December 2008

Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, December 11, 2008 @ 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.  Those in attendance were: Larry Taylor, township road superintendent, Larry Geiger and Barb Knox of the fire department; Charlie Thomas representing the “Zanesville and Western Scenic Railroad; Michelle Huber, representing her mother who is a township resident; Derek J. Dozer, James R. Smith and Charles R. Elson, township trustees and Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by chairperson James R. Smith.

Agenda was approved as presented.

Minutes were approved as presented.


Public Participation:

Charlie Thomas of the Zanesville Muskingum Scenic Railroad was first on the agenda to present to the township the groups plans to open the railroad between Avondale and Glassrock. 

The railroad yard at Avondale / Fultonham has been cleared of brush and debris to store the now available rail engine, cars and caboose.  He was requesting permission to cross township roads at Crock road at State Route 93 and Crock road at Huggins road.  The work will be performed by the committee in charge and they would appreciate any help available from the township.  He was requesting a letter from the township for permission to cross township roads at the above mentioned intersections.  They are a non – profit organization and are hoping to bring some tourism to the community.  Trustees asked if a written statement stating they would be responsible for any / all maintenance at the crossings could be made available to the township.  His answer to same was yes.  Thomas also stated signs would be posted in advance of any construction as to dates and closure of roads for these repairs.


            Next on the agenda (public participation) was Michelle Huber who stated she was not a resident of Newton Township but her mother lives on Foxfire Road.  Her mother was involved in a head on collision the day before Thanksgiving on Foxfire by a driver traveling at a high rate of speed / lost control of vehicle on a small hill in the road.  She states there are no speed limit signs posted, the other driver was sited for failure to control only.  Huber asked if signs could be posted re; speed limits and school bus turn arounds etc.. There is also a school bus that turns at the intersection of Zella Drive and Foxfire.  This was discussed at length by the trustees and Mr. Taylor.  Taylor will be installing necessary road signs in the very near future.


Fire Department report:

It was noted there had been a structure fire on Jenkins Drive Sunday morning, December 7, 2008.  There was a fire crew and fire equipment on site within 5 minutes of the call as there was paid crew on station.  A letter of appreciation along with pictures of damages was received by the department from the residents involved.


Fire reports for the month of December / year to date were available and presented to each of the trustees.

There was no other fire business discussed.  It was determined by the fire department members present that future expenses / budget issues were being considered.  Some of the issues at stake were; replacing 6 complete sets of turn – out gear at approx. cost of $15,000.00 total with possibly continuing with this plan each year until all gear at present has been replaced with new.  Four new “walkies” are being considered as is some “flashlights”.  Computer upgrades needed would run approximately $2500.00.  Other possibilities are; replacing the utility type vehicle and remodeling the kitchen.


Fire department / E M S billing report; Stats were provided for the first 5 months of part time paid help – recommend we continue same as is for the present time.  They will return in April of 2009 to reconsider the present plan and reconsider for the future of paid help.


Following some discussion the trustees all three agreed to move forward to place a replacement levy for the fire department on the ballot in May of 2009.  The fire department personnel will proceed with the necessary contacts and paper work to do this.


It was noted by the Township Fiscal Officer that a statement in the amount of $6.15 has been received from CVS Pharmacy for which there is no receipt available.  The invoice cannot be paid until a receipt is received in the Fiscal Officers’ office.


Road Report; Larry Taylor reporting.

Patching of holes has been the major issue for the past few weeks.  Most of the roads have been checked and repaired for same.

Taylor has received / picked up 10 Newton Township Signs to be posted at various intersections.  Trustees considered the location for these, they will be posted as follows; State route 345, State route 93 out of Roseville, Workman road out of Perry County, State route 22 Ease and West, Darlington road, Ironspot, Thompson Run road, Bagley road and Stine road.


A tree in Fultonham that was to be removed by AEP has had a branch break off and strike the corner of a near by residential porch.



Smith had nothing to report.


Elson noted that Pete Hope Lane needed and has been stoned.


Dozer noted that possibly seeking to hire some part – time help needs to be considered in January, 2009.


Old Business:  None.

New Business:  None.


Fiscal Officers’ Report:

            Copies of the following reports were given to all three trustees:

                        Brochure from the Fair Housing Administration Program.

                        New price list for 2009 from shell Materials, Inc..

                        December copy of Grassroots Clippings.

                        Notice received from Time Warner Cable re; changes coming in broadcasting schedules for the area.

                        Current newsletter from the Muskingum County Health Department.


All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.


An end of the year / budget 2009 meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 6:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.


The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, January 8, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the meeting room at the fire department.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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