September 2010

          NEWTON TOWNSHIP MINUTES:  09-09-2010

                 Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.  The following persons being present; Jim Porter, candidate for Muskingum County Commissioner; Larry Taylor, township road supervisor; Ed McConnell, Dan McConnell and Martha Sterling, township residents; Jeff Swingle and Allen Deaver, fire department representatives; Derek J. Dozer, James R. Smith and Robert J. Stephenson, township trustees; Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.

                Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by chairperson Derek Dozer.

                Pledge of Allegiance led by Dozer.

                Agenda approved as presented.

                Minutes approved as presented.

                Public Participation:

                Jim Porter was present to ask for voter support in the upcoming November election as he is running for Muskingum County Commissioner.

                Martha Sterling requested township board permission to use the shelter house at the ball diamond location for community church services on September 26, 2010.  All three trustees agreed this would be acceptable.

                Ed and Dan McConnell were present, a bit disgruntled with the work that the township has recently completed on MoxaDarla Road.  Requested grass seed be planted on the “shale” bank along their property, requested markers on the pavement at the Shaw Road / Moxadarla intersection to determine the center of the road, requested some type of barriers be secured on the inside curve of the same intersection etc..  Dozer agreed to check with the county engineer re; barrier pricing and Stephenson agreed to check on township liability of same.  Taylor agreed to seed down the bank.  Ed McConnell remarked that MoxaDarla road could / should be widened in the area of the Anderson property as the road goes east.  Taylor noted that Mr. Anderson came to them and advised them to do whatever they wanted / needed in the area of his property.  Dozer advised Taylor to “PLEASE” advise the McConnell’s of any road work that even comes close to their property.  Taylor mentioned to the McConnell’s / township board that the area along Thompson Run Road that is currently broken off (from last season asphalt application) will need to have a ditch cut to allow proper drainage before Neff Paving will come back in to repair.  McConnell asked where the ditch would drain to / Taylor, to natural drainage.  Mr. McConnell not happy with this, concerned the bank along that area will erode away.

                One Josh Ames was present to introduce himself as an applicant for the fire department.

                Fire Department Business:

                Allen Deaver, chief reporting; Requested for a bid proposal to advertise for bids for  Hydraulic Rescue Tool (Jaws of Life) as the cost is over $25,000.00.  Trustees questioned as to this being a state bid price; it is as long as it is the “Hurst” brand.  A “Genesis” brand is more desirable, but is not offered at state bid.  Dozer moved to allow bidding for this piece of equipment, second by Stephenson, Smith agreed. 

                The annual chicken Bar-B-Q is on schedule for September 26, 2010.

                There is still time and openings available for physicals at Genesis Health Plex for those desiring to do so, this being covered by a FEMA grant the fire department has been awarded.

                A pending “budget” for 2011 was presented to the board for their review and approval.  This was tabled until the October meeting.

                E M S stat reports were presented for review of the board.  A few were missed due to duty crew busy with another run, all calls / responses are somewhat lower than a year ago. 

                Road Reports:

                Mr. Landerman on Huggins Road is requesting some additional work be done in the drainage area of that road.

                Larken Slack has been in contact with road workers with some on-going problems on Yost Road.  The Slacks have agreed to allow two ditches be cut above the fence in the problem area which is on their (private) property and these ditches will be filled with gravel to allow for better drainage.

                The situation on Dona Drive with the culvert in front of Mr. Phillips house is still a major problem as there seems to be no place to drain that area.  Taylor has agreed to contact Mr. Phillips to offer some options to him before any work proceeds.

                Art Kunkler at 20 /20 has noted they should be finished with all chip / seal by Friday, September 10, 2010.

                As to the problem with the berm area breaking off on Thompson Run Road, it was suggested by the board that the ditch not be cut due to resident / neighbor conflict.  Neff’s’ will be contacted to come back in and fix it best as possible.

                Stephenson noted Ted Murphy on Chadwick Road is requesting work on that road as it is very rough.  Taylor noted it is on schedule for next week (September 13-17).

                Foxfire is also on schedule to be ditched soon and the problem area on the end of Stine Road will be “zipped” and re-done.

                Trustees Reports:

                Stephenson presented materials for review to complete a “Records Retention Policy”.  This was discussed briefly and was tabled to be completed at the October meeting.

                Smith had nothing more to report.

                Dozer had nothing more to report.

                Old Business:  nothing to report.

                New Business:  nothing to report.

                Fiscal Officer reporting;

                Updating street lighting assessments was first bit of discussion.  It seems there is a “single” street light that the township is paying for on Rebecca Drive which assesses a total of 45 parcels.  According to one AEP representative, one Mr. John Roberts (now retired AEP) noted one of the trustees spoke with him and indicated the light should be turned off.   As this is not possible according to O.R.C. following considerable discussion, it was determined that it would be to the best interest of all sub-division residents to add additional lighting to the entire sub-division.  A resolution for renewing the street light assessments was presented and signed by all trustees.

                The following resolutions were presented for review and approval:

                Resolution # 14-2010      to change the $100,000.00 transfer from fire fund into capital projects fund to $50,000.00.

                Resolution # 15-2010      to allow transfer of money from various line items in R&B, and Fire funds.

                Resolution #16-2010       to allow transfer of money from line items in the EMS fund.

                Resolution #17-2010       to renew contract for street light assessment (see above).

                OBWC is requiring a 2-hour safety training course for any employer having a claim in the last 2 years.  This is to allow us to stay in the OTA pool.  Dozer chose to attend the training on September 28, 2010 in Dublin, OH.

                The contract with AEP coal combustion by products purchases has been renewed for another year.

                Anthem health insurance has sent notice re; new legislation to allow older age children to the age of 28 be covered under a family plan if the reside in the family home.

                Copies of the September 2010 Grassroots Clippings was made available to each trustee.

                All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.


                The next regular township meeting will be held October 14, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire station.

                Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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