December 2011
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, December8, 2011 @7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department. Those in attendance were: Doug McConnell, Bud Wright, John Phillips, township residents. Charles R. Elson, newly elected township trustee. Craig Knox, Jeff Swingle, Allen Deaver of the fire department. Larry Taylor, road supervisor. Derek J. Dozer, James R. Smith and Robert J. Stephenson, township trustees. Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Stephenson.
Agenda was approved as read
Minutes were approved as read
Public Participation:
Bud Wright was first on the agenda. He was present expressing concern to very loud, noisy conditions in his neighborhood which is originating at the local bar across Roseville / Zanesville Road from his home. Mr. Wright also owns and operates the local feed store at this location. He states his neighbors are also having major problems with the noise. The sheriffs’ office has been called twice as has the state liquor board. According to other attendees at the meeting, the establishment has been sold to a Hob Brennen and is operated by him and his two sons, Jason and Tyler. The trustee board assured Wright they would continue to monitor the situation and would take into consideration the transfer of the liquor license when it is brought to their attention.
Fire Department Business:
Fire chief Deaver reporting that monthly run stats have been issued to the board with 62 calls of which 5 were missed during the night hours due to lack of response of members of the department.
Most all of the upgrades from the recent OSHA inspection have been corrected / modified.
All department vehicles have been / or are in the process of being serviced to date.
Stephenson questioned status of the boiler problems, it was noted upgrades are being done internally. It seems there are some plumbing problems contributing to the situation.
A phone call has been received by Stephenson re; a general trashing of the ladies restroom at the lower level of the building following use of the gym by some outsiders. It was suggested that each morning one of the day crew could check all facilities for condition of same and document same as to who might have been in the building if this situation arises again. Also, security cameras should be checked on a regular basis. It was noted by department personnel that the main center for the cameras is located in the upstairs record room which is no longer accessible to them since the locks have been changed by the trustee board. This will need to be ratified in the near future.
Stephenson also questioned the status of the generator installation process. Deaver stated it is on hold until spring / weather breaks so a 6” concrete pad can be poured vs. drilling down into the blacktop. There are many drains, water and gas lines under the parking area which could be a major problem.
The annual Fire Fighters Award Banquet will be held January 21, 2012 at Eaglesticks Inn. Request was made by Craig Knox for the township to assist in the cost of same. Dozer moved the township pay up to $1000.00 and this does not cover any liquor charges. Second by Smith, Stephenson agreed to same.
Road Reports, Larry Taylor:
All township vehicles have been serviced and any external maintenance required has been completed. Everything should be ready to roll when the weather breaks.
Some grading and additional road maintenance has been completed on Lower Kroft Road. Residents are now complaining about the mud situation.
Trustees noted to Taylor, there needs to be 3 signs, large yellow reflective nature put up on Lewellyn Road. These will state that this area of road is “Non-Maintained 01-01 through 03-31”. This is to encourage residents to use another route during incumbent weather conditions.
One Doug McConnell was present at the meeting to be asked to become a part-time employee for the township as an “on call as needed” basis. Taylor will be responsible for calling him as needed, he will work part-time hours as agreed by him and Taylor. No other benefits will be allowed. This was in agreement with McConnell and his actual start date will be 12-15-2011.
Trustees Reports:
Stephenson had nothing further to report.
Smith had nothing further to report.
Dozer had nothing further to report.
Old Business:
It was noted by the fiscal officer that Sign-Pro which has been making the “Newton Township” signs has gone out of business and will no longer be available to make the signs. She was asked to check for a possible replacement business to do these; the signs need to be painted on metal, 3’x4’ in size and can be framed in wood which would be done by township employees.
Stephenson noted he has been in contact with Tony Morozowsky re; the situation of White Cottage Community Days committee / money available. He was told there is money in the bank and noted he would be in contact with Martha Sterling as requested. Nothing further has been noted on this situation.
It was noted by Smith that he has been contacted by AEP re; the street lighting in the Mona / Dona Drive area. Several residents have refused to allow electric poles to be erected on their property so Smith advised the AEP representative to proceed with however many poles / lights they can acquire right of way for. This was approved by both Dozer and Stephenson.
New Business:
None to report.
Fiscal Officer Reports:
Notice has been received from Muskingum County Board of Elections of results of the levy for “Electric Aggregation” that appeared on the recent ballot. Results showed a “Yes vote of 609, a No vote of 721”.
An updated contract from Huntington Bank was presented for approval of the board. Dozer moved to accept the contract, second by Smith and Stephenson agreed.
It was noted by the fiscal officer that the auditors have continually requested an “Imaging of both front and back of canceled checks”. A request was put into the bank for same, it was noted by Ms. Swiger of the bank that this is available for a fee of $10.00 per month. Stephenson moved to accept the fee and receive the report as stated, second by Smith and Dozer agreed.
Notice has been received from “First Energy” re; the recent levy for Electric Aggregation asking the trustee board to support an issue to stop AEP from passing a proposed Electric Security Plan which would limit the community the availability to accept this type of discounts in the future if they so desired. All three trustees agreed they will fax a positive response to this issue immediately.
Notice has been received from the Department of Commerce re; the Permit Renewal of Liquor permits within the township. No action was taken at this time.
A copy of the December, 2011 “Grassroots Clippings” was made available to each trustee.
Mar-Zane Materials, Inc. has sent notice of the availability of #903 grits road material at the cost of $9.00 per ton.
Hopewell Township Fire Department of Glenford has sent a “Thank You” to the township for allowing them the use of an engine during the time they were without an engine which was confined for major repairs.
A resolution was presented for approval to allow moving money from one line item in the GF into the Fiscal Officer line item to cover wages. Also to move money in the R&B fund to cover necessary health insurance for road employees. This was approved and signed by all three trustees.
All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.
The next meeting will be held December 29, 2011 at 6:00 pm to close the books for 2011 and establish guide lines for the upcoming year of 2012.
Newton Township Trustees met to close out business for the year 2011 and to close the books for same. Those in attendance were; James R. Smith and Bob Stephenson, township trustees; Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer and Charles R. Elson, newly elected trustee for the township.
Meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm by chairperson, Stephenson.
Fiscal Officer noted the following items needed updated / closed for the year:
*O.T.A. Conference is scheduled for February 08-11, 2012 and all elected officials are encouraged to attend. Reservations need to be made soon for the conference and housing.
*Trustee to represent the township at JEDD meetings; Bob Stephenson agreed to continue in this position.
*Trustee to chair the township meetings for the year 2012 was agreed to be covered by James R. Smith.
*Smith moved maximum amount of any super-blanket certificate to be opened by the fiscal officer shall not exceed $10,000.00. This motion was seconded by Stephenson.
*It was moved by Stephenson to pay all elected officials wages from the General Fund and pay all full time road employees from the Road and Bridge Fund. Part time road employees will be paid from the Gasoline Fund. This motion was seconded by Smith.
*The following wages were discussed and raises were made accordingly;
Larry Taylor a $1.00 increase as of 01-01-2012.
Jason Taylor a $1.00 increase as of 01-01-2012.
Doug Mc Connell, recently re-hired on as needed basis.
All of the above increases will be reviewed again 07-01-2012.
Diana Lantz; fire department custodian will be increased $35 / month and still work 30 hours/month.
Allen Deaver; salary would remain unchanged and Deaver would be asked to attend the next meeting in January, 2012 for the annual evaluation.
Craig Knox; EMS coordinator will remain unchanged and Knox will be asked to attend the next meeting in January, 2012 for the annual evaluation.
Motion was made by Smith to accept all the above, second by Stephenson.
*All elected officials will continue to receive normal cell phone allowance; moved by Stephenson, second by Smith.
*A resolution was presented to continue with necessary health coverage for road employees / elected officials. This was accepted and signed by both Smith and Stephenson.
*All township meetings will continue to be held on the 2nd Thursday of each month with the following dates put in place. January 12, 2012; February 2, 2012 and March 8, 2012. Rest of the year will be scheduled at the March meeting. All meetings will begin at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room. Any variance from this will be posted on the “Marquee” in front of the fire department and will be noted in the local newspaper.
All books were noted to be in order and will be closed as presented.
The next regular meeting of the board will be held on January 12, 2012 in the township meeting room at the fire department.
Charles R. Elson was sworn in as a new Township Trustee by the residing Fiscal Officer and will begin his duties as of 01-01-2012.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.