March 2011



Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, March 10, 2011 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.  Those in attendance were:  John Phillips, Drew Watson, Charles Darnell; township residents.  Larry Taylor, township road supervisor.  Jeffrey Cohen, Jeff Lloyd, Allen Deaver representing the fire department.  Derek J. Dozer, James R. Smith and Robert J. Stephenson, township trustees.  Bernadine E. Swingle township fiscal officer.

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Chairperson Stephenson.

Pledge to the flag was led by Stephenson.

Agenda was approved as presented.

Minutes were approved as presented.

Public Participation was first on the agenda with Darnell and Watson being present to question street light assessment that is appearing on their 2011 real estate tax statements.  Contractual issues with street lighting according to O. R. C.  515.081.  Following much discussion, Stephenson agreed to check the issue further.  It was also noted by the board that AEP has a work order to install additional street lights in that particular sub-division during the year of 2011 which will continue to be an assessment.

Darnell also questioned as to why monthly minutes were so late being posted to the township web page.  It was explained to him, monthly minutes must be approved by the board a month following the meeting to become public information and the minutes will then be posted the following month after that.  This is a time frame of two months.  The township is not required by law to post minutes at all as many townships do not operate a web page.  (At this time we may be the only Township in Muskingum County doing this)  This is done as a service to the community at the discretion of the township board of trustees.

Fire Department Business was next on the agenda with Deaver reporting. 

                *Record of EMS / FIRE runs for the month of February was made available to the board.

                *Kitchen project was the second order of department business.  Currently one bay of the garage is full of kitchen utensils / appliances.  It was noted that once the project is started, it will have to be on going.  Approximate time frame for improvements would be 3 – 4 months.  At the request of the fiscal officer, the project was advised to be put on hold by a vote of the board.  Vote called; Dozer – aye, Smith – aye, Stephenson – aye.

                *Each of the new EMT recruits have all passed their basic emt exams.

                *Air quality testing has been completed and all is well there.

                *The “pick- up truck” that was recently donated by Sidwell Materials is being accessorized as needed.  After contacting Jeff Sidwell for his approval, it is noted across the tailgate that the truck was donated by Sidwell Materials.

                *The cost of accessorizing of the new truck has amounted to $3990.00 at this point.  There is still the need of the light bar and sirens at the cost of $2500.00 to be added.  Dozer questioned the possibility of the association assisting on this particular purchase.  Dozer moved the township allow an additional $1000.00 and ask the association to pick up the remainder, second by Stephenson, Smith answered with an “aye”.

                Stephenson questioned as to whether Glenford still is using one of the Newton fire trucks.  Deaver noted they are as they still have one of theirs out of working order.

                *It was noted the purchase of the “Heart Monitors” that have been ordered will be paid in full up front vs. borrowing the funds to do so.  This will be allowed since the ladder truck will be paid in full at a later date in 2011.

                Fiscal officer requested a spread sheet of 2010 hours worked by F D personnel to pay OBWC in a timely manner.

                Also, requested by the fiscal officer was a current roster of all fire personnel; including addresses and phone numbers.

Road Report, Taylor reporting:

                Trustees were made aware there is a large pot hole at intersection of Shaw and Moxadarla Road.

                Also, Lower Krofft road is becoming quite rough with pot holes.

                Taylor noted they have been filling holes and opening up ditches where road conditions allow.

                Stephenson noted he has been involved with a bit of confrontation between residents Bateman and Elson re; water runoff on Nutter Road.  Stephenson noted that possibly one of the culverts could be plugged.  Both Dozer and Smith disagreed with this as it would cause considerable water back up and may cause damage to property.  The Township doesn't want involved in this matter.  Smith noted that this situation existed at the time Bateman purchased the property.  Dozer noted that Elson has done nothing at this time to infringe on township roads.  Don’t plug the culvert was the final decision.  Smith agreed to meet with Taylor and Shreve (Bateman) with a transit to assess the entire situation on Friday, March 11.

                An email was received by a trustee re; the lack of road work signs when the township was performing maintenance to the road.  Taylor noted he will attempt to be more consistent in keeping signs in place as needed.

                Cold mix has been purchased at the cost of $90.00 per ton from S & S Aggregate as the county highway department has none at this time.

                Taylor presented an estimate on a new overhead garage door on the salt bin at the cost of $2200.00.  This was tabled for the present time.

                Trustees Reports:

Dozer had nothing to report.

Smith had nothing to report.

A JEDD meeting is scheduled for March 22, however it is not necessary for Newton Township to be in attendance as there is nothing re; this township to be discussed.

Stephenson also noted he has had no response from Community Ambulance re; their claim of runs and collections from Newton Township for the year ending of 2010.

Old Business:  Nothing to report.

New Business:  The county engineers’ meeting with the township is scheduled for April 26, 2011.  The Assistance Grant Application will be completed by the trustees by the April meeting to be forwarded to the engineers’ office.

Fiscal officer was asked to contact John Roberts at the county map department re; the possibility of acquiring a large wall map of the township.

Fiscal Officers’ Report:

                Policy #6 – 2011 re; revised / amendment to the original Newton Township Records Retention Policy was presented along with updated information for approval of the board.  All three trustees agreed and signed the referring policy.

                Englefield has sent notice of an 8% price increase as of 03-01-2011.

                OBWC sent notice of an injury accident for a firefighter with burns acquired while fighting a fire in Fultonham.

                Careworks has sent notice of ongoing treatment for a past township employee.

                ODOT has issued an update of Highway Mileage Certification for Newton Township for the 2010 year.  Mileage currently stands at 59.434 miles

                Notice has been received from Southend Tool and Rental of closure of their business, effective April 1, 2011.

                All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

                The next regular meeting of the township board will be April 14, 2011 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.

                Meeting adjourned at 9:25pm.


Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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