supplies to be located in the FD FO’s Office. Ok’d by all 3 trustees.
Fire proof file cabinet located at ex-Fiscal Officer’s residence will be moved to the FD by C.H.E.S.S. as soon as they can get it scheduled. It weighs approximately 750 pounds.
Trustees were presented Bank Reconciliation and Fund Status reports.
All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.
The next regular meeting of the township board will be May 15, 2012 @ 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.
Meeting adjourned at 9:29 pm.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.