September 2009
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room. Those in attendance were: Bob Stephenson, township resident; John and Rhonda Parker of Gardner – Parker Insurance; Allen Deaver, Jeff Swingle, and Tim Swingle representing the fire department; Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson and James R. Smith, township trustees; Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by chairperson James Smith.
Agenda was approved as presented.
Minutes were approved as presented.
Public Participation; Bob Stephenson had no comment, only attending.
John Parker of Gardner – Parker Insurance was present to offer information for insurance coverage for the township. He represents the Ohio Plan and was willing to make an offer. Due to the fact township insurance with OTARMA was just renewed 09-01-2009, he will return with an offer in 2010.
Fire Department: Deaver reporting; the fire levy is on schedule to be on the ballot for a “renewal” in November. A committee has been formed and is meeting.
The “Audit” currently being performed still needs some missing receipts from the first half of 2007. Most have been covered, there are still approximately 5 unaccounted for.
Maysville football game will be at home this week, a ceremony is planned to honor all the lives lost in 9/11.
Clerk noted to Deaver, an invoice had been mailed to 5490 Maysville Pike of which there is no mailbox for receiving, this accounted for the delay in submitting payment to the Zep Company. Also, Medic 1081 apparently was taken to Lucas Truck Sales for service with no notification, hence, no prior purchase order allowed.
A building policy was presented to the trustee board for approval. This will be considered and finalized at the October meeting. No liability permit has been made available at this time. Loss control is requesting this be done as soon as possible.
Community Days representative; Martha Sterling came into the meeting at approximately 7:30 pm. She was asking for a copy of the “Liability” form, Dozer will be sending one to her to keep the township covered for community days 2009.
Sterling also asked if possibly the township employees might be able to put the foot bridge across Jonathan Creek if Sidwells’ did not get it up. The trustee board, all three, was in agreement that their preference was to not be responsible for completing this job.
Request was made also for the SEOM security team to be allowed to camp on the upper edge of the fire department parking lot as has been done in past years. All three trustees were in agreement of this.
$50,000.00 allowed for the fire department to upgrade the kitchen not been used. Dozer moved the $50,000.00 be pulled from the fund and transferred into the Capital Projects Fund as has been done in previous years. This is being set aside to pay off the ladder truck early. Smith seconded the motion; Elson was in agreement.
Road Report, Larry Taylor reporting; there remains one area of Thompson Run Road in need of an 18” culvert, this should complete all necessary work needed on this road. Trustees agreed to proceed with this project.
Roadsides are currently being mowed for probably the last time this season.
Dozer again mentioned to Taylor to begin “grinding” work on Crock road and to try mixing cinders with the grindings before packing back down.
Trustee Reports:
Smith; The culvert problem on Broadvue Circle has been rectified.
Smith met with a Mr.Tolley from AEP for consideration of the placement of street lights on Old Glory Road. A proposal will be presented soon for the completion of this procedure.
Elson; Question; has anyone heard anything from the American Pavement company re; completion of the road surfacing project started late in 2008. As no one has been able to get a response from them, the fiscal officer was asked to send them a letter requesting an answer of when / if they plan to return as the matter needs to be closed. A letter of sorts was mailed 09-12-2009.
Dozer; Chip / Seal was of major concern at this meeting. Due to lack of necessary funding, the list was trimmed considerably. The following roads will receive some chip / seal; East Darlington, Dennis, Mahon, Yost, Lewellyn, Harlen, Payne, Butcherknife, Workman, Lower Krofft, Opera and Rucker. Following much discussion, Dozer moved that $25,000.00 be allowed from gasoline, MVL, and road and bridge funds as available with the remainder to come out of the General Fund; this was seconded by Smith and Elson was in agreement. Mr. Smith will contact Art Kunkler of 20 / 20 enterprises to plan to proceed. The board chose to allow 20 / 20 to once again do the work as they are willing to work with the road employees to complete a smaller amount of roads at one time as the roads are made available.
Dozer called fire chief Deaver per speaker phone to question the planning of “town hall meetings” to answer questions involving the upcoming fire levy to be voted on in November. Deaver did indicate he would schedule.
Old Business: none to report.
New Business: none to report.
Clerks Report: Copies of the following were given to each trustee.
Grassroots Clippings
Thank you note from the Curry family
Notice from Time Warner of changing of scheduling
Notice of new Verizon tower to be erected in Fultonham, maps included.
Copies of cash transfers that have occurred during the last 30 days.
A letter of confirmation has been received from “KLA Risk Consulting” re; the upgrades in various areas of the township from recommendations of their recent visit to the area.
A permit / agreement has been received from AEP re; the purchase of “bottom ash” from the Conesville plant to be used for snow / ice control on the roads. The same has been signed and returned as requested.
A permit application has been received from AT & T re; the relocation of telephone boxes and lines on Thompson Run Road following the road repairs that have happened there. This too has been completed and returned as requested.
An update on the ongoing “State Audit” was given. A new revised fee estimate has been received in the amount of $9150.00. It should be completed within the next 30 days providing all the necessary information has been provided to them from fire department personnel. This is still a work in progress.
All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.
The next regular meeting was scheduled for Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 7:00 pm. Due to a conflict in schedules, the meeting date was changed to Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room. Notice will be posted on the township web page and also on the marquee in front of the fire station.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.