June 2009

Newton township trustees met in regular session on Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.  Those in attendance were as follows; Bob Stephenson, D. Bruce McConnell, Michael Dailey, Lisa Childers, Craig Childers, Adam Tremley, Dan McConnell, and Ed McConnell township residents; Tim Swingle, and Craig Knox of the fire department; Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson, and James R. Smith, township trustees; Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.


            Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Derek Dozer.


            Floor was opened for public participation

            Craig Childers of 318 Washington Street requested a check of his property lines to reveal just where his share of a driveway into his property is located.  Also, requesting confirmation on whether an alley in this location is vacated or no.  The Childers asked that if possible the alley be vacated if it is not presently.

            Adam Trembley of 6875 Elm Street, E. Fultonham requests permission to install a fence on his property next to the sub station at the end of Elm Street.  Dozer – aye, Elson – aye, Smith – aye for this move.

Trembley also asked who the contact person for a community watch would be; Dozer advised him to contact the county sheriffs’ office.  Also, where can a list / address of sex predators be located.  He was advised to go to the Attorney Generals’ web page to find any / all such persons in the state of Ohio.  Trembley was also interested in the possibility of having a community park become available.  Dozer advised him it could become a community / township park, but currently there was no funding available either within the township or grant money available.  He could proceed with a petition of interested parties if he so desired.

            Mike Dailey of 6805 Old Town Road was concerned about an alley that lies between his and the neighbor’s property that the ditching has become obsolete and is causing considerable washing onto his property.  He was not sure who was responsible for maintaining this area.  Trustees agreed to check out the boundaries and respond accordingly.

            Kathy Robison came into the meeting at 7:15 pm and was inquiring as to the possible start date of work on Thompson Run Road.  Due to some problems with scheduling contractors, the exact time is not available at this time.

            The McConnells’ were present to review and sign a contract for work to be done on Thompson Run Road that borders their property line which did take place at this time.


            Mr. Smith took over leadership of meeting:


            Agenda – request by fiscal officer for executive session with fire department personnel

                        re; building issues.


            Minutes approved as presented:


            Fire Department Business:    

            Craig Knox, EMS coordinator reporting; The proposal for 2 new cots presented at the May meeting was once again requested. Vote of trustees was taken:  Dozer-aye, Elson-aye and Smith-aye.

            The monthly stats are current through May and reports of same were provided to each trustee.

            Notice has been received from Medicare that the paper work has been completed and payment up to date should be received soon.

            AFG grant, a part of the stimulus plan has opened for applications today.  An application will be submitted in the very near future for building upgrades i.e.; kitchen and bathrooms remodeled, new flooring where needed, etc..

            Fire fighter 1 classes are in progress now and will be completed by September, 2009.  There should be grant money available to help fund these classes.

            Tim Swingle assistant fire chief reporting for the fire department, Bob Mock will be traveling to Chillicothe at the state forest there to pick up and deliver the generator to the township acquired through a program with the Department of Defense at the cost of $200.00 to $300.00.  J D List will be available to unload and position the equipment where needed.

            A phone company known as “Broadvox” by Keytel has presented an estimate for phone service to the department in place of the current AT&T system.  It would take $700.00 installation fee with a service fee of $50.00 monthly for a minimum of 3 lines and this could be increased up to 10 lines.  Cost for long distance would be 2cents per minute.  There would be no problem with 911 calls working with this system.  This was taken under consideration by the trustee board.

            A grant application has been submitted to FEMA in the amount of $94,000.00.  If received; the money would be used for upgrading of training to all personnel, new thermal imaging camera, fans for the trucks and to cover annual physicals.

            The “Mark 800” radio system presented at the May meeting was once again mentioned.  The radios have been purchased and installing of same is on hold until permission granted from the trustee board.  No decision was made at this time.


            Fiscal Officer requested a more complete listing of fire department personnel; name, address, phone number and birth dates if possible.

            Dozer requested input from the fire personnel as to how to secure the building more adequately.  There are kids in the building after hours, miscellaneous items have come up missing, and doors are being found unlocked when no fire personnel are present.

            Knox noted that currently the crew on duty is responsible to check that all doors are locked before leaving the building, however it seems the kids are finding ways to get around this also.  This continues to be a problem; the question was put to the public in attendance as to any suggestions.  Possibly acquire a new locking system with magnetic locks that would require a magnetic card for entry.  Knox will check on this possibility and cost of same.


            Larry Taylor, road supervisor was next on the agenda;

            All roadsides have been completely mowed for the first time of the season.

            Yost road has been ditched and partially straightened.

            Crock road has received much renovation; one main narrow area has been widened and ditched.  Lots of patching has been completed and there remains to be lots of improvements necessary.  The road needs to be smoothed out.

            Muskingum County Engineers office has delivered approximately 80 ton of cold mix. 

            Work has begun on the Thompson Run Road project; Bob Mock has been contacted to submit an estimate for the cost of completing the project, however at this time nothing has been submitted by him.  Taylor was advised by the trustees to contact one Phil Gill on Foxfire Road if Mock does not reply soon.  It is the desire of the board to keep the work within the township if possible.

            The signs on Trouble Lane have been erected as ordered.


            Elson reporting; 5200 Workman road had reported there were holes that needed to be filled, this has been done satisfactorily.


            Chip and Seal; discussed briefly as to how much and which roads need it the most, possibly advertise for bids for sealing just in front of the houses.


            Terry Elson, road worker, came into the meeting at approximately 8:15 pm to address the board regarding an upcoming medical procedure.  He was advised by the board that once he uses his paid leave he can take unpaid time if he needs it which will be determined as he recovers.


            9:00 pm Smith moved to go into executive session to finalize plans re; a line fence situation. Fiscal Officer asked for permission to address the fire personnel at the same setting re; building issues. Second by Elson, Dozer-aye. 


            9:20 pm all trustees voted to go out of executive session and regular meeting resumed.


            Fiscal Officer requested one Barb Knox be allowed to take on the scheduling of the fire department building as well as collecting deposits and rental fees.  Planning issues to be completed by fire department personnel.  Vote of trustees taken; Dozer-aye, Elson-aye, Smith-aye.


            Fiscal Officer reporting; It was noted that $32.24 has been withheld from a firefighter to cover fuel charged to a township credit card and no receipt was received for same.

            Current Grassroots Clippings news provided to all trustees.

            Notice from the Board of Elections that the fire levy on the May ballot was defeated.

            Notice has been received from ODOT re; the contract for rock salt through the county engineers’ office has been received and we are required to receive the same at $59.60 per ton.

            The Shelly Company is now monitoring the weight of each load it is selling and sending out onto the highways.

            The bi-annual audit is currently in preparation stages and will go to the auditors in Zanesville, OH by June 22, 2009.

            A report was presented to the board re; Loss Control items brought to attention at a recent meeting on 05-18-2009.  Items of concern were; Liability assurance of contractors, and organizations using the FD building.  There should always be a copy of a Liability contract/certificate in hand with the township listed as an additional insured.

            If liability contract not available, a “Hold Harmless Agreement” needs to be secured.

            BMV driving record and a copy of drivers licenses of employees on file annually.

            RE; use of F D Building:

                        Rules of use POSTED

                        Copy of use policy presented every time building reserved.

                        Signed agreement of what’s expected when reserved.

                        Always receive a deposit that will be returnable when function is over.


            Fiscal officer inquired if it would be possible to have a bulletin board in view of the public where the “Public Records Policy” could be posted along with a calendar of scheduled township meetings and any other township news of interest.  This was taken under consideration by the board and the fire department personnel. Fiscal Officer, Bernadine Swingle will be attending  “Public Records” training on July 9, 2009 and will stand in as appointed “designee” for the trustee board as well. 


All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.


The next regular meeting will be held July 9, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.


Meeting adjourned at 9:26 pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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