October 2011


Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.  Those in attendance were as follows:  Norman Gill, John Phillips and Steve Moore, township residents; Rich Davis of Philo; Justin DeLong and Brandon Rexroad, fire department applicants; Jeff Swingle and Allen Deaver of the fire department; Larry Taylor, township road supervisor; Derek J. Dozer, James R. Smith and Robert J. Stephenson, township trustees; Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by chairperson, Stephenson.

Pledge to the flag was led by Stephenson.

Agenda was adjusted to allow for an executive session, request of fiscal officer.

Minutes were approved as presented.

Public participation was first on the agenda with one Rich Davis taking the floor.  Davis is responsible for getting the fire department generator in working order.  Phase 3 has been completed, the auto start has been installed and the next move is preparing the pad and moving the generator to the west side of the building.  Cost for doing this would be approximately $1500.00.  Fire department personnel present stated they could probably perform this task with necessary criteria from Davis as to what is needed to meet local and state regulations.  As stated by Davis; 4 holes 2’ in diameter and 2’ deep to mount it on (cement).  Davis agreed to provide the necessary specs. to continue.

                John Phillips was present to observe.

                Steve Moore of 5170 Darlington Drive states he incurred damage to tires and the front end of his car when he hit a drop-off in the road during night time hours.  No road signs / warning was present so he states.  He claims he needs to replace both front tires and have the car realigned at the cost of $215.00 and is requesting reimbursement from the township.  Trustees and Taylor informed Mr. Moore that having road signs stolen is and has been a problem and possibly this is why he saw no sign.  The trustees agreed to take it under advisement and notify him later in the evening.

                Mr. Gill states he is no longer concerned about the condition of his road but is now concerned about the “safety” of the road.  He states the road bed is so hard that stone that has recently been applied just rolls under the tires and is comparable to a sheet of ice.  Also, most of the stone is now in the ditches as it has rolled off the road.  Gill states there have been two accidents because of this; one being a jeep missed the curve and hit a tree, the second one he knew nothing of the incidentals.  He states he has a $30,000.00 motorcycle that he cannot take out of the garage because it is not safe to drive it on his road; also he has a $60,000.00 truck that he refuses to take out onto the road as he does not want to wash it every time it goes out.  Gill is quite adamant that his road will be fixed and it will be chip / sealed.  Demanding to know when / what month and approximate date and which trustee is responsible for his road.  Mr. Gill was dismissed at 7:30pm and public participation was concluded.

 Fire Department; Deaver reporting.

*Knox is out of town, so no run report was available.  Deaver states there were 70 EMS runs made and mutual aid was requested for 4 of them.  Two fire runs were taken.

*Work has continued on the necessary repairs that were noted on the recent inspection by “risk management personnel”.  A sign is currently being made for the “bunk” room.  As for the wet boiler room, best solution is to set in “caution, wet floor” sign as the floor is most always wet.  A solution for grounds for the necessary outlets is still being investigated.

*All vehicles have been checked and general maintenance completed.  Pump and Ladder tests completed and all passed.

*Two new applicants are present tonight for trustee board interviews and another one is present for swearing in.  Rexroad was sworn in by Mr. Stephenson, Justin Delong and Shipley were interviewed by the trustee board, further consideration will be taken by the fire department personnel and both persons will appear for swearing in at a later date.  Both candidates will come on to the department with the stipulation that neither one will be allowed to drive fire department vehicles during their probation period, nor will they be allowed to display red lights and sirens in their personal vehicles. 

Road Maintenance; Larry Taylor reporting.

All roads within the township have been recently gone over for general maintenance.

Lower Kroft is questionable as to further maintenance at this time.

Currently township employees are trimming and chipping trees on road right of ways.  (roads needing additional frontage trimmed include; Carson, Thompson Run, alley in Roberts’ addition).

Drainage behind Heckers and Collins is backing and causing considerable wet problems.

Lewellan Drive is to be posted as non-maintained from January 1 to March 31 each year.  This has become a problem for local residents as vehicles are becoming bogged down in the mud and require tractor pulls to get them back on the road.

With money that is still in reserve with the county engineers’ office; some maintenance needs done at the top of Huggins, Tipton and Malibu.

Trustee Reports:

Dozer had nothing further to report.

Smith had reports / GIS pictures of the Renner addition where AEP has begun installation of additional streetlights.  There is need of a $900.00 payment needed from the township to install two wood poles as some of the persons in the addition would not allow right of way to AEP.  This payment will come from the general fund.  Smith stated one Randy Tolley will be in contact with the fiscal officer with necessary details to complete this transaction.  A request for an additional street light to be installed at the intersection of Main St. and Fourth St. in Ironspot will also be sent to AEP.

Stephenson presented an “OPWC Loan Information” report he had requested from the county engineers’ office for consideration.

8:05 pm meeting went into executive session to consider all fire department applicants, discuss township road personnel both full time and part time.  Also, possibly apply extra cash received in the general fund to existing debt to be paid in full.

9:05 pm out of executive session and back into regular meeting.

Jason Taylor will begin full time road maintenance work as of 10-15-2011.  Smith will be contacting D. McConnell and N.Atkins about the possibility of working part time for snow removal.

Fiscal Officer report:

Suggestion from fiscal officer to possibly pay off lease on either the zipper or tractor.  Following discussion of same, J. Smith moved to pay off the “asphalt zipper” and to pay off the “tractor / mower” lease / loans be paid in full by taking necessary extra cash to complete transaction from the general fund.  Second by B. Stephenson, Dozer agreed.

Huntington Bank has presented a renewal contract as depository for township funds.  As it stands, the contract is for 4 years and not 2 as has been the agreement in the past.  Trustees agreed that the contract should be renewed with Huntington, but with the stipulation of 2 years and not 4 years; also, a bit more interest on the money market funds if at all possible.  Fiscal Officer will negotiate this matter.

Discussion from the board on reimbursing Mr. Moore for his tires was held at this time.  Dozer moved that the township pay $175.00 of the total bill as indicated by Moore, only with proper receipts being presented at the next township meeting and he will be asked to sign a release that no more allowances will be allowed.

The door and steps in the old school house storage building need some major repairs.  Taylor will be asked to do this as soon as time is available.

An additional notice has been received from the Muskingum County Board of Elections to verify that all township personnel and villages (unincorporated / incorporated) will be eligible to participate in the voting of electric aggregation that will be present on the ballot in November.

All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid.

Next regular meeting will be held Thursday, November 10, 2011 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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