November 2011
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, November 10, 2011 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department. Those in attendance were: Steve Moore, Dan Miller, John Philips, Charles R. Elson, Martha Sterling, Norm Gill, all township residents. Larry Taylor, township road supervisor. Craig Knox, Jeff Swingle, Jeff Lloyd of the fire department. Derek J. Dozer, James R. Smith and Bob Stephenson, township trustees and Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.
Meeting was called to order by Stephenson at 7:00 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Stephenson.
Agenda was approved as presented.
Minutes were amended to read; upgrades to the township garage / old school building was to read the wood floor removed and an opening will be made to allow entry for equipment and to be closed with a sliding door. This removes the prior statement of door and steps needing repairs.
Public Participation was first on the agenda with one Steve Moore being the first to respond. Moore was present to provide charges to the township for damages incurred to his vehicle during road construction / maintenance on Darlington Road. Total to be compensated by the township was $172.27 and was signed / approved by Mr. Moore as all damages incurred.
Next from the public was Dan Miller of 3827 Wesley Chapel Road requesting some repairs be made to Dumolt Lane as there needs to be stone added and holes filled. Taylor was advised to be checking and repairing as necessary the first of the week. Miller also questioned the right of way width of Dumolt Lane as this runs along his property line and has noticed some trees have been cut down. Stephenson noted he will check this out at the court house and will notify Miller accordingly.
John Phillips and Norm Gill were in attendance for observation only.
Martha Sterling of Limestone Valley Road in White Cottage came into the meeting late and requested some type of basic information as to the trustee board being involved with the White Cottage Community Days annual celebration. She, as a past member of the White Cottage Community Days committee is concerned as to the future of the existence of same and is concerned re; the status of the money supposedly deposited into Century National Bank. These funds were to be directed to persons within the community that were needing some financial aid for necessary repairs etc. that currently would not be affordable for them. A signed contract per se was presented to the board stating that the board would record and review all transactions made from this account and all checks will be written by the current President, Tony Morozowsky or V-Pres. Robin Grear until the community days once again is a legal organization. In reviewing this contract, of which the trustee board had no prior knowledge even existed, Sterling was advised by Stephenson that he would look into it and respond to her accordingly.
Fire Department Reports was next on the agenda; Knox reporting in the absence of Chief Deaver.
There have been some issues with the training of “Paramedic” classes at Mid-East Vocational school which involves both J. Yarger and C. Cosgrave who were in the training there. This has caused both individuals to withdraw from the classes. This will cost both individuals part of the tuition fees incurred. The amounts have yet to be determined. The trustee board will be reviewing this at the time costs have been determined to evaluate level of reimbursement. It was noted by Knox the individuals involved were given the option of three schools of training to obtain their license, Mid-East was #3 on the list. However both parties chose this particular school. The entire issue will be reviewed before anyone else begins such training again where the township is responsible for any / all of the financing. Knox noted he is initiating a “Tuition Reimbursement Policy” at this time that should be in place by the end of 2011. Dozer moved to pay any fees incurred at this time, seconded by Stephenson, Smith agreed.
Knox noted he was informed by Deaver there has been some issues with the boiler system and some additional repairs are necessary at this time. An estimate of $2500.00 has been issued by R. Touvell Heating and Cooling with necessary upgrades noted on the estimate. Trustee board asked J. Swingle to check out the problems and attempt to get the repairs completed as soon as possible. In reviewing the estimate presented, board recommended an additional two estimates be obtained before repairs are initiated. Dozer moved to proceed with repairs if costs did not exceed $1800.00, seconded by Smith, Stephenson agreed.
Fiscal Officer noted the following invoices from the department are missing, bill cannot be paid until they are received. Two from the Maysville Do-It Center (10/16 @$6.83; 10/21 @ $89.04), one from Auto Zone at $89.92, and one on the credit card from Labsafe (10/20 @ $29.00). Knox made note of same and will pursue recovery of the same.
Road Reports; Taylor reporting:
Basically patching holes and checking roads for necessary upgrades at this time.
Cinders have been stockpiled and have been mixed with sand and are ready for the upcoming season.
Cinders at Conesville are no longer available; cinders at Beverly are $20.00 a ton, but are of much better grade.
Taylor questioned the need of more cold – mix and is available only at Shelly and Sands at the cost of approx. $60.00 a ton. Board advised him to proceed with the purchase of one load of approximately 10 ton.
Taylor stated he is currently continuing to complete the necessary upgrades noted by the OSHA inspection held recently.
Taylor was advised a call had been received from a lady who was driving on Slack Road and wanted the road employees to know how much she appreciated the condition of the road and what a wonderful job they are doing.
Trustee Reports:
Dozer noted he had nothing further to report.
Smith had nothing further to report.
Stephenson had nothing further to report.
Old Business: nothing to report.
New Business: nothing to report.
Fiscal Officer Report:
The county township banquet will be held at the Newton Fire Department on Saturday evening at 6:30 pm. Door prizes are needed; fiscal officer will be purchasing same.
Bud Chess has been contacted re; the legality of township residents video-taping township meetings. It is allowed according to O.R.C. as long as it does not interfere with business of the meeting.
The bi-annual audit has been completed. It was reviewed with the board by the fiscal officer. No major findings were incurred. Total cost of the audit at this time is $4507.15.
According to the county township board, new legislation has been passed involving the placement of “Retroflectivity” signs on township roads by the beginning of 2012. At this time a “written plan” must be in place, signs need only to be replaced as needed.
Fiscal Officer has contacted Francine Swiger at Huntington Bank re; renewing of the bank contract. Renewing for 2 years vs. 4 years is not an issue as this can be done; as for interest to township account of 0.05% which we are currently receiving, this can be adjusted to 0.15% at most at this time. Dozer moved this contract be accepted as revised, second by Smith, Stephenson agreed.
Question to the board re; Christmas bonus for full time employees. It was determined by the board that the standard bonus be given to each employee.
One Chaz. Cosgrave of the fire department has applied for unemployment through the township. At this time it appears cost to the township would be max. of $1547.52, however a second notice has been received from ODJFS that nothing has been allowed to date.
A resolution was presented to allow transfer of money from the Capital Project Fund into the Fire Fund to make the final payment on the Ladder Truck. This was approved and signed by all three trustees.
Copies of the November Grassroots Clippings were made available to each trustee.
Copy of the receipt of the third quarter JEDD payment of $2015.24 was made available to each trustee.
All bills were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.
The next regular meeting of the trustee board is December 8, 2011 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room
A second December meeting will be held on December 29, 2011 to finalize all end of year business and to close the books.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.