February 2011



Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday, February 14, 2011 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.  Those in attendance were as follows:   Jeff Sidwell, township resident; Craig Knox, Allen Deaver  representing the fire department; Larry Taylor, road supervisor; Derek J. Dozer, James R Smith, and Bob Stephenson, township trustees; Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.

Meeting was called to order by chairperson; Bob Stephenson at 7:04 pm.

Stephenson led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Agenda was amended to include time for an executive session during the business meeting.

Minutes were approved as presented.

Public participation was first on the agenda; no response was brought to the floor.

Fire Department Business; Knox reporting:

A grant proposal for the E M S department has been approved for the 2011 fiscal year.

Request is being made to purchase 2 new heart monitors for the medics at the cost of $46,871.60.  This is a savings of nearly $16,000.00 as they would be purchased through Violet Township in Franklin County through state bid and in a large number of units.  O T A has been contacted for possible financing and has turned the township down due to a third party being involved.  Knox has contacted North Valley Bank on Maysville Pike; they have given a ball park figure of 5 years @ 5 ½% to 6 ½ % with annual payments in the area of $8950.00.  Dozer moved to proceed with a 5 year loan and pay it off in 2 years, second by Stephenson, Smith voted an aye also.  Fiscal Officer to proceed with the necessary paper work.  In doing so it was discovered the figures given above were just an estimate and were not at all standing.  This offer was not negotiated any further and Century National Bank on Maysville Pike was contacted.  They offered a 5 year loan at 4% interest; all three trustees were contacted by the fiscal officer and it was agreed to proceed with this offer.  However in the process it was noted by the fiscal officer there was funding available in the fire fund as the ladder truck will be paid in full later this year leaving an additional $100,000.00 that would normally have been transferred into the capital project fund.  All three trustees agreed it was in the best interest of the township to pay the full amount up front.

Deaver reported the FEMA grant from 2010 has been finalized and all the moneys have been accounted for.  He also reported that grants secured in 2003 – 2006 and 2009 has given the department a total of $320,707.00 and has cost the township $16,882.00.

Deaver proceeded to propose to the board a red pick – up diesel truck he has seen advertised would make an excellent brush truck for the department as the current truck is not large enough to carry the required load.  Cost for the truck is $12,500.00, has high miles but in inquiring for further information, determined the miles were mostly highway miles and the truck has been well maintained.  Jeff Sidwell of Sidwell Materials came into the discussion to present the truck to the department as a donation / gift.  Handed the signed title over to Deaver and excused himself from the meeting.  Further discussion re; the truck indicated it would take approximately $5,000.00 to add accessories as well as new tires.  This was in agreement with all three trustees.

Deaver presented to the board the hopes of acquiring later in 2011 a Changeable Response Unit for the department.

Four (4) new inductees for the department were sworn into duty by Mr. Stephenson.

The generator that was donated to the department some months ago will soon be installed for use.  Bill Thomas will donate to the department the electric wire needed to make the installation.

Deaver indicated he has also been in contact with an individual that possibly would be interested in donating used equipment (in very good condition) for upgrading the kitchen.

Geiger noted that one Josh Bryan has been teaching fire and EMT classes and doing quite well in the teaching.  The passing rate of students is in the 90’s.

Stephenson noted he has contacted Community Ambulance and requested copies of actual runs made to Newton Township and costs also.  To date no information has been received.

Road Reports:  Larry Taylor reporting.

Stoning roads will begin tomorrow as they are becoming quite muddy.

Stine road, the area that was repaired with chip / seal last season has been plowed out in the process of plowing snow.

Ford road, areas where the bus turns around has had some repairs made.

Smith moved to install a sign on  “Lewellyn Road” stating it is non-maintained from November 30 to March 30.  Stephenson seconded the motion, Dozer answered with an “aye” also.

Smith moved the sand / cinders be stockpiled up to 700 ton during the summer months to better serve township needs during the bad weather, Dozer seconded the motion, Stephenson answered with “aye” also.

Stephenson noted he has had complaints from a resident on Nutter Road.  There seems to be a large amount of water coming across his property during torrential rains, this coming from a culvert on another resident's property.  Following much discussion to the problem, it was the consensus of the board that the problem was a problem of the property owner and not of the township.  Stephenson offered to contact the resident re; this issue.

Dozer had nothing more to report.

8:20 pm the board went into executive session to discuss some problems with road personnel.

8:40 pm executive session ended, back into regular session.  Taylor was advised to inform T. Elson to be more prompt in appearing for work each day.  Secondly, that due to extremely tight finances, there is a possibility of cutting hours the first of September.  This would allow for one full time employee, the second one would work 24 – 32 hours per week.

Old Business:

Stephenson reported he has been to the health department re; the unsanitary conditions on and around the Boyd Refuse property in Ironspot.  He was directed to complete a “Nuisance Complaint” form to be signed by area residents, the township would need to do the same and file with the health department.  Stephenson agreed to pursue this further.

Stephenson presented a “Revised Records Retention” draft to be considered by the other two board members, finalization / acceptance will be conducted at the March meeting.

New Business:  Nothing new to report.

Fiscal Officer Report:

The Health Department Banquet is scheduled for March 2, 2011 at 6:30 pm at Pleasant Grove church.  Reservations need to be in by February 21.  All three trustees and the fiscal officer will plan to attend.  Reservations returned by fiscal officer.

It was agreed by all three board members that the amount of hours allowed for comp. time for road employees would remain at 40 as stated in township policy.

Copies of the following items were given to each trustee:

                Annual meeting of the Muskingum county Community Development schedule.

                New pricing of road materials at the Pleasant Valley Limestone plant.

                February copy of “Grassroots clippings”.

                February “stats” for fire and ems runs/responses.

                Notice of OBWC training to be held in Zanesville, OH of which our township is required to attend at least once every year.  Date is March 15, 2011 and Bob Stephenson has agreed to attend same.

                Copy of JEDD receipts for the year ending 2010.

Notice of the annual Muskingum County Township Association spring banquet has been received.  It will be held at the Coburn U M Church on Maple Avenue on March 26, 2011 at 6:30 pm.  More information will follow.  Association membership cards were given to each of the trustees.

Permanent appropriations were not available at this time due to the fact the Amended Certificate has not been received from the auditors’ office.

Once again some issues with the availability of the township records/ records room was brought to the attention of the board.  Stephenson agreed to contact Best Lock Service of Zanesville to install a new lock to the room.  Fiscal Officer and each of the trustees will have keys to the room, no one else will be allowed access.

All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

The next regular meeting of the board will be held March 10, 2011 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.

Dozer questioned as to whether everyone using the building for rent is signing the “liability” release forms.  Fiscal officer agreed to check this out with Barb Knox who is responsible for the scheduling.  In checking the issue, she is getting them signed up front and is keeping the records in a folder for any possibility of future needs.

9:35 pm meeting adjourned.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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