January 2009

Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday January 8, 2009 @ 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.  Those in attendance were: Larry Taylor, township road superintendent, Larry Geiger, Jeff Swingle, and Allen Deaver of the fire department; Hobart Stewart, and Mike Collard, township residents;  Derek J. Dozer, James R. Smith and Charles R. Elson, township trustees and Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by James R. Smith chairperson.

Agenda was approved as presented.

Minutes from the December meeting were approved as presented.

Public Participation was first order of business with Mr. Stewart taking the floor to request a permanent closing of Dilts Lane from the location of the former Dilts church to Workman Road.  Mr. Stewart was advised that there would most probably need to be a cul-de-sac established at the end of what is currently Dilts Lane. This was considered by the trustees and all three agreed this is acceptable.  The Fiscal Officer was asked to follow up with necessary contacts to complete this issue.

Fire Department Business was next on the agenda.  Allen Deaver reporting; statistics and figures on the presentation of an upcoming levy were presented to the board for consideration and approval.  The situation was discussed by all trustees and Deaver was given the go ahead to pursue the issue for voting in the spring 2009 primary.

            The fiscal officer noted there has been a notice received from Englefield Oil Co. and as of February 2009 their credit system will be updated and only specified personnel will be allowed to purchase fuel on the township credit card that is held at the Duke – Duchess station.  Deaver will be preparing a list of eligible personnel and making it available to the fiscal officer.

            The fiscal officer also requested of Deaver that an updated roster of fire personnel be made available to her as well as an updated inventory of the department.

Larry Taylor, road supervisor for the township was next on the agenda with a report of road conditions / repairs in the township.

            Taylor noted that 200 ton of sand has been hauled and is on station at the township garage for use in treating roads during ice and snow.

            Note was made by Taylor that he has received no major complaints re; snow and ice treatment to any of the township roads.

            Taylor was asked by the trustees to treat the fire department parking lot when ever there is adverse weather conditions causing ice / snow buildup.

Mr. Smith / Taylor expressed continued concern for damage to Holbert Lane that has been done by the Maysville Water Department.  This is just one of many road problems caused by the water department in recent months.

Trustees Report:

            Smith had nothing beyond the water department problems to share.

            Elson questioned exactly what the plan was for Thompson Run Road.  It was determined by consensus of the board that the plan is to widen the road 2’ on either side.  It will prove to be more costly but at this point an agreement cannot be reached with the parties concerned.

            Dozer; one Scott Hudson of American Pavement has been in contact questioning why he was not paid in full and felt that 20% unpaid was unheard of.  As there are still areas of the roads his company has not finished completely, the board was in agreement to pay him all but $9000.00 of what is due.  There remains to be some finishing on Rebecca, Sunset and Zella drives.


Old Business:  The “Welcome to Newton Township” signs are ready to be installed; confirmation of all locations was discussed.

Trustees are putting out the word that they are looking to hire some part time help.  No public advertising will be done at this time.


New Business:  Pay rates for the road employees was discussed.  Fiscal Officer was asked to advise both employees to be present at the February meeting to discuss wages / benefits.

            Employees’will be allowed same paid holidays per year, remainder of paid time allowed as listed in the personnel policy directory.

            Fire chief Deaver will remain to be paid same per month.

            EMS coordinator Knox will remain to be paid same per month.

            James R. Smith was elected to serve as chairperson for another year.  Charles R. Elson will act as vice-chair and Dozer remains the third township trustee.

            All monthly meetings will be held the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.  Any difference in the meeting times will be posted on the fire department “marquee” and posted on the township web page.

           All trustee salaries will be paid from the General Fund for the year of 2009.

           A resolution for all of the above was presented for final approval and signed by all three trustees.

Fiscal Officers’ Report; notice has been received from OBWC re; ex-employee requesting and approved for massotherapy treatments.

            It was noted the fire departments’ annual banquet will be held January 17, 2009 at 6:00 pm at Eaglesticks.  Reservations must be made in advance to attend.

            Notice has been received and copies given to trustees re; meeting with the Community Development (Block Grants) to be held January 16, 2009 at the court house.

            Notice has been received and copies given to trustees re; a scheduled meeting with the county engineer to be held at the county garage on Tuesday, February10, 2009 at 2:30pm.  All three trustees are being encouraged to attend this meeting.

            Copies of the Zanesville / Muskingum County Health Department quarterly meetings review was given to each trustee.

            Notice has been received from OBWC as to our calculations for our annual  premium for 2009.  The township is not eligible to be included in the pool to receive a lower rate for the year 2008 but we will be considered for the discount next year.  This information was per one Andy Franks of OBWC>


All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.


The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 7:00pm in the township meeting room.


Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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