April 2007
Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department. Those in Attendance were; Craig Knox, Allen Deaver, Larry Geiger, David Lovejoy and Jeff Swingle of the fire department; Howard Anderson and Gene Swingle township residents; Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson and James R. Smith township trustees; Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Dozer, chairperson.
Agenda was presented and approved.
Minutes were presented and approved as presented.
Public Participation:
First order of business went to Howard Anderson, resident of Butcher Knife Road. Anderson noted his road has suffered from the severe winter weather and there are presently some large pot holes that need some attention. Dozer assured him the point was taken and it would be ratified to the best of our ability as soon as possible.
Fire Department:
Knox, reporting for the EMS Department; stats for the first quarter of 2007 were presented to all trustees for their review. The response for this year compared to this time last year has improved considerably.
Deaver, reporting for the fire department; May 16, 17, and 18th, 2007 has been determined as final inspection and pick up date for the new Pierce ladder truck in Appleton, WI.
New radios will be needed for the truck at the approximate cost of $1500.00 - $2000.00. These will be obtained from Commercial Electronics; they are currently working on a definite price and availability of same.
The calendar for scheduling of the fire house (for outside usage) is currently up on the Web for the viewing of anyone desiring to do so.
Due to the fact that all of the first four fire department officers will be attending FDIC training next week, D. Lovejoy will cover the EMS department and S. Baker will cover for the fire department.
Question, Dozer asked if due to the size of the fire department facility, did consideration of taking on additional members need to be a priority. This will be taken under advisement for the present time, both by fire personnel and trustees.
Lovejoy requested copies of the personnel handbook for use with the mentor program initiated to new members joining the fire department. Knox indicated he had the handbook on disk and would be providing it to Dozer for consideration of same.
Trustees Report:
Smith reporting; Due to the fact the truck bed on the Ford truck is deteriorating rapidly, estimates have been sought for the replacement of same. Ace Truck and Equipment have given the township pricing on a regular steel bed at the cost of $17,937.00 / stainless steel bed at the cost of $28,961.00. No parts or hydraulics were considered in this pricing. Trustees discussed same and decided to table this issue until next meeting.
A culvert on Foxfire Drive and a driveway extending up over the hill to approximately 6 residences has collapsed, causing water to flood the roadway. Question was raised as to who is responsible for the replacement of same. According to township policy, any culvert at the entrance of personal property is the responsibility of the landowner.
Taylor Excavating has indicated they will be starting work on the Jenkins Drive project the week of April 16, weather permitting.
It was noted the bed on the International dump truck needs sandblasted and painted some time this year. Smith will ask Atkins to seek out some bids to do same.
Elson reporting: Chadwick had a culvert plugged up causing excessive water draining down the road onto property at the bottom of the hill and plugged up the culvert located there. All ditches and culverts in the area have been cleared of debris and stone applied to the road.
Dozer reporting: The roads listed; Slack, Nutter, Opera, Lower Krofft, Crock, Paine, Butcher Knife, Mahon, Yost, Porter Run and Moxahala Park Place. This adds up to approximately 13.5 miles of roads to receive this application in 2007. A reply from the engineers’ office has not been received.
Additional information has been supplied to the OBWC office to fulfill the township obligation to be eligible for consideration of a discount in the annual membership dues. Continuing safety training is being presented on a regular basis. The township will be receiving “NEW” billing in the near future.
A resident is again requesting material be applied to the lower part of her driveway located off Lambert Road.
A Resolution allowing the sale of property at 4320 and 4315 Madison Street, Avondale was presented for approval. The issue at hand, the property line is 5.6’ over township property line and an encroachment is being sought for this to be allowed. Vote was taken; Dozer, aye, Elson, aye and Smith, aye.
Clerk reporting: A resident on Pete Hope Lane has called re; a tree that has fallen across her line fence. States it needs to be removed prior to turning cattle into the field.
A resident on Sunset Drive has requested some type of sign be put up to slow traffic down on her street.
A resident has asked that some holes on Harlan Road be filled.
Anita Adams, Muskingum County Auditor has been contacted re; pay per mileage allowed for use of a personal vehicle for township use.
Notice has been received from Ohio LTAP for upcoming training seminars for township employees. It was determined that there was not need at this time for any further training than has already been scheduled.
Mary Taylor, CPA, Auditor of State has issued Bulletin 2007-002 to give the township new authority to create reserve balance accounts to set aside money for purchase of vehicles, equipment and other major expenses that could span over a period of 5 years providing it was determined up front the exact use of the account. This money would not be considered as part of the budget at the beginning of the year financial statement to the county auditors’ office.
Notice has been received OBWC that another request has been presented for an additional MRI for a past employee. One of the Cervical spine and one of the Lumbar spine.
A note of appreciation has been received from the Country Music Hall of Fame for allowing them use of the building once a month.
Updates of legal issues presented at the LGS training seminar April 4 in Columbus were discussed.
Howard Anderson, township resident is employed by Delille Oxygen Co. and has indicated to the board that it would be cost effective to lease the oxygen tanks used by both the garage and the medics rather than rent them on a monthly basis. He did volunteer to secure an estimate for the township and will deliver it to the fiscal officer prior to the next meeting.
All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid.
The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.
8:55 pm meeting adjourned.
Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date. This information can and may change without notice. Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business. We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information.