January 2010
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, January 7, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department. Those in attendance were; fire department personnel, Bryce Cooper, Dustin Shipley, Jeff Lloyd, Tim Swingle, Larry Geiger, Craig Knox and Jeff Swingle. Township trustees; Derek J. Dozer, James R. Smith and Robert J. Stephenson; Fiscal officer; Bernadine E. Swingle.
Pledge to the flag was led by Dozer.
Meeting was called to order at 7:09 pm by chairperson, Derek Dozer.
Agenda was approved as presented.
Minutes were approved as submitted.
No public participation was called for.
Fire Department news; C. Knox reporting: E M S stats are not complete due to E O Y reporting. In 2008 the squad was dispatched 870 times with 812 responses; in 2009 - 743 dispatches were called for with 730 responses.
Income for the EMS fund for 2009 was approximately $15,000.00 less than 2008. Monthly payroll for 2009 was $103,000.00.
Fire department awards banquet will be held January 16, 2010 at 6:30 pm at Ealglesticks Inn. Everyone will be asked to pay $10.00 per plate. Retirees will be covered by the department.
Inventory has been completed and is currently being recorded in the department computer.
It was noted by the fiscal officer the lock has been changed on the township record room allowing any / all fire personnel with keys access to same. Knox agreed to check into the situation and have it changed.
Larry Taylor, road supervisor reporting:
Question as to time of “Harassment / Safety training” which will be held for all fire personnel and road maintenance employees. Dozer will be presenting and the time is 7:30 on January 11, 2010.
He (Taylor) will be calling for salt delivery in the amount of 100 ton. He also reported coal ash / cinders have come available at the Beverly power plant. Rodney Rohrbaugh trucking from Caldwell will deliver for $8.00 / ton; Sidwell trucking will deliver will deliver for $7.50 / ton, but only if he has a truck in the area at the time; Dunn trucking is asking $11.00 / ton. Cinders are costing $10.00 / ton. Dozer moved, second by Smith and agreed by Stephenson that currently contact Rohrbaugh to deliver ASAP as supply is low. Others will be permitted to deliver as the need is presented.
Snow plowing has continued as necessary. No major problems at present time.
An updated inventory of all garage equipment was finalized by Taylor and presented at the meeting.
All cell phones will be cancelled as of 01-15-2010 per fiscal officer. An allowance of $60.00 per month will be allowed to; full time road employees, fire chief and all elected officials for use of personal phones. This being the NEW cell phone policy adopted 01-07-2010 by trustee board.
Trustee Reports:
Dozer; nothing to report.
Smith; nothing to report.
Stephenson; nothing to report.
Old Business:
Chip / Seal is once again main topic of discussion. It was determined that all three trustees will have listed any / all roads in their respective territories that they would like to have this application done in 2010 by the February meeting.
Due to the current financial situation, the number of miles covered will be less than in past years. Broadvue subdivision is of major concern as it is currently asphalt.
The boiler room in the fire department building is still wet as nothing more has been done to remedy the problem. Jeff Swingle offered to contact a person he knows of that will photo – display the inside of the drainage area that is the problem. This was satisfactory with all three trustees.
PERSO has been in contact requesting any / all information on any estimates received on the roof damage at the township garage. Again, nothing has transpired at this time. Smith was given the name of a person in the area that is well known for doing “slate” repairs to roofs. He (Smith) will contact this person.
New Business:
Nothing to report.
8:20 pm Dozer moved meeting go into executive session to discuss fire department personnel.
8:40 pm meeting out of executive session and resumed as public meeting.
Fiscal Officer report:
Wages and salaries for 2010 were discussed by the trustee board.
Township trustees and the fiscal officer salaries will all be paid from the general fund.
Gene Swingle, part time road employee has turned in his resignation, effective 01-01-2010.
The following notices have been received in the township office:
Muskingum Co. Recorder notification of zoning laws.
Fleet Fuel Card Program Revised account agreement.
Zanesville – Muskingum County Health Department newsletter.
Time Warner Cable now directly owns the entire cable system in the community.
Muskingum County Engineers Office has scheduled an individual township meeting for Newton Township Trustees on Thursday 02-18-2010 @ 2:30 pm at the county garage.
Shelly Materials has sent notification of stone pricing for 01-01-2010.
A phone call was received by the fiscal officer from Fultonham town council re; the possibility of the township helping with snow removal on their streets. Their vote was not in favor of the township supplying this service as they could not afford it with their present financial situation.
Notice from OBWC re; one ex-employee to receive special therapy on 01-30-10
Current township policies were discussed and the following changes will be made. Travel expenses will remain as has been done in the past. Any expense incurred on a personal credit card will be reimbursed by the fiscal officer with a valid receipt.
Personnel records to be retained will be discussed further in February, also a record retention policy.
Motion for payment of bills was called for. Stephenson moved to pay all bills as presented, second by Smith, Dozer in agreement.
The next regular meeting will be held February 11, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.
Meeting adjourned at 9:58 pm.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.