August 2009
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 7:00 PM in the township meeting room. Those in attendance were; Bob Stephenson, Bill and Sammi Harper and David Searles, township residents; Jacob Lutz, Neil Cornett, Craig Knox and Tim Swingle, fire department personnel; Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson, and James R. Smith, township trustees; Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by chairperson, James R. Smith.
Agenda was approved as presented.
Minutes were approved as presented.
Public Participation was first on the agenda; Bob Stephenson had no comments. Sammi Harper is requesting some attention to a culvert / flooding situation near her residence at 2970 Broadvue Circle. Trustees assured her they were not aware of it and it would be checked in the very near future.
David Searls came into the meeting late and inquired as to what was being considered on the fire levy for the upcoming election. There was much discussion from the township residents as well as attending fire department personnel. The majority of the discussion was in a positive attitude as to the passing of the levy, however Mr. Searls was quite disgruntled about the whole situation.
Next order of business went to the Fire Department / EMS Department; Craig Knox reporting for the E M S department;
*Medicare is currently catching up on the back EMS coverage due to the department.
*Monthly “stat” reports were presented; he acknowledged that July runs were down,
possibly due to other area departments becoming somewhat paid departments.
*Fiscal Officer noted to Knox that there are some pending reports out
*One Ms.Garris has applied for an extension to be allowed to ride on emergency runs
as her work schedule has disallowed her to do so the past 30 days. This was agreeable with all
three (3) trustees.
*Knox noted that 8 days remain to file the fire levy with the election board. Officers of
the FD have determined to run a “renewal” levy in the amount of 3 mills for a
period of 5 years. With this information presented to the trustee board, all three
trustees agreed they would support the levy.
The Plan is: Hold open meetings.
Have flyers printed and distributed to all township residents
A committee is being formed to assist in promoting.
Knox agreed to check with the
election board as to what the proper proceedings to complete this would be.
*Knox also noted one member of the fire department has been placed on administrative
leave pending an investigation.
Fire Department business; Tim Swingle noted they have been contacted by the company
that originally sealed the parking lot; they have offered to do the job again this
season for $1000.00 less than quoted. This was tabled at this time.
Road reports / Thompson Run report; Larry Taylor reporting as road superintendent.
Thompson Run still needs approximately $5000.00 of concrete to be complete.
Otherwise, most of the widening, asphalt paving etc. has been completed. There
are still phone lines that need relocated pending notification and approval from
A map received from the Engineers’ office showing location of a turn around on Dilts Lane was presented to Taylor by Dozer for observation and approval of same before the county will proceed with that project.
Trustee Reports:
Smith reporting; a list of roads that need some chip / seal attention was presented to all trustees and the fiscal officer. Due to lack of funding at this time, this issue was tabled until the September meeting.
A petition from the residents of “Old Glory Road” was presented for the installation of street lights. AEP has been notified by the fiscal officer and they will be in contact with Mr. Smith to meet with them on location for placement and number of lights to be installed.
Smith noted that all of Mr. Heckels’ cattle have been removed from his property.
Elson had nothing to report.
Dozer has notified / sent a letter of request to the engineers’ office re; the vacating of an ally as requested by Lisa and Craig Childers of Tignor Road.
The noxious weed / tall grass situation on the Higginbotham property has been mowed.
Old Business: Nothing further to report.
New Business: Nothing to report.
Fiscal Officer report:
It was brought to the attention of the board that no one from the Maysville Youth League had appeared before the board in the year of 2009 to request use of the ball field. The ball field has been in use on a regular basis this season. Also, some youth on ATV’s were seen on the field climbing the “cinder pile” stored behind the township garage. They were asked to leave the property and Mr. Taylor was advised to be sure there is proper notice posted on the township building that this is not permitted.
The board was asked if it was their desire to advertise for a possible change of banks for depository purposes as the contract with Huntington Bank will expire at the end of 2009. The consensus of the board was to proceed with the advertising of same.
The fiscal officer once again requested from the board that she be kept informed of happenings within the township to keep the books as current as possible. A letter to the county engineers’ office was repeated a third time to give them the correct information on the closing of Dilt’s Lane
Renewal of township property / liability insurance from OTARMA is due and was presented for final approval.
The annual renewal of health / life insurance for the township employees is due with an increase, a 6.3% increase. This was approved by all three trustees voting in favor of.
A copy of the August Grassroots Clippings was presented to each trustee.
A copy of the Zanesville-Muskingum County Health Department summer newsletter was presented to each trustee..
A letter has been received from the Muskingum County Commissioners stating they cannot provide the township with any financial help in the year 2009 due to budget cuts.
A letter has been received from the ODJFS that one FF has applied for unemployment benefits.
A notice has been received from “Chase” bank indicating an interest in becoming a depositor for the township.
A motion to move $50,000.00 from the fire fund to the capital improvements fund was requested. Motion made by Dozer, second by Elson, Smith agreed.
All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid.
The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.
A special meeting was called by the trustees to deem the necessity of putting a fire levy on the November 2009 ballot.
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Mr. Smith.
A vote was taken on the resolution of necessity with the votes as follows:
Dozer –aye
Meeting adjourned at 7:07 pm.
A special meeting was called by the trustees to proceed with putting the fire levy before the township residents on the ballot in November 2009.
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Mr. Smith.
Mr. Dozer moved to pass a resolution to proceed with the levy following the Auditors’ certification. Second by Mr. Smith.
Vote taken and follows:
Meeting adjourned at 7:09pm.
Notification of both special meetings was posted on the township web page and on the marquee in front of the fire department.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.