December 2010
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire station. Those in attendance were: Jim Heckel, Larry Daniels Jr., Josh Daniels, township residents; Larry Taylor, road supervisor; Larry Geiger, Allen Deaver, Craig Knox of the fire department; Derek J. Dozer, James R. Smith, Robert J. Stephenson, township trustees and Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by chairperson, Derek Dozer.
Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was led by Dozer.
Minutes were approved as presented.
First order of business went to public participation; Larry Daniels was first on the floor with concerns re; the mining permits in limbo within the township at this time. Fiscal officer informed him the county commissioners are currently scheduling a date with ODNR for the middle of January, 2011. A specific date has not been set at this time.
Second in public participation was Jim Heckel who is concerned for the safety of his parents who are up in years and living on a very low traveled road with being the only main residence on the road. There seems to be many unauthorized travelers on the road for no good reason and he was requesting the possibility of closing the back portion of the road during the winter months to keep these folks from traveling in there. This would be a portion of Lewellyn road commencing at the intersection of Stiers Lane to the Heckel property. Following considerable discussion of the board, Stephenson moved to check with the prosecuting attorney for guidelines to be able to close this from January 1 to March 30. Smith voted “aye”, Dozer “abstained”. Fiscal officer to follow up with the prosecuting attorney on this issue.
Fire Department was next on the agenda:
There remains (1) one physical to be completed on the FEMA grant allowance. There remains approximately $19,000.00 in the grant to be spent. Federal regulations determine what the money must be spent on; this includes fire training, smoke detectors for township residents, fire helmets etc. for kids to make them aware of fire department activity.
Deaver has been in contact with one Bo Keck of the county sheriff’s office who is attempting to coordinate radio communications between the county and township facilities.
Request made per Deaver to purchase 3 GPS systems to be put into fire vehicles. Vote of board called; Dozer, aye; Smith, aye; Stephenson, aye.
The medical director for the EMS department has reviewed any / all department responses and has given the department an excellent rating.
Knox noted the annual awards banquet for the department will be held January 15, 2010. Request from the board for some financial help as the association is picking up the tab for $14,000.00 on the purchase of the “marcs” radios. Stephenson moved to allow up to $2000.00 for allowance toward expenses of the banquet, second by Smith, Dozer agreed.
Larry Taylor, road supervisor reporting;
Basically has been spreading salt / salt water to attempt to keep the roads cleared.
A radio has been ordered for the new pickup truck which is currently sitting at ACE Trucking waiting installation of the snow blade and salt bin. A yellow flasher for the truck will also be installed.
Requested consideration of purchasing / installing new tires on the rear of the dump truck; cost of approximately $1500.00. Vote of trustees; Dozer, aye; Smith, aye; Stephenson, aye.
Taylor asked the trustees to consider where there might be room available to store the additional salt bin (pick up) when it is not in use.
It was noted by Taylor that “logging operations” are in effect on Rucker Road and Nutter Road. This is causing considerable damage to those roads.
Cinders and salt are currently in good enough supply. Possibly need to refurbish supply beginning of year.
Trustees reporting:
Smith noted Mr. Boyd of Ironspot, who owns Boyd Refuse has purchase the property across the road from where he currently resides. Concern of the board, more trash area.
Dozer; nothing more to report.
Stephenson; nothing more to report.
Fiscal Officer report:
A draft copy of an addition / amendment to the existing Records Retention Policy was presented for inspection / additions and corrections and final approval at the year end meeting.
Minutes from December, 2001 and January, 2002 were provided to each trustee for the record as this is the time the limestone mining permits within the township were first presented to the trustee board.
Question to the board; will the full time road employees be allowed a Christmas bonus. Consideration given; vote called; Dozer moved $100.00 to each full time employee be paid from the general fund and no bonus to part time help, second by Stephenson, Smith agreed. These were to be prepared and delivered by the fiscal officer.
Fiscal officer noted; notification has been received from the main office of AEP re; renewal of the street light assessment contract. Due to current “tariff” issues, a “renewal contract” is no longer necessary. Each trustee was provided a copy of the AEP notice and a copy sent to the Prosecuting Attorneys’ office.
Copies of the December Grassroots Clippings provided to each trustee.
Frank Gates / Avizent (OBWC) Ohio Client Newsletter for the fall issue provided to each trustee.
Notice has been received from ODJFS to allow Travis Lyon unemployment.
Both Jason Taylor and Travis Lyon have received physicals and reports have been returned. No physical problems at this time.
Abstract driving record reports have been received on L. Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Lyon, and T. Elson and all are valid reports.
Resolution #26 was presented for a new “Amended Certificate” to cover additional funds to the general fund and to the fire fund. This was approved and signed by all three trustees.
All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.
An end of year meeting to close the books is scheduled for December 27, 2010 at 7:00 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Newton Township Trustees met at 7:00 pm to close the books for year ending 2010.
Meeting was called to order by chairperson Derek Dozer.
Those in attendance were; Derek J. Dozer, James R. Smith and Robert J. Stephenson; township trustees. Bernadine E. Swingle; township fiscal officer.
Scheduling for meetings for the year 2011 was discussed and were set as follows:
Meetings will continue to be held on the second Thursday of each month with the following dates;
January 13, February 14 (Monday), March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, August11, September 8, October 13, November 10, and December 8, 2011. Any variations from this schedule will be posted on the marquee in front of the fire station and posted in the “Legal” section of classified ads in the local Times Recorder and also on the township web page.
Salaries for road employees were discussed by the board.
Vote of the board determined one Robert Stephenson will chair the board for the year 2011.
All finances appeared to be in order and were to proceed into the year 2011 as presented.
Next meeting will be held January 13, 2011 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.