December 2007



            Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, December 13, 2007 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department. Those in attendance were; Wayne Karr and Bob Mock, township residents; Craig Knox and Jeff Swingle, of the fire department; Derek J Dozer, Charles R Elson and James R Smith, township trustees; and Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.


            Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Dozer, chairperson.


            Agenda was approved as presented.


            Minutes were approved as presented.


            Fire Department; Craig Knox reporting.

1)      The current software for reporting EMS transports / runs is definitely outdated and request is being made to replace same at the cost of $5504.00.  Billing would remain as is currently being done for the present time.  All three trustees agreed to this update.

2)  Request is being made for the purchase of two (2) new laptop computers for use in both medics.  Purchase of these would greatly enhance the reporting procedure to the state and increase time of payment of same.  Much less room for error as well.  Cost is estimated at approximately $7700.00.  If purchase of same software using the 2006 version, there would be a savings of approximately $500.00.  Request was also made for an additional monitor to be added to the front of each medic.  Trustees all agreed upon the purchase of all above with a ceiling price of $8700.00.

3)      The current utility truck owned by the fire department has been stripped and is ready for disposal.  It has been put up for public bid in the Times Recorder with bids scheduled to be opened at the January 10, 2008 regular meeting.  Knox requested any proceeds from the truck be allowed into the EMS fund since the cost of transferring the snow blade to the grass truck was taken from this fund.

4)      One Marty Gamble is in the process of mounting the current snow blade onto the brush truck.  Parts have been ordered for same.

5)      A new back blade has been purchased for the tractor which will make getting the areas close to the building cleared of snow much easier.

6)      The scheduling software is up and running.  It is being used by some of the personnel.  There are still not crew’s available full times, but it is improving.  One of the (out of the area) new recruits has already spent one shift on station.

7)      Two new recruits have been interviewed by the fire department interview committee; All three trustees agreed to the admission of both applicants.

8)      Request is being made to purchase a gear extractor and dryer for the cleaning of turn – out gear.  NFPA requires that gear be washed after every exposure or no less than twice a year.  Cost of both items would be $2700.00.  This was also approved by all three trustees.

9)      The purchase of a small pressure washer at the cost of $699.00 for cleaning equipment and floors in the bay area was requested.  Trustees questioned as to the necessity of having “hot” water available.  Following considerable discussion, it was determined to allow extra money to have the heater available.  Cost is not to exceed $2000.00 / or to return to the next meeting for approval if necessary.

10)   Request to purchase 4 new portable radios to accommodate new recruits at the cost of $700.00 each made.  Trustees suggested they might check pricing for possibly a price break if a greater number be purchased.  Checking with the vendor revealed a minimum of 10 would be necessary to receive a $25.00 less cost.  Fire department personnel and trustees agreed this was not advisable.  A total of 4 radios for purchase was approved by all three trustees.

11)   A snow blower purchase was requested.  This was denied by all three trustees.

12)   Shelving and tools for the shop have been purchased and currently all is being organized for better use of all concerned.


1Per C. Knox of the Muskingum County Sheriff’s office, the Kimpel driveway as discussed at the last township meeting, does not appear on any county maps as township property i.e.; to be maintained by the township.


Road Report / Snow removal update:  Larry Taylor reporting.

1)      Question from the trustees as to how the priority of roads to be treated first is determined. According to Taylor, the paved roads / ones most traveled are first on the list and then they go from there.  Communication between the township drivers is kept open per 2 – way phone service to determine where they are and if further help is needed.

2)      Taylor commented that the company failed to refill the hydraulic system with oil when work on the new truck bed was completed.  This caused a serious situation when T. Elson became crosswise in the road and was unable to raise the snowplow due to low oil pressure.  30 gallons of oil was required to fill the system and regain the oil pressure to normal.

3)      One Terry Elson was involved in a minor accident on Rucker Road on 12-07-07 when the snowplow he was driving slid on ice and collided with a car causing minor damage to the car and no damage to the township vehicle.  Ohio State Patrol investigated the accident – Elson reported to Genesis Health Care for a drug / alcohol test.  According to trustees and the township Personnel Policy, he does stand a chance of being put on probation for 1 year if the damage is too extensive.  This will be determined at a later date when results from the insurance company are available.

4)      Temple Oil and Gas delivered salt water to the township to be used for road treatment during inclement weather.  Salt and cinders is in good supply at this time.

5)      Taylor states he had a call from a gentleman with pricing on new hand held radios that was requested prior to his hiring.  He (Taylor) does not feel the radios are needed and asked the trustees for their opinion.  All three trustees agreed the radios are not a necessity at this time.  Taylor will inform the gentleman of same.

6)      Per Taylor, the White International dump truck has a transmission that is faulty periodically, possibly in the computer system.  The trustees advised him to take it to a garage and have it checked immediately, get an estimate for repairs and have necessary repairs done / call trustees if the price is extensive.


Thompson Run Update:

The Culvert / Bridge replacement on Thompson Run Road has been completed at the cost of $8237.80 total.  Bob Mock, township resident was present and commented he felt the job was well done.  He also stated that he has resided in the area for most of his life and areas of Thompson Run Road are still much too narrow.


Clerk’s Report:

                        *The audit report has been received, Dozer was given a copy and a copy is filed in Township files for future reference.

            *An extensive summary of OSHA findings has been received and was presented to the trustees and the fire department for completion.

            *Discussion was held as to what funds the trustees’ salary should be paid from in the year 2008.  There has been some concern voiced from the county and state levels as to hours actually worked and funds used for payment in the past.  It was determined that for the year 2008, all trustees pay will be taken from the general fund.

            *OTA Winter Conference will be held at the Columbus Convention Center January 30 through February 2, 2008.  Reservations need to be made soon if planning to attend.  Smith asked to be reminded at the next meeting, Dozer declined and Elson had no comment.

            *A request has been made by the White Cottage post master to have some reflector tape applied to the stop sign coming off S R 22 at the post office entrance.  She is having a problem distinguishing where to turn when “foggy” conditions exist.  Taylor stated he would check this for her.

            *An E O Y meeting is required to close the books and budget items need to be determined.  It was decided the trustees will meet for a second December meeting on December 27, 2007 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room.


            *The following information notices were presented to all trustees:

                        New price lists for:  Shelly Materials and Englefield Oil.

                        Documentation requirements for Trustee Compensation.

                        Notice from the Zanesville-Muskingum County Health Dept. to request a

                                    meeting with trustees in February, 2008.

                        Notice from Walter J Kreis announcing appointment of new EMA director for

                                    Muskingum County.

                        Notice from BP products North America Inc. that as of this time, Tim Clark

                                    will be acting as our service provider for their products.

                        Notice of date and time for Public Hearing for the awarding of county grant     


            *The following resolutions were presented for approval of trustees.

                        Allowance for transfer of money from the fire fund to the FEMA grant fund in the amount of $6600.00.

                        Allow the Fiscal Officer to supplement appropriations in the Road & Bridge fund to cover tax collection fees as necessary and to supplement appropriations in the fire fund to cover necessary wages for both the fire chief and EMS coordinator.

                                  All resolutions were approved and signed by all three trustees.

            *Notice has been received from the Ohio Department of Commerce to allow renewal

of all existing liquor permits within the township.  Trustees agreed this was acceptable.


Old Business:  Bids on the old subframe and dump bed as advertised for sealed bid were opened.  Only one bid was received; Taylor and Sons Excavating bid $150.00 for the subframe, $430.00 for the dumpbed and $20.00 for the salt spreader.  The bid was awarded to the Taylor Company.


            New Business:  none to report.


            Trustees Reports:

            Smith reporting; the Thompson Run Culvert has been completed. 

                        There has been considerable damage to Tipton Road by the Maysville Water Department to which they have done no repairs.  Trustees advised the Fiscal Officer to send a bill to the water department to cover 2 loads (approx. 16 ton) of stone applied to that area on 12-13-07.  Send to the attention of Beth Lyon.

            Elson reporting; AEP has stated they will not be responsible for trees that need trimmed on Nolan Drive as they are not interfering with power lines there.  L. Taylor stated he could do this.  Also, AEP has not responded to calls by Elson re; the tree on Axline Avenue in E. Fultonham.  He stated he will contact them again.

                       Maria from the Prosecutor’s Office is currently handling the junk car issue in Fultonham

            Dozer is preparing paper work for Block Grant money for E. Fultonham alleys.

            Dozer has also agreed to call Doug Davis at the Muskingum County Engineer’s Office re; surveying of Thompson Run Road from areas at T & K Archery to Foxfire Drive and from the township line to the bottom of the hill.


            All bills presented were deemed to valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.


            Next scheduled meeting will be held December 27, 2008 to close the books.


            Next regular meeting will be held January 10, 2008 at 7:00pm in the township meeting room.





            Newton Township Trustees met December 27, 2007 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department to close out the books for 2007 and reorganize for the year 2008.  Those in attendance were; Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson and James R. Smith, township trustees; and Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.


Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by chairperson; Dozer.


New organizational business:


            Trustees and Fiscal Officer Salaries will be paid from the General Fund entirely for 2008.

    A resolution for all of the above was presented for final approval and signed by all three trustees.

            Township meetings will be held the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire house.  Anything different will be posted on the fire house entry door.

            Election of officers; Smith will chair the board, Dozer vice-chair, Elson third member of trustee board.


Budget concerns for 2008:

            First and foremost on the agenda is road maintenance.  Trustees agreed they need to spend approximately $200,000.00 if possible.

            The current arm-mower has required a lot of repairs this past season and possibly may need to be replaced.  Elson will check on pricing of same.

            The pick-up truck has a large number of miles and needs to be considered for replacement in the near future.

                       The roof on the old school house needs to be replaced in the next 4-5 years.  An allowance of $10,000.00 will be set aside this year to possibly be completed at approximately $20,000.00 in 2009.


            James R. Smith noted he will not be attending OTA Winter Conference.

A Broadvue Circle resident has once again called re; her driveway situation.


Fiscal Officer presented the following communication notices:

            The Community Development Coordinator has requested an appearance to one of the regular township meetings re; the waterline to be installed in the Rosehill Road area.  This needs to be done prior to August 30, 2008.  Fiscal Officer was asked to contact the office to schedule the meeting.

            The Muskingum County Engineer, Doug Davis has scheduled a township meeting for January 29, 2008 @ 2:30 pm.  Trustees all agreed this time was not suitable and Mr. Smith will contact Brian Taylor at the engineers’ office to reschedule.

            Notice has been received from the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District that reappraisal of two of the existing township parcels (Jarrett land contract) has taken place.

            Notice has been received from ODNR that a company will be drilling a deep well (8500’) in the Holbert Lane area.

            Another notice has been received from the State of Ohio Industrial Commission stating that past employee is scheduled for a medical examination on 01-03-2008 at 10:00 am to determine the validity of “permanent total disability”.

            A copy of the accident report of one Terry Elson on 12-07-2007 has been received from OSP.

            Derek J. Dozer was sworn into office for a newly elected term of 4 years as Newton Township Trustee by the Fiscal Officer.


Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.


Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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