January 2006

Newton Township trustees met in regular session on Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 7:00 PM in the township meeting room at the Newton Fire Department.  Those in attendance were:  Derek J.Dozer, Charles R. Elson and James R Smith, township trustees; and Bernadine e. Swingle, township Fiscal Officer.


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by chairperson, Derek Dozer.

 The agenda was approved as presented.

The minutes were approved as presented.

No Public participation / Fire Department business was transacted.


Trustee Reports:

 Smith reporting:

            A call has been received from Shawn Good in regards to trash being strung along Crock Road / his property.

            Mr. Moore on Yost Road states one Mr. Sprankle lost trash along his road causing him (Mr. Moore) to have 2 flat tires to his vehicles.

            A call regarding catch basins in Avondale has resulted in the need to check the creek running through the area to determine if there are trees / trash along the creek banks causing water back up and possibly even cause problems on Lincoln Street.  Dozer volunteered to contact the Community Action Agency for the possibility of obtaining some assistance from their personnel in correcting these issues. 


Elson reporting:

            He has been advised by one Doug Culbertson from the Muskingum county Engineers’ Office that a 36” culvert on Butler Road needs to be replaced with a 48” culvert to allow free flowing of waters in that area.  Discussion of the trustees determined there could be connection in the mentioned area to the issue raised by Mr. Smith.

            Elson also noted Mr. Culbertson has requested a written notice from the township to accept Freedom Lane, off Darlington Road as a maintained township road.  It was noted by the clerk that such a notice has been sent to the engineers’ office already, however, she would check it again.

            The Glenn Montgomery farm on Opera Road has been subdivided into 9 lots for resale.   Elson presented a map of the locations / size / cost.

            Bill Terry, according to Smith, wants a lane off Shaw Road / Moxadarla Road opened and maintained by the township.  This will require some further study by the township trustees.

 Dozer reporting:

            There is a culvert on Porter Run Road near the residence of Sam Lantz that needs to be replaced.

            A call has been received from one Mr. Barker in Avondale, thanking Dozer foe the attention given to the area of his residence there.

 Old Business:

            Dozer has been in contact with Cubby Jarrett re; the possibility of purchasing the old fire department building on Limestone Valley Road.  Jarrett did indicate interest in the property, mentioned he would also be interested in the adjoining lot (H. Henry) as well.  Jarrett offered the purchase price of $70,000.00 and would be interested  in doing this on land contract.  The trustees voiced concern at this price.  Dozer has been in contact with Bud Chess re; this and was not encouraged to go with a land contract deal.  This was tabled until next meeting to be able to obtain further information on it.

            Dozer noted he could contact Fire Chief Deaver re; the Big Top building in Avondale to possibly have it condemned, as it is about to fall out into the highway.

 New Business:

            It was noted by the clerk that according to AOS office, the title of Township Clerk has been replaced with Township Fiscal Officer.

 Fiscal Officer Report:

            Notice has been received from OBWC that _____ has applied for allowance of further back surgery.  It has been denied by the bureau at this time.

            Also, notice has been received that disability payment to Sterling has been paid to cover him through 03-06-2006.

            A resolution, established and circulated by the Muskingum County Emergency Management Agency to all townships in the county to be compliant with their direction in case of a national emergency was presented for approval of the trustees.  All three trustees approved and signed the resolution to be returned to the office of Homeland Security immediately.

            The township safe that is in the old school building in White Cottage is not longer in use.  The fire department personnel have indicated an interest in this for their use.  All three trustees agreed this would be an acceptable way of using the safe, providing the fire department does the removal.

            Mrs. Swingle indicated the new township computer and software recently received per the AOS office has been installed. 

            It was noted by Swingle, a meeting with the County Engineer has been rescheduled for February 16, 2006 at 5:30 at the county garage.

            Temporary appropriations were approved as presented.

            It was determined that all full time road employees / spouses would continue to be covered with health insurance by the township.

            An allowance of $600.00 would be allowed to each elected official for insurance at ones own discretion.

            All township meetings will be held the second Thursday of each month unless noted otherwise by posting notice on the fire department door.

            A total of $5000.00 will be allowed for meetings, lodging, dues and fees for elected officials.

            Wages and salaries for all employees were discussed / determined and recorded in the December 2005 minutes.

 All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

 The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, February 9, 2006 at 7:00 PM at the township meeting room at the fire department.

Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business .  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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