October 2010


                Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the meeting room at the fire house.  Those in attendance were:  Thomas Cosgrave Jr. and John Phillips, township residents; Norm Mansfield, Finley Fire representative; Larry Taylor, township road supervisor; Jeffrey Cohen, Jeff Swingle, Tim Swingle, Allen Deaver, fire department representatives; Derek Dozer, James Smith, Robert Stephenson, township trustees; Bernadine Swingle, township fiscal officer.

Agenda was approved as presented.

Minutes were approved as presented.

Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was led by Dozer.

Public Participation was first on the agenda; John Phillips was present to check on the plans to correct the drainage problem with his driveway on Dona Drive.  Considerable discussion followed and the road workers plan to be in his area within the week and will proceed with diverting the water away from his area.

                Tom Cosgrave Jr. is requesting the possibility of asphalt application to all the streets in the Jenkins Drive area disregarding the fact that the entire area received “slurry seal” in 2009.  Trustees plainly replied that it was next to impossible for this to happen with the financial situation as it stands today.  The only possibility of this would be to vote in a road tax / assess each property owner and this was still quite questionable.  Cosgrave also noted there is a “hole” in the area of Jenkins Drive and Maysville Pike intersection and questioned as to when it could be repaired.  Taylor noted it was damage done by Maysville Water Department and they have been contacted regarding this.

Fire Department was next on the agenda with fire Chief Deaver reporting. 

                The vocational school has been using the meeting room and has installed a white mark board which will remain as part of the accessories when the classes are finished.

                There have been four new applicants put in applications for fire department duty.

                The grants made available are nearing completion.

                The current portable radios are no longer in working order as the FCC has changed to “narrow” band.  30 new radios are being purchased; most of the cost is being covered by the fire department association, the remainder will be covered with a grant.

                Bids for the “Jaws of Life” tool were presented to be opened.  Finley Fire turned in a bid for $24,396.00 and Howell Rescue sent a bid at $32,744.00.  Finley Fire as low bidder was granted the bid.

Road Report / Taylor reporting.

                Estimates have been gathered for preventing vehicles from cutting the corner to close at the intersection of Shaw and Moxadarla Road.

                                Guardrail comes in at $117.00 per section; 2 or 3 sections would be needed.

                                Zemba /Adams Bros. will supply 2’x2’x3’ long cement blocks at $50.00 each.

                                Reflectors on sign posts would obstruct view of rounding the corner.

                Following considerable discussion, Smith moved to purchase 3 of the cement blocks at total cost of $150.00 and paint them with reflective / orange paint.  Second by Dozer, Stephenson was in agreement.

                The snow plow, blade and salt bin to be added to the newly purchased pick up truck will cost approximately $15,000.00 if purchased from Ace Trucking in Zanesville.  Taylor and Stephenson agreed to do some more checking of prices and will proceed from there.  The best price will determine where the equipment is to be purchased.

                There is guardrail on Harlan Road that needs repairs at the bridge area.  As of 03-15-2010, the county engineers’ office had agreed to do the repairs.  As a welder would be needed to complete the job, the township would be responsible for his wages which would be approximately $400.00.

                The parking lot of the fire department truck bay area is in dire need of repairs.  It was determined by the trustee board that Taylor will remove all broken parts of the area and prepare it for new asphalt.  Taylor will check pricing for the best rate for asphalt.  Trustees agreed to move remaining money from the “transfer-out” line item to “improvement of site” to cover cost of this job.  (Fire Fund not Road and Bridge funds)

                Dozer noted to Taylor and all attendees that anytime any employee leaves the garage on off duty time to do any job, whether it’s road work, tree removal or whatever; paid time starts immediately.

                Fiscal Officer asked if township vehicles are being checked and documented on a regular basis.  Also, road / stop signs being checked and documented regularly.  Taylor responded with a yes.

Trustee Reports; Stephenson reported he has met with an AEP representative and they determined to add a street light at each intersection and the cul-de-sac in the Renner sub-division.

                Stephenson also noted he has attended “Records Retention Training” classes on 09-10-2010.

                Smith had nothing more to report.

                Dozer noted he will be doing an OBWC safety training as required, on line.

Old Business:  nothing to report.

New Business:  nothing to report.

Fiscal Officer reporting:

                Funding for road workers payroll has been depleted.  Dozer moved that $12,000.00 be transferred from the General Fund to the Gasoline Fund to finish out the payroll for 2010.  Second by Stephenson, Smith agreed to same.

                United Fund information received from county recorder, Karen Vincent, was provided to each trustee.

                The Muskingum County Township Association Banquet will be held at the Newton Township Fire Department on Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 6:30 pm with the Newton Auxiliary preparing and serving the meal.  Reservations must be in by November 1, 2010 and all county and state dues are due at that time also.

                A “2011 Budget” for the fire department was presented at the September meeting for approval at the October meeting.  All three trustees agreed it was agreeable as presented.

                The election board has sent notification that there will again be 2 voting precincts in the fire department building November 2, 2010.

                Unemployment notices have been received from ODJFS for applications received against the township for 2 firefighters.

                Morton International, Inc. has changed their business name to Morton Salt, Inc..

                Notice has been received from OBWC that there is possibly an additional rate decrease for 2011.

                Street Lighting Assessments is still an issue.  An amended resolution (#18-2010) was presented for approval and signatures.

                                a) That pursuant to 515.081 RC this Board shall award a new contract for street lighting to AEP at the expiration of the existing contract expiring December 31, 2010.

                                b) That the costs and expenses of furnishing and maintaining said lights shall be paid by the levy of special assessments by a percentage of the tax value of all property in the street lighting district within six hundred feet of a street light.

                                c) That the attached schedule of assessments is hereby adopted, replacing and amending the schedule of assessments adopted September 9, 2010. And the fiscal officer is hereby directed to certify said assessments to the County Auditor of Muskingum County, Ohio.

The prevailing resolution was approved and accepted with signatures of all three trustees.

                All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

                The next regular meeting will be held November 11, 2010 at 5:00 pm rather than 7:00 pm as regularly scheduled.

 Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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