May 2008



            Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday May 08, 2008, at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.  Those in attendance were:  Craig Knox, Allen Deaver and Larry Geiger of the fire department; Derek J. Dozer, and James R. Smith, Township Trustees and Bernadine E. Swingle, township Fiscal Officer.  Charles R. Elson was excused from the meeting due to illness in the family.


            Meeting was called to order by James R. Smith, chairperson at 7:00 pm.


            Agenda was approved as presented.


            Minutes were approved as presented.


            No Public Participation was called for at this time.


            Fire Department Business ; Knox reporting;

 *Stat reports were made available to all trustees, indicating there have been approximately 50 more runs made this year compared to this time in 2007.  The department averages approximately 500 runs per year.  In 2007 there were 48 no responses causing approximately $22,000.00 lost income.  Thus far in 2008 there has been $37,914.00 collected for E M S services.

Deaver reporting for the fire department;

*There are 6 new applications that have been approved by the backgrounds check committee.  This will up the roster to 48, but there remain several on the current roster that are being notified of increasing their activity or being removed.

*Personnel issues appear to be improving.

*Currently the department is looking in to upgrading the current phone system.  There has been one bid submitted at $7800.00.  More bids are being sought at this time.

* The issue of part – time paid help was discussed once again.  Hours would be 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, 7 days per week.  Anticipation of starting 07-01-2008 for a trial of 6 months at which time it will be re – evaluated by the board / fire department.  Request was made to set aside $50,000.00 to cover this period, no one individual will be permitted to work more that 1500 hours per year.  Remaining details will be initiated at the next trustees’ meeting.

*The insurance company has been advised of the wind damage to the free standing F D sign in front of the building.  An estimate of $4750.00 has been received to replace / repair the same.  The insurance will cover up to $5000.00.


Road Report; Larry Taylor reporting;

*Patching of holes is in progress.

*Roads are being prepared for seasonal chip / seal.

*New locks have been put on all township garage doors and fuel tanks.


Trustees Reports:

Smith reporting;

            He recommends beginning proceedings to widen Thompson Run Road.  It has been suggested to contact all residents on Thompson Run Road to be present at a meeting before the actual construction begins.  Dozer will structure a letter to be sent to the residents and forward it to the Fiscal Officer for mailing.

Lewellen Road, part of Payne and Workman Road have been added to the current chip / seal list to be completed this season.  Possibly a double coat would be advisable on Workman.


Dozer reporting;

Elson was contacted per speaker phone for input on the following issues:

            What was his input on the part – time fire department issue; he is in full agreement with the current plans.

            Did he have other roads to be added to the chip / seal list?  He would appreciate having Opera Road done again if possible.

            The rest of the list that was presented was satisfactory with him.


Dozer and Smith were in agreement with the list of roads to be maintained with chip / seal that was presented at the April meeting.


Fiscal Officer reporting;

*Notice has been received from the Industrial Commission of Ohio re; legal fees that have been allowed to be paid for a past Township employee.  This will be reimbursed by withholding from his check the $10,000.00 allowed, a small amount each pay.

*Effective April 21, 2008 the Timothy R. Clark Petroleum Marketing LLC will join forces with Co-Alliance Energy and all future business will be done through them.

*Notice has been received from the County Commissioners that resolution # 08-0521 was approved to authorize award of bid for asphalt emulsion for county and all townships within Muskingum County for 2008 as recommended by the Muskingum County Engineer, Doug Davis.

*O D O T is requesting suggestions from all Ohioans for a first-of-its=kind “Transportation Conversation” to determine the type of transportation system the state needs for the future.  Send any / all notices to The Ohio Department of Transportation.

*The Ohio Department of Public Safety, BMV division has sent notice of an overpayment of $589.00 to the township during the year of 2007.  This will be reimbursed to the state from the township monthly revenues.

*Notice has been received from PERSO re; the vehicle accident involving a township vehicle and (other driver) during an ice storm in the winter of 2008.  All damages and payments have been completed and cleared.  The claim has been closed as of 04-09-2008.

*O B W C has issued a credit of $149.81 to the township account for early payment of annual fees.

*Paula Slack is working with a Cub Scout group in the community and has requested that township employees be allowed to retrieve bags of trash that the scout group would gather along Limestone Valley Road.  All trustees agreed that this would be permissible if she would just let the township know when this is to be done.

*Dozer has finalized plans to attend NATAT meetings in Washington DC in September / October 2008.

*A resolution was presented for signatures for the transfer of money from the EMS fund into the Medic / Ambulance debt service fund for making payment on the 2007 medic vehicle.

*Concern was voiced by the fiscal officer of finding the meeting room door unlocked and available for general use recently.  This will be addressed by the trustees at the next meeting.


All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.


The next regular meeting will be held Thursday, June 5, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.  Notice of the change of date has been posted on the fire department entry door.


Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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