October 2007
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department. Those in attendance were: Thomas E. Cosgrave, Bob Mock, Wayne Karn, Shawn Hartley, Jim Hartley, Joey Stephens, Martha Sterling, Michael Victor, township residents; Craig Knox, Jeff Swingle, of the fire department; Larry Taylor, township road employee; Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson, and James R. Smith, township trustees and Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Dozer, chairperson.
Agenda was approved as presented.
Minutes were approved as presented.
First order of business; (public participation)
Wayne Karn inquired as to any plans of the roadside in the Jenkins Addition was on schedule to be mowed again this season. Elson stated he would take care of it.
Bob Mock complained there are still trees hanging out into the right of way on Thompson Run Road that would be damaging to his truck if he were to come through that area. Once again he requested these trees be trimmed back. Also, stated he feels the road in the area of the McConnell farm is very narrow and questioned as to the possibility of this area being widened.
Shawn Hartley from E. Fultonham was inquiring as to the feasibility of adding an addition on to an existing building at his place of business. He states his property is already nearly on the property line and he has contacted the county building department and was advised to come to the township trustees for a final decision. This was tabled to be discussed later in the meeting.
Fire Department:
Craig Knox reporting;
*Dozer questioned how Bingo was going and if anyone had a report as has been requested.
*Knox assured trustees he would provide them with a 2nd and 3rd quarter report for the EMS department as well.
The question was raised from the floor (public attendees) as to why there was a need to accept someone outside of the township to the department. It was explained to them there were no longer adequate volunteers in the area willing to be on the department and any one outside the township would be required to spend a designated minimum of time per month on site.
Trustee Reports:
Smith reporting;
The situation on Lavona Drive in Avondale has been checked out further. The question is whether it is private property or township property. Dozer agreed to contact the county engineer (Doug Davis) for possibly some help from them (the county) in cost and labor.
Necessary repairs have been made to the salt bin at the garage.
Commissioner Hill has assured Smith he will send the necessary papers to apply for grant money for street repairs for the year 2008-2009. This would be in the form of a block grant that could possibly be used in the areas of Fultonham and White Cottage.
Smith reported there remains a tree at 6885 Axline Avenue in E. Fultonham that needs to be removed. He has been told by Commissioner Hill it is on township property.
There has been no communication from Ace Equipment as to the availability of the truck bed that has been on order for several months. Larry Taylor, township employee was asked to contact them in regards to this.
Mr. Kimpel on Rose Hill road has contacted Smith to state that two (2) years ago a township trustee had promised him to chip/seal the road leading to his house. This will need to be confirmed at a later date. Issue tabled at this time.
Mrs. Pitcock has once again requested some attention to her road. The county highway department has been in and partially created a turn around within her road. Trustees are not sure if the county has plans to further this work at this time.
The old school building at the garage area is receiving repairs ie; metal to the windows and adding soffit all around the building. Smith is requesting $2000.00 additional money to complete this job. Trustees agreed to spend a maximum of $4000.00 to complete the job.
Elson reporting:
Elson has received from the county engineer’s office a listing of roads / bridges to be closed the week of October 15-19, 2007. This would include; Moxadarla road near Darlington Drive, Darlington Drive near Greenhouse Road, Lambert Road and Yost Road.
There have been two (2) new hidden drive signs put up at 2960 Thompson Run Road.
An existing dead tree on Stine Road has been cut up and hauled away and the last soft spot on the same road has been repaired with hot mix.
Bonnie Kelly requested Pete Hope Lane be mowed and this has been done.
Dozer reporting:
Stone has been applied at the intersection of Washington Street and Butler Road in Avondale. Necessary mowing in this area has been completed also.
Comment; A resident brought up junk and junk cars on Foxfire that are still quite an eyesore. Dozer agreed he would be in contact with property owner again.
A lady on Shaw Road has been in contact with Dozer re; some deep tractor tracks resulting from some backhoe work having been done in the area. L. Taylor, new road employee was advised to be aware of this type of situation in the future and to remedy it to the best of his ability at the time the work is completed.
There is some concern re; how fast traffic is moving at the intersection of Zella Drive and Foxfire – there is a school bus stop very close to this area and residents are requesting school bus signs be posted to “hopefully” slow the traffic down.
A complaint has come to the board in the form of a letter from a resident regarding a property on Hoover Ave. in E. Fultonham. It sems the property contains great amounts of trash, garbage and tall weeds. The fiscal officer was asked to send a certified letter of intent of the trustees to clear the debris and garbage from the area as it is breeding grounds for infestation.
New Business:
Dozer has been in contact with Matt from the “Strawser Co.” which does micro-seal to asphalt. He was on site at the Jenkins Drive, Linn Drive and Kennedy Drive locations and states they are beyond the capabilities of his company. He (Matt) recommended a layer of chip / seal then within 24 hours he would come in and apply a layer of micro – seal on top of that at the cost of approximately $30,000.00 per mile. The issue was tabled until a later time for further discussion.
Dozer inquired of the fiscal officer if funding could be made available to the continuing two trustees, in event of his defeat at election, for computer training. This would enable one of them to continue with keeping the township web page current and putting out the township newsletter. This is definitely a possibility per the fiscal officer.
Trustees again discussed the Hartley building as mentioned earlier in the meeting.
Following much discussion, it was decided allowing a building to extend onto township property was not advisable and a letter of intent will be sent to the individual notifying him of this.
Larry Taylor – township employee:
The importance of purchase orders and retention of purchase receipts was explained to Mr. Taylor per the fiscal officer.
He was informed also to secure and retain receipts during the time he might be traveling for township training for payment / reimbursement of same.
Taylor reported patching has been cone on East Darlington, Bush Run and Moxahala Park Road. Some culverts that appeared to be higher than the road have been removed and re-inserted----------
Approximate length of guardrail needed for the Georgia Pines roads is 285’.
Two (2) stop signs have been posted in Avondale.
The clutch in the white truck (international) needs adjusted as does the steering mechanism. He was given permission to get the necessary repairs done.
Smith indicated he might check the red ford truck also for necessary clutch adjustments.
Dozer noted to Taylor that he would ask him to check on pricing and purchasing some signs for roads coming into the township (Welcome to Newton Township).
Fiscal Officer inquired as to the internet service being connected at the township garage. To the best of his knowledge, Taylor did not think it had been done.
The fiscal officer has received a phone call from S. Smith at Broadvue Circle re the drop off into her yard from the road asphalt. Smith states he did check it and some topsoil will be put in at that location.
Fiscal Officer reporting:
Copies of the following reports were given to all trustees;
Muskingum Co. Planning Commission meeting November 7 @ 9-11 am.
Avondale wildlife DEDICATION October 18 @ 1:00 pm, Dozer to attend.
Notice has been received from OBWC new rates posted for the year 2008.
A notice has been received re; old/unused cell phones needed for distribution to persons unable to afford a cell phone – these to be used only for 911 calls in case of an emergency. All attendees were encouraged to turn in cell phones if available.
The BMV has issued an article in Grassroots Connection re the township receiving its BMV license tax. This might be a good article to include in the next township newsletter.
A model policy for House Bill 9 was passed and approved by all three trustees.
The Muskingum County Board of Elections has sent notice of upcoming election dates for the rest of 2007 and all of 2008. Dates have been entered on the calendar at the fire department for future reference.
It was noted by the fiscal officer that one Bob Applegate of OSHA has called and scheduled an appointment for 9:30 am October 18, 2007. He will report to the fire house and then move on to the township buildings.
Confirmation was asked to pay past employee Atkins for comp. time he had accumulated.
This was acceptable by all 3 trustees.
A large amount of trash was accumulated at the township garage area during the Community Days activities. Wahl Refuse has been contacted to remove the same. This was acceptable to all three trustees.
The fiscal officer noted that the Bi-annual audit report has been submitted to the district office for verification and notification will follow soon for a post – audit conference. The fiscal officer will notify trustees of time and date for their attendance if possible.
All bills were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.
The next regular scheduled for November 8 was moved to November 13, 2007 due to conflict of a prior commitment of one of the trustees.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.