March 2009

        Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, March 5, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.  Those in attendance as follows; Allen Deaver, Larry Geiger of the fire department; Larry Taylor, road supervisor; Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson and James R. Smith, township trustees; Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.


            Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by chairperson, James R. Smith.


            Agenda was approved as presented;


            Minutes were approved as presented.


            No public participation was required due to absence of anyone from the community.


            First order of business went to the fire department, chief Allen Deaver presiding;

                        No stat reports for EMS were available due to change in meeting date.

                        The paper work has been completed to have the “replacement” levy included on the May ballot.

                        It was noted the Shelly Company will be meeting here for the next 3 months for their meetings.  Trustees questioned as to whether this was a paid / rent agreement.  Deaver stated yes.

                        It was noted by fire personnel that the upgrading on the kitchen has been put on hold until after the election results are in.

                        Dozer mentioned to the fire department; he has received another call re; minors running through the building with apparently no adult supervision.  Deaver was asked to be aware of this.

                        Fiscal Officer noted receipts were missing for accounts with NAPA, Goss Supply and the Duke station.  Deaver noted he would check in to this and get the receipts turned in.


            Road Report; Larry Taylor reporting.

                        Roads are being checked on a daily basis and pot holes filled as necessary, roads completed this week include Foxfire, Rucker, and Thompson Run.  The bridge approach on Workman Road is extremely rough; this was left as such by the Muskingum County Highway department following upgrades done to the bridge.  Taylor noted he thought he could improve the situation when the ground is no longer frozen.

                        Most all of the safety updates to the equipment has been completed, the horn on the pick up is yet to be done and is the brake situation on the John Deere backhoe.

                        Specifications to upgrade Thompson Run Road as to doing it to the best were presented. Much discussion took place as to what alternatives were available.  It was decided the McConnells’ will be contacted by Smith to be available at the next meeting.  Also, only 0.6 of a mile (from State Route 22 to Foxfire Drive) will be completely covered with asphalt at the time of widening the road, the remainder will be done at later date.  Taylor mentioned he has spoken with Jay McConnell re; the situation and he agreed to pass it on to the rest of the family.

                        Fiscal Officer was asked to advertise for bids for the asphalt in the Times Recorder as deemed necessary.  It was noted that a one time bid is all that is required as long as the bid is also listed on the township web site.

                        Taylor and Smith met with the Collard brothers re; the closing of part of Dilts’ Lane recently.  The Collards did agree to build the circle for a turn around, Smith will contact the county highway department to do the necessary surveying as approximately a100’ right of way needs to be available to accommodate the turn around.


            Fiscal Officer Report;


                        The following notices were made available to all three trustees:

                                    Grassroots Clippings.

                                    Copy of letter mailed to ODJFS re; firefighter unemployment claim.

                                    AOS newsletter.

                                    Consumer Corner January / February newsletter.

                                    Notice; Local Government Conference April 23 & 24.

                                    OPERS ; current economic climate report / notice.

                                    District 18 Public Works Committee meeting – mailed to trustees.


                        Question to trustees / Mr. Taylor; have the new gauges for the acetylene tanks been purchased as no billing statement has been received?  They have not been purchased.

                        Maysville Water has apparently raised their monthly rates as it is being reflected on the current billings.

                        Permission was asked by the fiscal officer to be allowed to attend the Local Government Conference to be held at the Columbus Convention Center on April 23 & 24.  This was agreed by all three trustees.

                        Final annual appropriations were presented for board approval.

                        A resolution for a new amended certificate to allow $3200.00 grant money received be added to the fire fund (2191).  Approved by all three trustees.

                        A resolution to put into immediate action “A Right of Way Permit” was presented.  This will require any company cutting through, drilling under, or cutting along side any township road to apply for and sign a permit before any further action can take place.  Any / all damages will then be the responsibility of the company involved.  This was approved by all three trustees.

                        It was noted that a water fountain in the lower level of the building is in need of repairs as is one toilet in the ladies restroom at the basement level.

                        It was determined that all bills presented were valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

The next regular meeting of the township trustees is April 9, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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