October 2008


             Newton Township Trustees met in regular session Thursday October 9, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.  Those in attendance as follows:  Loren C. Camp, candidate for County engineer; Sam Ackers, candidate for County Commissioner; Russell Yahn, Vivian Bond area residents; Martha Sterling of the White Cottage Community Days committee; Larry Geiger, Jeff Swingle of the fire department; Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson and James R. Smith township trustees and Bernadine E. Swingle township fiscal officer.

             Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by James R. Smith chairperson.

             Agenda was approved as presented.

             Minutes were approved as presented.

             Public Participation; first was Russell Yahn who was voicing concern re; the fact that he had been assessed for asphalt in front of his house in 1983.  He was assured this was in the records.

            Mr. Camp and Mr. Ackers voiced their agenda for seeking election in November.

            Martha Sterling was on board to voice appreciation from the local officials for help during the recent community day’s celebration.  She stated there was more electricity used than normal due to some of the functions and requested a statement for same when it became available.  Also, the electric box was damaged during the week end and will need to be replaced at the cost of the rides company.

            Dozer moved to absorb the cost of the electricity by the township because there is really very little that goes on in White Cottage and the annual event is a good thing for the community, second by Smith and agreed by Elson.

             Fire Department; Geiger reporting that they have been contacted by the Red Cross to utilize the fire department building as “Disaster Shelter” if the need should arise.  The biggest drawback is no emergency power exists at this time.  Joy Padgett has responded with the possibility of receiving some grant money to help cover the cost of installing a generator.  An electrician will meet with fire personnel Saturday am to determine approximate cost of same.

             Report of 107 EMS runs completed in September, with an actual two no responses.  With paid help on site during the daylight hours, missed runs have dropped 56.5 %.

             It was also reported that damage from the wind storm on September 14 resulted in $238.00 for the fire department.

             Fire Chief Deaver called per speaker phone to request the possibility of hiring an interim billing clerk for the EMS department to fill in temporarily due to an illness.  This was approved by all three trustees.  This will occur immediately.

             Road Superintendent Larry Taylor reports;

            Mr. Hudson of American Pavement has been in contact and expects to be in the township to apply slurry seal the week of October 20, 2008.  He has requested a location to store stone for completing this project.  It is possible this will be contained in the Moxahala Park area.  Mr. Nolan will be contacted to verify this possibility.

            Sheila Lane and Sheila Circle have been eliminated from the agenda for slurry seal due to the fact that Maysville Water has been working in the area and has left mass amounts of dirt on the road eliminating the possibility of an application process.

            Mr. Hudson has recommended his sweeping crew be allowed to sweep the main intersections of all roads to be slurry sealed.  This will be done at the cost of $75.00 per hour.  All three trustees agreed this was probably a necessity.

            Taylor reported receiving a call from a resident on Stiers Lane who has reported his mailbox was destroyed by the road side mowers recently.  This will be replaced by the township.

            All roads in the township will have been mowed for the season by October 15, 2008.

            Most all the patching of pot holes has been completed.

            The clutch in the truck will go to Rodgers Repair to have the clutch replaced.

            Tires are needed for the John Deere back hoe.  Approximate cost will be in the $1500.00 range.  Taylor is checking for prices.

            Several slates were blown off the roof of the old school house building during the recent wind storm.  Following much discussion, it was determined tin will be used to replace as much roof as deemed necessary this season and will be completed in 2009.

             No New Business:

             Trustees reports:

             Smith reports he can / will purchase the tin needed for the roof damage.  The chimneys need to be removed and estimate of cost secured.  An ad for bids will be published in the Times Recorder.

            He states considerable damage has occurred on Sheila Lane and Sheila Circle due to the installation of water lines by Maysville Water.  They will be contacted to rectify these damages.

             Elson had nothing to report.

             Dozer gave a summary of what took place on his recent trip to NATAT.  He states roads and maintenance of same is an on going issue all across the country.  Funding and increased cost is the major factor.

             Fiscal Officer reports:

            The following notices were given to each trustee:

                        Copy of the new line fence legislation that was passed recently.

                        New edition of the Grassroots Clippings report.

            Notice and check in the amount of $591.54 has been received from OBWC for early payment of our annual dues.

            Notice has been received from Columbia Gas of Riser Safety – upgrade work to be performed by their company.

            The upcoming election is to be held November 4, 2008.  Two of the local precincts will be housed at the fire department.

            Mr. Walter Kreis, director of county EMA has notified the township of needing a report as to damages from the wind storm which occurred September 14.  Copies of all available materials was provided to each trustee to be completed and returned immediately for FEMA consideration.

            A document to close an alley in East Fultonham adjacent to the United Methodist Church was presented to the trustees for their approval and signatures.  This was approved by all trustees.

            All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid.

             The next regular meeting will be held November 6, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the meeting room at the fire house.

             Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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