July 2006

Newton Township Trustees met for an additional monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 at 7:00 PM at the Newton Fire house.  Those in attendance were:  Allen Deaver, fire chief; Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson and James R. Smith, township trustees; Bernadine E. Swingle, township fiscal officer.


            Agenda was approved as presented.

             Minutes were approved as presented.

             First order of business was the fire department with chief Deaver reporting.

            *State Surplus has available; 3 night stands, 3 lockers and 3 bunks for a total of $150.00,

                        request to purchase same.  All three trustees agreed to this purchase.

            *There is for sale at State Surplus a “2001 Durango” at the cost of $5500.00.  If the state

                        comes through with their anticipated grant money, it would cover the cost of this

                        vehicle.  Request was made to purchase same.  Trustees agreed as long as the

                        grant covered the entire amount.

            *Larry Macenko in White Cottage has been donating his time to mow the fire department

                        lawn.  A monetary donation to him was requested, however the trustees did not

                        come to an agreement on this at this time.  Tabled until next meeting.

            *A second estimate has been received from Taylor & Sons for the upgrade necessary to

                        the current septic system.  This total was in at $21,800.00 compared to the

                        previous estimate of $25,915.62 from Zemba Brothers.  Trustees agreed the

                        job should go to Taylor.

            *Deaver reported that letters of participation to the FD had gone out.  


            Smith reported the ball valve has been installed into the drain on Thompson Run Rd.

at the Smallwood residence.  He did indicate there was a problem within the drain itself as it was crushed.  The problem should be resolved with this procedure.

            Goss Supply has offered the “Pancake Vibrator”, used, at the cost of $600.00.  Trustees agreed this was a go and the tool should be purchased.

            The situation on Nutter Road discussed at the last meeting has been worked on.  Elson reported that a black plastic covering has been applied to the excavated area to prevent further washing and mud run off.


            Elson reported that the guard rail at 3345 Stine Road has still not been repaired.  Dozer reported he has sent an e-mail to Doug Davis at the Muskingum County Engineers’ office but has not received a response.

            Norman Gill and Nicole Tabler have contacted Elson re; chip / seal to their roads this summer.

             All three trustees were agreeable with the purchase of the Zipper.  Contact will be made with the company and has asked the fiscal officer to check on financing of same.  Cost of the noted equipment will be financed over a 5 year period.

            OLD BUSINESS:

            Both the county Prosecutors’ office and the state Legal division have been contacted re; the legality of Terry Elson being hired as an employee with Charles R. Elson being on the board.  The law reads this is acceptable, however Mr. Elson (trustee) will not be giving direct orders to Terry Elson.  See attachment:

             NEW BUSINESS:

            Mrs. James Perone of Avondale has contacted the Fiscal Officer re; weeds needing to be mowed across the road from her residence.  Dozer agreed to contact Mr. Parker about this.


            Notice has been received from OBWC that hearings will be held August 2 and August 4 for injuries sustained / reported per one ______ and request has been made by _____ for a settlement.

             A letter has been received from one Keith Sutherland of the KLA Risk Consulting re; his recent OTARMA loss control visit.  No recommendations have been issued as a result of the visit.

                         All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid.

             Next regular meeting will be held August 10, 2006 at 7:00 PM at the fire house.

             Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.



Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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