December 2009
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department. Those in attendance were: Bob Stephenson and Todd Stotts, local residents; Allen Deaver and Craig Knox, fire department; Larry Taylor, road supervisor; Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson and James R. Smith, township trustees and Bernadine E. Swinglel, township fiscal officer.
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by chairperson, James R. Smith.
Smith led group in Pledge to the Flag.
Agenda was adjusted to include an executive session prior to the Fiscal Officer report.
Minutes were approved as presented.
No Public participation was necessary as no one present had any comments.
Fire department was first order of business Deaver reporting;
The breathing air compressor has quit functioning; it will cost approximately $2500.00 to repair. Finley Fire has a used compressor for $4000.00 compared to approximately $32000.00 to replace with a new one. The manufacturer has been contacted and is located in Pennsylvania, they will be coming on site 12/12/2009 to evaluate the problem and possibly rebuild the compressor. Approximate cost will be $300.00 travel time and $5000.00 - $6000.00 for repairs. Dozer moved to allow $6000.00 cap on repairs, second by Elson and Smith aye. If costs are more than this amount, trustees must be contacted.
Shane Stephenson has turned in letter of resignation due to work scheduling.
There continues to be water in the boiler room, ground water is the problem. Roto – Rooter has attempted snaking the drain as has fire department personnel, but unable to get through the drain. Deaver is suggesting installing a sump pump to keep the water pumped out of the area. Smith suggested calling in Dicks’ plumbing to possibly photo shoot for the problem and he is willing to make the contact, second by Dozer, and Elson agreed.
The current fire roster contains 35 personnel and Deaver asked permission to check applications to possibly add an additional 5 persons to the roster. Smith, aye, Dozer, aye, Elson, aye.
Federal Forestry has issued a grant in the form of “personal protection gear – wild fire gear” to the department. A possible $14,000.00 grant is in the working for “Marks” radios, this would require 50/50 agreement with the department.
Deaver asked Dozer if it would be permissible for him to take on the task of preparing a township news letter. Dozer was more than willing to allow this; it would need to come to him for approval and to be covered with township financing.
Knox reported for the EMS department. Current stat reports are on hand for review. A total of 4 runs were missed in the month of November, these occurring at night.
The annual awards banquet will be held at Eaglesticks’ on January 16, 2010. Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm.
It was noted medical directors for the department is being changed. Dr Zeeb from Mount Carmel East will be coming on board 01/01/2010. The medical director is necessary to keep the medical department current with state specs and necessary safety rulings. This will change the current protocol as he will be making some needed changes. This will also incur some additional costs.
Dozer is scheduling “harassment – safety training” for 01/11/2010 at 7:00 pm at the fire department. A second date will be announced later. This is a required training and will include the township road employees and all fire personnel.
Knox indicated all fire personnel are currently completing questionnaires to provide necessary information to allow checking driving abstract records with BMV annually.
In finishing up old business, the fiscal officer was provided an updated roster of all fire personnel.
Someone will be taking over the scheduling of building activities; setting dates, collecting deposits, and collecting rent money as of 01/01/2010.
Road Report; Larry Taylor providing updated information.
There have been reportings of cement blocks being placed in a dangerous manner along a township property road line on Foxfire Drive. They were once removed and placed away from the roadway onto the private property of the individual. However, once again they are placed on township right of way. Dozer has offered to assist Taylor in removing the blocks and making it known to the individual these are on township right of way and must not be put back.
The drainage problem on Sunset Drive has been rectified and seems to be working properly.
There have been many “slate” come off the roof of the township garage (old school house) with the heavy winds we have been encountering. Fiscal Officer has been asked to contact the insurance company for further information as to what is the next step with the township to have this repaired.
Several loads of sand have been stockpiled for use on snow / ice on roadways.
It was noted some cinders have become available at the Conesville plant; however timing in being there at the right time is a problem. The board unanimously agreed to continue with using sand.
Fiscal Officer questioned Taylor as to some repairs that were scheduled earlier in the year. There are currently fire extinguishers in all road vehicles. The horn on the pick – up truck has been repaired and the brakes on the back hoe have been repaired.
AEP is scheduled to begin installing street lights in the Old Glory Road subdivision 12/14/2009.
There is notice posted on the exterior of township garage buildings re; the presence of ATV’s not being allowed.
Trustee Reports;
Elson noted there is a spot on Stine Rd. where the ditch has be obscured by the property owner which is causing water and melting snow to gather on the roadway and causing icing / hazardous conditions. Taylor will be making necessary repairs.
Elson also noted there is quite a large hole at the entrance of Nutter Road coming off Stine Road. Taylor acknowledged he had seen it and will take care of it.
Dozer reported that “meters” will be placed on Thompson – Run, Stine, Foxfire, Jenkins and Broadvue Circle to measure travel coverage. This will happen in the spring of 2010.
Dozer also noted that in speaking with one Denis Stierz of the county engineer’s office, the property on Dilts Lane is still listed as two parcels and transfer has not taken place.
Smith has checked road lengths in the Fultonham area and has presented an estimate / contract for snow removal to be forwarded to the Fultonham Council. Fiscal Officer was asked to provide a letter of explanation to accompany the contract and send it to them. Smith moved the contract be accepted as presented, Dozer seconded the motion, Elson, aye. Contract estimate signed by all trustees.
Consensus of the board will allow Bob Stephenson (replacing Elson 01/01/2010) to call out road employees to treat treacherous road conditions the 1st – 10th of the month, Smith will take the responsibility the 11th – 20th of each month and Dozer will be responsible the 21st – end of the month. Also, any one of the trustees will be responsible for responding if conditions warrant it and the employees have not been notified as listed.
Smith noted he will be turning in his township cell phone at the end of December, 2009.
8:10 pm Smith moved the meeting go into executive session.
8:40 pm Dozer moved to close executive session.
Fiscal Officer reporting:
The following resolutions were presented for approval and signing confirmation of the board:
All three trustees agreed to all of the following resolutions.
10/09 – to approve transfer of funds from EMS fund to fund #3903 for payment on medic.
11/09 – to final acknowledge the transfer of $50,000.00 from R&B to GF.
12/09 – to amend necessary appropriations in the Fire and General Funds to cover payroll.
13/09 – in the matter of the approval of the solid waste management plan for the SE OH joint solid waste management district.
14/09 – board agreement to cover expenses for the annual fire department “awards” banquet to be held in January, 2010. This excludes any / all alcohol beverages.
15/09 – appropriations / receipts adjustments needing to be finalized to request a new amended certificate by end of year.
16/09 – necessary adjustments to cell phone billing.
A fund line item “Other; charges for other services” will be added to the EMS (2281) fund due to a recommendation from our ongoing bi-annual audit. This will replace the line item; Other; financing sources which has been receiving all EMS payments.
An estimate has been received from V.H.Roush Company for replacement of an overhead garage door on the older township garage building. Cost came in at $1332.00 for a painted / non insulated door.
Notice has been received from the Ohio Department of Commerce re; permits to sell liquor within the township as it is now the time to dispute them if the board so desires. There were no comments given.
A letter has been received from Time Warner re; discontinuing some channels in the very near future and adding some new ones.
A letter has been received from STS Cable (P. Riley Enterprises) re; the obtaining of a Video Service Authorization from the State of Ohio, effective 10/30/2009. Letter was received late in November.
A copy of December Grassroots Clippings was provided to each trustee.
Several Bulletin notices have been received from AOS office. They are as follows;
Bulletin 2009-011; advises changes in the fund status for paying for the cost of an audit.
Bulletin 2009-012; beginning with audit periods ending 12/31/2009, the AOS will begin implementing agreed upon procedures for smaller governments that meet certain criteria and that historically have had clean audits. This can reduce audit costs for these governments while continuing to provide accountability for the public moneys they receive and expend.
Smith moved to pay any / all bills as presented, second by Dozer, Elson – aye.
A meeting for closing of the end of year books will be held December 21 at 4:00pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.
The next regular meeting will be held January 7, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.
10:15 pm meeting adjourned.
Newton Township Trustees met to close the year end books on December 21, 2009 at 6:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department. Those in attendance were: Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson, James R. Smith township trustees. Robert J. Stephenson, newly elected trustee; Bernadine E. Swingle, fiscal officer.
All finances appeared to be in order and were to proceed into the year 2010 as presented.
Derek J. Dozer was elected to serve as chair of the trustee board, Smith will serve as vice-chair, Stephenson is the third trustee for the year 2010.
All meetings will continue to be held on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room. Any changes in meeting dates will be posted on the marquee in front of the fire department building and also will be posted on the township web page.
An inventory is in progress for the fire department, to be completed shortly after January 1, 2010.
Wages / salaries will remain the same as 2009 until the financial situation is studied at the January 2010 meeting.
Date for the January meeting was moved to January 7, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the meeting room.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.