September 2008


             Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, September 11, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.  Those in attendance were; James Theisen, Carl Stewart, Charles Darnel, Craig Lenhart, Sherlyn Pletcher, Bob Mock, township residents; Craig Knox, Jeff Swingle, Alllen Deaver, Larry Geiger and Tim Swingle of the fire department; Jerry and Bonnie Lavy candidate for county commissioner; Jennifer Stewart, candidate for state representative; Martha Sterling, committee member of community days; Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson, and James R. Smith, township trustees and Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.

             Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by chairperson, James R. Smith.

             Minutes were approved as presented.

             Agenda was approved as presented.

             First order of business went to public participation:  Bob Mock adamantly suggested there is plenty of grant money out there for public road assistance and persons who will write grants at no cost until the money is received. 

            James Theisen was representing E. Fultonham United Methodist Church and requested the alley behind the church between 2nd and 3rd street in E. Fultonham be closed.  A request has been submitted to the county commissioners in 2007 and it has become a cost factor for the church to maintain the areas on either side of the alley.  All three trustees were in agreement with closing the alley in question.

Sherlyn Pletcher of 4159 Moxahala Ave. Avondale requested the closing of the east side of a road on Main Street in Avondale as they are anticipating build a garage on their property which would put it on township right of way.  Following considerable discussion by the board, it was determined by all trustees that this was not advisable.

Charles Darnell entered the meeting in a very loud voice declaring he was here to hear some more “lies” from the trustees.  He also stated to Dozer; “don’t get too comfortable in your job either”.   The trustees have received phone calls from one Scott Hudson, owner of American Paving in Columbus stating that only one man from Newton Township had called him (Darnell admitted he called) on his cell phone, threatening him and cursing him for his involvement in repairing some of the township roads.  Trustee Dozer informed Mr. Darnell that he was definitely out of line to contact a township vendor / embarrassing or threatening the board in any manner and this action was to stop immediately.

Jerry Lavy, candidate for county commissioner in the upcoming election was present to introduce himself and state his purpose for seeking the commissioners’ job.

Jennifer Stewart, candidate for the 94th District State Representative was present to introduce herself and state her position on local and state issues.

Martha Sterling was present to indicate that insurance has been secured for any / all activities scheduled for White Cottage Community Days activities which will be held September 26, 27, and 28.  She also was checking to see that necessary electrical repairs have been made, which has been completed by township employees.  Sterling requested use of the Bingo machine from the fire department, which was approved by the fire chief. 

Next on the agenda was reports from the fire department; Chief Deaver reporting; the pad in front of the fire department building has been prepared and is ready to have cement poured when the weather is acceptable.

The lower hallways of the building are currently being painted.

The ice machine and the walk in cooler have both been repaired.

The sheriffs’ department has scheduled training for September 27, 2007 and has requested a “Medic” be on site for any possible emergency.

Finley Fire will be processing the maintenance of all air tanks at the rate of 4 per month until they are all done.

 Craig Knox, EMS coordinator provided stat sheets for year to date EMS runs that have been completed.  He stated the paid day help has made a big improvement in not missing runs.

Knox requested permission to purchase jackets for all fire / EMS personnel at the cost of $8208.88 total.  These will be two layers with a zip out lining and will be embroidered with the F D logo.  Trustees did agree that this was acceptable.

Knox also requested a total of $5246.00 be allowed to update tables and audio equipment in the classrooms.  Following discussion; trustees voted as follows; Dozer moved this be tabled until the October meeting, 2nd by Elson and agreed by Smith.

Larry Taylor, road superintendent reporting on current road conditions;

Chip / Seal has been completed on half of Slack, East Darlington, Mahon, Dennis, Payne, Bush Run, Porter Run, Ridgley, and Lower Krofft.

The zipper will be used to repair parts of Slack that is still not chip / sealed.

Taylor stated that one Roger Penrod of 3590 states his road has not been mowed this year, however all roads have been mowed this year and some have been done twice.  Also, the resident at 3700 Foxfire states the ditch and road in front of his house needs repairs.

Taylor also stated there has been some near escapes on Thompson Run Road in the narrow areas with buses and autos having room to meet.

He also is requesting to be allowed to purchase “cold mix” from the county engineers’.

Trustees reports:

Smith:  Mr. Smith states he made arrangements to transport one Wayne Karr of Woodland Drive to Columbus to view first hand a “slurry seal” application there.  However, upon arrival at the Karr residence, Mr. Karr refused to go with Smith.

Holbert Lane, one Mr. Sprankle is rquesting that it not be maintained beyond his place of residence to attempt to stop the public from turning around in his driveway.  Smith agreed to contact a resident for an area large enough to make a turn around at his location.

Elson:  nothing to report.

Dozer : A culvert is being replaced at the end of Dona Drive to stop roadway run off.

The water department has requested to make a cut on Dennis Road and East Darlington Road, trustees would have preferred this had been done before the recent road improvements had been completed.

 Taylor asked for approximately how much more hot mix can be purchased.  Fiscal Officer suggested not more that 4 – 5 loads.

 Fiscal Officer reporting:

Notice has been received from the county engineers’ office re; cold mix to be ordered through them for future use by the township.  150 tons was requested / ordered per trustee.

Notice has been received from the Morton Salt Company for their contract to be renewed for this season.  Cost will be $110.00 per ton delivered to the garage.  This too was approved by all trustees.

A second report of township road mileage has been received by the fiscal officer.  A request has been made by the county engineer to make any corrections and return this report back to the office.  Mr. Smith requested the listing and will follow through on checking the mileage as listed.

            The Ohio Historical Society has responded to the request of the establishment of the township.  It appears at this time the date was either 1797 or 1798.

            The notice that was received from the county engineers’ office re; putting the walk bridge across Jonathan Creek had been deemed legitimate as the property in question is still in the township name as long as the land contract has not been completely paid off.

            A check in the amount of $4500.00 has been received from insurance for reimbursement for damage to the sign out front of the fire department.

            A request has been made to the county engineers’ office for a large map of the township to be framed and posted on the wall of the meeting room.  According to Matt Russell at the engineers’ office, the largest map possible from them is 36”.  This is in the working process.

            An additional request has been made by the fiscal officer to the engineers’ office to conduct a right of way survey to Thompson Run Road.  This was made known to one Matt Russell at the office.

            Copies of the following were given to each trustee:

                        September Grassroots Clippings

                        Notice of upcoming training sessions from OBWC.

                        Notice from Englefield Oil of a price increase in their products beginning October 1, 2008.

            The next regular meeting of the township will be October 9, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.

            All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

            Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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