July 2008


 Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the cafeteria at the fire department.  Those in attendance were; approximately 75 township residents, Allen Deaver and Craig Knox of the fire department; Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson and James R. Smith, township trustees; Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer and Scott Hudson representing the American Pavement, Inc. company in Columbus.

 Meeting was called to order at 7:05 by James R. Smith, chairperson.

 Agenda was approved as presented.

 Minutes of the 06-05-2008 meeting were approved as presented.

 First order of business went to the fire department with Chief Allen Deaver reporting.

            New crew on station during the daytime hours is doing well.  They have completed

                        19 runs total thus far and none have been missed.

            The recent flooding in the area was noted with no apparent repercussions.  Deaver

                        did request help from the township road crew for removing some large

                        amounts of debris from area roadways that the trash trucks refused to

                        haul away.  This was approved by all three trustees.

            A structure fire at the Woodberry apartments resulted in injuries to two firefighters,

                        apparently struck by lightning at the sight.  Neither of the injuries proved

                        to be serious.

            The fire department did pump seven basements in the White Cottage area following

                        the flood.

             Craig Knox, EMS coordinator reported an $8000.00 equipment grant has been approved for Newton Township EMS department for the year 2009.

 Next on the agenda, Mr. Scott Hudson of the American Pavement company proceeded to explain to the attendees the situation with the current road conditions in their area.  He has been on sight and evaluated the roads along with the trustees and together they determined the most economical way to keep the roads in good operation was to apply chip / seal (to be completed by another company) and then his company would come in and apply a “slurry seal” of asphalt and limestone as the final application.  This would result in a road very similar to the original asphalt.

  Hudson also mentioned that the Strawser Company had recently been in the township and refused to attempt any type of road maintenance due to the deterioration of the roads currently.  The question was raised as to the bidding process of having this work done.  Because American Pavement is a “state bid” company, public bidding is not required. 

 One Sherry Ziemer took the floor and attempted to establish some type of control of the audience.  She presented approximately 200 signatures of local residents who were requesting a small committee be formed and meet with the trustees to try to come to some form of agreement as to what would be the next step in the road maintenance.  They were requesting no further action on the part of the trustees until this meeting could be held.  This resulted in a lot more discussion of the situation – several of the attendees were requesting something be done immediately, they were not willing to be detained any longer.

 Mr. Hudson noted the roads were structurally good, but are aging and deteriorating.  He felt monetary wise spending less money, seal the roads and save what is there would outweigh spending a large amount  of money to apply another layer of asphalt.  The trustees did present an estimate allowed through the county engineers’ office which revealed a price of approximately $453,000.00 to apply asphalt to the roads in question.  The township does not have adequate funding available to allow this per the township fiscal officer.

 County Commissioner, Brian Hill did come on the scene at 8:05 pm and shared information with the crowd as to the status of county and state funding and explained that the bottom line is “funding”.  Everyone is feeling the effects of it including the county and the townships.

 It became very obvious there were several “very” dissatisfied residents in the crowd.  Discussion of this situation continued until 8:25 pm at which time Mr. Smith called for public participation to come to an end at which time the majority of the crowd left the meeting.

 General Issues was called for:  Martha Sterling, representing the White Cottage Community Days committee was seeking approval from the trustees to once again put the foot bridge across Jonathan Creek for community day’s weekend.  She did state that Sidwells’ is re-building the bridge that was in need of repairs.  This puts the responsibility of the bridge completely in the hands of the community days committee.  The question was raised as to the necessity of liability insurance.  The trustees assured her this was a necessity and also the responsibility of the committee.  Sterling was inquiring as to who is responsible for the upkeep of the ball diamond that lays behind the township garage.  It was determined by the trustees that the Maysville Youth League is using it and should keep it mowed and trash removed.  She will be in contact with those personnel and report back to the trustee board on July 31.

 Rod Eppley of the Maysville Water Department inquired as to what they need to finish to be in compliance with the needs /  desires of the township trustees.  Trustees noted there remains problems on Yost Road and Nutter Road.  Mr. Smith agreed to check Darlington Road and report back to them as to the condition of it.

 Kathie Robison inquired as to the status of Thompson Run Road.  Trustees agreed that at this time that work is on hold, but are still planning to get it started as soon as possible.  As it stands, the plan is still to widen the road 2’ on each side.

 Road Report:  Larry Taylor road supervisor reported the utilities have been marked on Workman Road where the culvert / bridge is to be replaced.  However, the recent rains have caused considerable damage to the road and it will need much repair before the culvert work can proceed.  It was noted also that the road needs widened on a particular blind curve but residents need to be contacted before anything can be done.  Elson agreed to check this situation out.

 Dozer noted to Taylor there is still a drainage problem at the cul-de-sac at the end of Mona Drive.  Mr. Smith noted there is a culvert above the area in question that needs replaced also.

 Trustee Reports:

 Smith – nothing to report.

 Elson – nothing to report.

 Dozer – Butcherknife road needs mowed, Jenkins and Nolan need to be trimmed back further.  Also, there is a culvert problem on Dona / Sandra Drive.

 Old Business:

 The situation of “slurry seal” was brought to the floor for a vote as to whether to proceed with the program as planned.

Vote as follows;

Smith, aye; Elson, aye; Dozer, aye.  Mr. Hudson was contacted via conference call to confirm this decision.  The necessary paper work will be completed and faxed to Mr. Hudson by the fiscal officer.

 New Business:

 Clerk’s Report:

 Copies of the following communications were given to each trustee;

            Notice from OhioEPA re; a workshop of Insurance Program for Brownfield Properties.

            Notice from EngleField Oil Co. re; price increase of fuel and an additional delivery


            Copies of “Grassroots” for both June and July, 2008.

            Muskingum County Health Department newsletter.

            Notice from Muskingum County Engineers’ Office re; 25cent per gallon increase for

                        Asphalt emulsion.

            Muskingum County Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing to revise the

                        Subdivision Regulations of Muskingum County on July 23rd @ 9:00 am at the

                        Court house.

            OTA RMA is offering FREE online training courses in Healthcare, Human Resources

                        And Safety.


Other notations from the fiscal officer;

            Training sessions for the District 18 Ohio Public Works Commission SDIP/LTIP

                        Programs will be held Thursday, July 17, 2008 at the Holiday Inn in Marietta.

            The South Central Ohio Township Association will be meeting at the Newton Township

                        Fire Department on Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 6:30 pm for their summer meet..

            Connie Fink, Fiscal Officer of Springfield Township is currently serving on the OTA

                        Board and has expressed her availability to share information from the OTA.

            Muskingum County Engineer has sent information re; the purchase of ODOT ROCK

                        SALT PER COOPERATIVE BID through the county.  The trustees all 3 agreed

                        Newton Township will continue to purchase from Morton Salt Co. in Marietta.

            Maysville Regional Water District has upgraded their customer billing system which

                        will allow automatic bill pay or ACH transfer from the township checking

                        account.  All trustees agreed not to participate in this at this time.

            A notice has been received from OBWC re; the injury at the structure

                        fire of Woodberry apartments.

            Bonnie Smith, Foxfire Road has returned her approved culvert permit for our records.

            An employee was called for drug testing through the CDL program.

A call was received from the Perry County Engineers’ Office that Coopermill Road in Perry County will be closed between Mt. Perry Road and Cimmarron Road for 2 weeks to replace a bridge.  This will begin on Monday, July 6, 2008.  All fire department personnel have been notified of this closure. 

Mr. Tom Montgomery of Anthem BCBS Insurance has notified the township the time of renewal for health insurance for township employees will be in September.  This was tabled until a later date.

 Marsha McDonald of 4005 Workman Road has indicated the ditch in front of her property needs to be opened up.

 Mr. Veyon of Rodayle Drive in Avondale has requested the road crew to pick up a large root of poison ivy that has been dismantled from a fallen tree.

 Trustees agreed all bills presented were valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

 An additional meeting for the month of July has been scheduled for Thursday, July 31, 2008 at 7:00 pm.  This is necessary to finalize several issues still on the table.  Notice of same will be posted on the fire house door and be printed in the “Legals” of the classified advertising of the Zanesville Times Recorder.

 Meeting adjourned at 10:50 pm.



             Newton Township Trustees met for a second monthly meeting on Thursday, July 31, 2008 @ 7:00 pm.  Those in attendance as follows; D. Bruce McConnell, Mary Ellen Campbell, Jill Crippen, Chad Creeks, Charles Darnell, Stuart Powell, Jessie Jones and George Bradley, township residents; Craig Knox and Larry Geiger of the fire department; Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson and James R. Smith, township trustees; Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.

             Meeting was called to order a 7:05 pm by James R. Smith, chairperson.

             Agenda was approved as presented.

             Minutes were corrected as follows; As the trustees were determining what to continue in planning for road maintenance for this season, Mrs. Ziemer stated that in conferring with her group that was in attendance, the consensus was to go ahead with the plans as stated earlier which was to plan the scheduling of “slurry seal” with American Pavements, Inc..

             First order of business was Public Participation; Question as to what the status on the road completion at this time.  A. 2nd or 3rd week of August.

            One representative from Avalon Drive stated that he and his mother didn’t think the “slurry seal” was necessary.   However, there was no petition from the remaining residents to carry this through.

            Question; what is the status of the widening of the Thompson Run project?  A.  Late in the fall of 2008 if at all possible.

            Question; has the possibility of surveying the area (Thompson Run) been considered.

  1. Dozer stated he has contacted the county engineers’ office on this matter.

            One Jessie Jones had an issue re; the removal of volunteer fire department personnel from the agenda of fire personnel.  It was explained to her that when any individual is not active for an extended period of time, disciplinary action is taken and this is apparently the concern in this situation.

             Fire Department business was next on the agenda.  Knox had nothing to report.

Geiger and Knox did indicate the part time help is working well at this time.  67 runs for the month of July have been completed and none have been missed.

            The new sign is up and working.

            New poles for the highway entrances have been ordered and necessary provisions have been made to get them installed ASAP>

            New conduit and wiring has been applied around the heli – pad as the old wiring has surfaced and was no longer acceptable / workable.

            Dozer questioned personnel as to what the agenda for new hires incurred.  Knox replied they check employment verification, require a background check through the county sheriffs’ office, require a drivers abstract check, background criminal check and fingerprinting which is also done at the sheriffs’ office.  An interview team consisting of; Craig Knox, Jeff Swingle, David Lovejoy, and Joe Matthews will interview each individual and forward a recommendation to fire Chief Deaver.

            Trustees noted that the chief needs to know an individual has received his / her notice of disciplinary action being taken before the fire gear for the individual is removed from the rack.  It was also suggested all such notices be sent “certified mail” from this date forward. There does need to be consistency on ALL background checks.  Knox noted that any incomplete application is automatically thrown out.

            Communication between the officers and other fire personnel needs to be improved as much as possible immediately per trustees.  The only paid officers at this time are the chief and the EMS coordinator (A. Deaver and C. Knox).

            Fiscal Officer also requested a listing of all paid fire personnel as to job status and rate of pay as well as needing W-4,s for each one.  This was all made available at that time.  It was also noted at this time that all EMT and MEDICS will be paid from the EMS fund; all firefighters will be paid from the fire fund.

            Fire Personnel were advised of a notice received from the Muskingum County Board of Elections re; Accessible parking needs a fine sign.  Copy of the necessary changes has been forwarded to the fire department.

             Trustee Reports:

            Elson; the water department has completed necessary repairs to Nutter Road.

            Dozer; request has been made on Mona / Dona drive re; a children playing sign to be removed as the resident has no children and the sign is unsightly.  It was found that the Township can no longer put up these signs for liability reasons.

           Also, a tree has been cut out of the way at the end of Axline Ave. E. Fultonham, the residents understood the road crew would be returning to remove the wood and this has not happened.  Smith agreed to mention it to Mr. Taylor.

             Old Business:

             Smith reported that 20 – 20 Enterprises will be returning the third week of August to complete the chip / seal program.  The cost will be more that budgeted and will be reviewed further at the next meeting in August.

             New Business:

             Some inquiries have been made to the Fiscal Officer re; street light assessments that are posted on their recent tax statements.  Those being; D. Bruce McConnell of Shaw Road which does not have a street light within the parameters of his property line, Greg Jadwin of Dona Drive which does not have access to a street light as well and the third one being Clyde Hina of Freedom Lane.  Both McConnell and Jadwin have been removed from the assessment listing.  The Hina situation is still pending.  He purchased property from an Ada Belle Williamson in 2001 which at the time of re-assessment had a property line within the parameters of a street light.  This property has now been sub – divided into 5 parcels of which none are being assessed as Hina is still the original owner of all of these properties.  He has been contacted via phone and advised of the situation, is currently taking responsibility of contacting each of the other parcel owners re; this situation and will respond back to the Fiscal Officer as to the desires of the community involved.  A payment of $62.64 will be allowed to the Jadwins and $22.32 will be allowed to the McConnells.  Payments from the township will be issued at the August, 2008 meeting.  These payments represented taxes they have paid in the years of 2008 and 2007.

             Dozer noted a letter of intent has been received from Denis Swires at the county engineers’ office re; the closing of an alley behind all five lots located at the area of 6085 Fultonrose Road.  All three trustees were in agreement of this decision and signed off on same.  Dozer will be in contact with the engineers’ office to notify them of the decision.

             A phone call has been received by both Dozer and the Fiscal Officer from a resident on MoxaDarla Road re; as assessment fee on his taxes for sewer.  This was an existing assessment when he purchased the property and has remained there since.  He was advised to check with his mortgage company as to how long the assessment was for and to follow up with the county auditors’ office for any changes necessary.  We, as in the township have no authority over this entire situation.

             Fiscal Officer reporting:

             Copies of the following correspondences were given each trustee:

                        Notice from Columbia Gas re; changes to our service. (copy on file)

                        Notice from ODNR re development on abandoned mine lands.

                                    (copy of guide on file).

             Notice has been received from ODOT confirming our letter of intent for Liquid Asphalt application which has been awarded to American Pavements.  A copy of their letter was mailed to the awarded vendor by ODOT.

            All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

            Next regular meeting will be held Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the trustees meeting room.

            Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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