March 2008



            Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, March 6, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.  Meeting was called to order by chairperson, James R. Smith at 7:05 pm.  Those in attendance were; Pam Deaver, Opera Road resident, Larry Geiger and Allen Deaver of the fire department, Larry Taylor road maintenance superintendent, Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson and James R. Smith township trustees and Bernadine E. Swingle, Fiscal Officer.


            Agenda was approved as presented.


            Minutes were approved as presented.


            Public Participation; Pam Deaver noted she was just sitting in on the meeting.


            Fire Department Business:

                        Allen Deaver reporting:

            *) Bingo has ceased.  It was determined Bingo was no longer profitable and needed to cease.

            *) There has been considerable wind damage to the fire department sign standing in front of the building.  He is currently seeking estimates for renovation of same.

            *) Landscaping at the front entrance is in the planning to be updated.

            *) New lights have been installed at the 2 main entrances of the building.

            *) E M T class has taken their final exams.  We, as in the fire department are looking to file for accreditation to be able to continue to do our own fire and EMT classes.  This would save considerable finances in the future.

            *) Most of the fire department officers will be out of town at the time of the next township meeting to attend FDIC training.


            Southeastern Equipment:

                        Adam West, sales representative was in attendance per request of James R. Smith.  All information presented was acceptable by the trustees and all three were in agreement with the final purchase.


            Road Report:

                        Larry Taylor reporting:         

            *) There are several soft spots in various roads within the township that are coming about due to the wet weather conditions we are experiencing.

            *) The chip / seal that was applied last season is not holding the best.

            *) There still remains a drainage problem at the entrance of Crock Road off State Route 93 in Avondale.

            *) There will be more road salt ordered tomorrow (03-07-2008).


            Clerks’ Report:

            *) A resolution was presented for a new Amended Certificate to allow $2500.00 be added to the General Fund – money from the County Commissioners.

            *) Notice has been received from the County Engineers’ Office re; driveway permits.  Needed information has been forwarded to their office to keep the township office informed of any / all new driveways going in within the township.

            *) Copies of the latest Grassroots Clippings was presented to all three trustees.

            *) OBWC has informed the township that a past employee has been awarded permanent total disability benefits.  This was effective as of 02-25-2008.

            *) Dozer has completed the necessary contacting of residents to be eligible for a block grant in E. Fultonham to help maintain alleys there.

            *) U A N has indicated there will be new hardware available to all townships using their program – beginning in May, 2008-July, 2008.

            *) a listing of all township vehicles, age of same is being updated for availability to the trustees.

            *) It was noted that certificates of Public Record Retention training have been mailed to all those who have attended.


            Trustee Reports:

                        Smith reporting”

            *) It is time we need to be considering what roads will be maintained this season with either chip / seal or asphalt.  He asked the other trustees to make available a list of possibilities of all roads in consideration for the next meeting.


                        Dozer reporting:

            *) A Workman Road resident has been in contact requesting repairs and widening of a one lane bridge on Workman Road.  Pictures were presented to Dozer of an accident that occurred there last fall.

            *) Request was made by Dozer to be allowed to attend NATAT Convention in Washington D C in September.  This was approved by all trustees.


                        Elson reporting:

            *) A Slack Road resident has requested stone be applied at her residence to the end of Opera Road and is considered to be a township road.  This will be done as soon as possible.


            All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.


            The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 7:00 pm.


            Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.

   Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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