November 2010
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday November 11, 2010 at 5:00 pm in the township meeting room. Those in attendance included: Larry Taylor, road supervisor; Drake Prouty and Jeff Sidwell representing Sidwell Materials; Dan Miller and John Phillips, township residents; Jeffrey Cohen and Craig Knox representing the fire department; Derek J. Dozer, James R. Smith and Robert J. Stephenson, township trustees and Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.
Meeting was called to order at 5:03 pm by Dozer, chairperson.
Pledge to the flag was led by Dozer.
Minutes were approved as presented.
Public Participation was first on the agenda; Drake Prouty reporting for Sidwell Materials. There is a development plan in place at the intersection of State Rt. 22 and State Rt. 93 on the Sidwell Property. Jeff Sidwell began the planning several years ago for a Business Park in this area. In February of 2009 stronger planning came into place with the County Commissioners, Maysville Water and the Sewer Department. There was at the time no sewer available at this location; there was sewer in place on Moxahala Place and possibly sewage could be pumped to this area. As the current system is outdated, the EPA stopped any possibility of growth in the area. County Commissioners and the EPA started working on it and eventually the EPA granted the county permission to move ahead. As of 11-01-2010, the sewer from the Moxahala area is connected to the Sidwell property. On 12-01-2010 this will go to the planning commission who will again approach ODOT for possible release of funding for opening up the plans for the Rt. 22 / Rt. 93 by-pass to coincide with this project. State Senator, Zack Space has granted $500,000.00 to the Maysville area for upgrading the sewer system; however a total of 6 billion dollars is needed to do the upgrade properly. Again the Commissioners, Maysville Water and ODOT begin works to assist in seeking funding for the project.
Considerable discussion followed; trustees question as to township responsibilities of maintaining of the entire development area, how much revenue could the township expect to receive, the appearance of same and possibility of working with South Zanesville / Roseville with JEDD. It was noted the appearance of the buildings would be comparable to the new office building of Sidwell Materials on State Rt. 22. Once the JEDD is determined (which needs to happen as soon as possible), Prouty needs to know who is involved, then to the villages, on to the commissioners, on to Jeff Sidwell and finally the whole process will return to the township. Prouty will be approaching the commissioners in the very near future to move ahead.
Second on the Prouty / Sidwell Materials agenda was some comments on the proposed mining efforts being pursued per permits by Maysville Materials in the Bagley Road / Lower Krofft Road / Fultonrose Road areas. Jeff Sidwell was present to adamantly proclaim he has nothing in this project. The fact of community involvement, water supplies, road concerns, peoples safety etc., etc., are HUGE concerns to the disruption of the community, he wants no part of it. Barry Girard, township resident has been in contact with trustee Stephenson re; a great concern about this as his property is located directly across from the mining location. Dan Miller who lives on Wesley Chapel road on top of the hill is duly concerned. If this moves forward, the trucks hauling stone, blasting of same etc. could be running 24 /7. Possibly looking at 40,000,loads of stone out and 40,000 trips back in. This could / would create a very dangerous situation as the proposed route of hauling is Lower Krofft, Bagley, Limestone Valley to State Rt. 22. The partners in this operation are one Chris Sidwell and one George Thompson. The county engineer’s office has been contacted by county commissioners re; bonding of the roads but to no avail at this time.
A certified letter has been sent to the ODNR office requesting an informal conference ASAP by the township trustee board.
John Phillips was present to thank the trustee board for addressing and moving ahead with the drainage problem at the site of his residence on Mona Drive.
Trustee’s reports;
Smith asked that if possible he would appreciate the opportunity of an estimate for slurry seal on MoxaDarla Road, from the intersection of Panther Drive south to the bridge. The road has been chip / sealed and is completely gone.
Dozer reported he has completed the 2 hour safety training as required by OBWC.
Stephenson had nothing more to report.
Road report / Larry Taylor, road supervisor reporting.
There will be no more asphalt for patching available through the end of the year.
Most of the roads in the subdivisions are beginning to require more attention; as they have no basic base, it will be impossible to zip them with the asphalt zipper for in depth repairs.
Thompson Run Road has been repaired by Neff Paving, along the edge that had broken away. However, the patch job was not well done and will probably not hold any better than the original did.
The county highway workers destroyed parts of Thorn Drive and Roydale Drive while repairing sewer lines in the area. Necessary repairs have been completed by the township employees and the fiscal officer was asked to send billing to the engineer’s office for same. Cost estimated by the trustee board is; 2 ton of asphalt at $60.00 per ton, 2 hours of time at $41.25 per hour (2 employees), $120.00 for rent of the roller to lay the asphalt.
A new pump for the salt water tank at the garage has been purchased and is installed.
The “turn around” at the end of Dilts Lane is still in limbo as the county has not followed through on their end of reporting what needs to be done. Smith agreed to call D. Davis to follow up.
Fiscal officer has received a call from a John McKay at 1265 Greenhouse Road re; the condition of the road. He thinks there are some holes that need attention. Taylor agreed to check it out.
It was once again brought before the trustee board there are still 2 employees who have not had pre-employment physicals. Trustees agreed neither of the 2 would be allowed to work any hours until this has been completed.
Fire Department Report; Knox reporting.
Run reports were presented; Total of 35 calls was received for the month of October, 4 of which had no response.
Request was presented to the board to increase the fees for EMS runs; increases included, treated and not transported would remain at $325.00, Basic life support would be raised from $350.00 to $450.00, Advanced life support (non emergent) would be raised from $550.00 to $700.00, Advanced life support (emergent) would be raised from $750.00 to $850.00, and mileage per loaded mile would increase from $15.00 to $20.00. Question from trustees as to this being comparable to other agencies. Knox indicated it is at the lower level of what most agencies would be charging. Vote was called: Smith, aye and Stephenson, aye. Dozer had take early leave of the meeting. Fire billing will remain unchanged. Billing for township residents will remain the same; payment of insurance / Medicare expected, no out of pocket from township residents expected. Any transport from persons outside of Newton Township will be expected to pay the charges in full. Knox is currently updating the township policy to reveal these changes.
Cohen reporting;
The purchase of “Marks” radios continues with the fire department association contributing $14,000.00 with an additional $8000.00 needed to cover all fire department personnel on board. FEMA grant will allow a maximum of $5000.00 from the grant currently ongoing. Cohen requested an additional $3000.00. These numbers reflect the purchase of the radios from a company out of state vs. Commercial Electronics which is asking a beginning price of $385.00 more per radio. Stephenson moved to pay the remainder from fire department funds, second by Smith; motion carried.
The annual fire department association Christmas party is scheduled for December 20, 2010 at 6:30 pm. An invitation was extended to the township board to attend.
Fiscal Officer report:
Notice has been received from the Department of Commerce re; the renewal of all liquor licenses will be due in February, 2011.
Notice has been received from ODJFS re; the application for unemployment benefits from Travis Lyon. The allowance would be $145.00 per week with a total allowance of $3770.00.
The street light assessments have been completed and the final report has been made to the county auditor. A final contract with AEP is in progress and will be made available by the next meeting.
A copy of the current Grassroots Clippings was given to each trustee.
All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.
The next regular meeting scheduled for December 9, 2010 has been changed to December
8, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.