June 2006

Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, June 8, 2006 at 7:00 PM at the Newton Fire Department.  Those in attendance were; Craig Knox, Larry Geiger of the fire department; Ralph Landerman and Freddie Dixon, township residents; Stanley Lantz, township employee; Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson, and James R. Smith, township trustee; Bernadine E. Swingle, township Fiscal Officer.

 Agenda was approved as presented.

 Minutes were approved as presented.

 Freddie Dixon was given the first order of business:  He was present to represent the village of Roseville regarding permission from the township trustees to consider the annexation of the Ludwig property to the village.  Dozer agreed to check with Ludwig for further details and the situation will be discussed at the next meeting.

  Stanley Lantz was present to ask the trustees to allow payment for 44 fence posts at the cost of $261.80 that were destroyed on his property when necessary repairs were made to Porter Run Road.  All three trustees agreed to this payment.

 Paul Fisher came in to turn in his (township) phone, keys and return to work papers; all due to his retirement of 05-31-2006.

 Fire Department Business, Larry Geiger reporting.

            *50th anniversary celebration to be held June 24, 2006 from 4:00 to 10:00 PM.  Josh Bryan in charge of details.

            *The coins for the anniversary are in at the cost of approximately $769.00 total including the making of the dies.  Request made by the department for full funding of this investment.

            *Goodyear representatives have been here to determine the problem with steering of Engine 1083.  It was recommended by them that the front tires be replaced, which has been done.  The steering seems to be improved by this recommendation.

            *The sewer / septic specs are here and have been approved by the proper officials.  Cost has been set at $15,000.00 or less.  Trustees agreed to go ahead if this price is held.

            *Request for more funding for the 50th anniversary celebration was made.  Trustees agreed to pay for cake and punch for the event, any other expenses would need to come from the association.

            *It was suggested an appreciation dinner be held periodically for volunteers who respond beyond their call of duty.  Possibly 30 – 35 persons would be involved at a time.  Trustees agreed to discuss this further and respond at a later date.

            *New portable radios are in demand as the current ones are becoming outdated.  It was approved by the trustees to purchase 10 new ones at the cost of no more than $3500.00.

            *Preparations are being made to provide / teach a fire training class within the department.

            *The air conditioning is nearly completed, one unit is ready to go into service Saturday.


Old Business:

            Discussion of demolition of the old White Cottage school building was first on the agenda.  Other options considered in lieu of demolition were; renovating the present garage / adding on to the newer garage.   It was decided to seek cost of:  1) demolition of the school house, 2) add an addition to the current building and 3) construct a totally new building.  More discussion to follow at the next meeting.


New Business:

            One Terry Elson was in for a second interview for possible hiring on with the township for fulltime job.

            It was decided the township would try working the 2 part – time employees for two months, and then a full time employee would be reconsidered.  This was disputed by Mr. Elson.

            It was noted that Paul Slack, community days representative has called two of the trustees to inquire of the possibility of using the gym / cafeteria of the fire department building for playing Bingo on Friday evening of Community Days celebration.

            Chip / Seal bids are to be advertised for ASAP and will be opened at 7:00 PM at the next regular trustees meeting in July.

            A bid from Jim Miller Body Shop for painting the dump truck bed was presented at the cost of $1288.50.  Trustees determined this was too high and would consider doing the job themselves.


Fiscal Officer Reporting:

            A resolution for a new Amended Certificate to show $800.00 received per grant to the fire fund was presented and signed by all trustees.

            A policy for presentation of “Achievement Awards” to the volunteer fire department personnel was presented for approval.  All three trustees approved same.

            Notice has been received from OBWC re; request by _______ to receive settlement for permanent partial disability for the accident of 11-14-2002.

            Notice has been received also from OBWC re; handicap relief in the claims of ____ and ______ and a second one for ______, which has been found favorable for the township and rates will be adjusted accordingly for 2007

            The company representing the“Asphalt Zipper” have requested a time to demonstrate their product to the trustees.  This will be done in the very near future.

             All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

It was determined by all trustees that two meetings a month are once again necessary and will begin in July.  The following dates have been tentatively set aside:

                        Tuesday, July 25

                        Thursday, August 10

                        Tuesday, August 29

                        Thursday, September

                        Tuesday, September, 26

                        Thursday, October, 12

                        Tuesday, October24

                        Thursday, November, 9

                        Thursday, December 14


Next regular meeting will be held Thursday, July 13, 2006 @ 7:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned @ 10:30 pm.


Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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