November 2005



            Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 7:00 PM in the township meeting room at the fire department.  Those in attendance; Allen Deaver and Larry Geiger of the fire department, Jeff Swingle and Gene Swingle, township residents, Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson and James C. Geyer, township trustees and Bernadine E. Swingle, township clerk.  Meeting was called to order by Dozer, chairperson.

             Agenda was approved as presented:

             Minutes from last meeting were approved as presented:

             Public Participation; none required.

             Fire Department:  Allen Deaver, fire chief reporting;

            *A report of pricing on the window replacements.

            *The utility truck is out of order due to brake failure.  Repairs not to be considered until after the first of January, 2006.

            *Fire training has been initiated the first Sunday of each month from 1:00 – 5:00 PM.

            *There are currently 8 people due to attend E M T training.  A class will be provided at this location to be conducted by Allen Deaver and Tim Swingle, certified instructors.

            *There are 3 or 4 members due for fire training.  Dan Shipley is checking into this.

            *Jim Boban, local D>J> will be on board this Friday night (11-11-05) to conduct a benefit dance for a Perry County resident.

            *The Country Jubilee entertainers are due to appear again this Saturday night (11-12-05).

            *The fire department food department will entertain approximately 355 football youth for a banquet on Sunday (11-13-05).

            *Panic locks will be installed to the glass doors downstairs at the cost of $500.00 each.  Cores for the locks have been ordered also.

            *A proposal was presented by Deaver to allow a fitness program to be introduced within the department with the assistance coming from Bethesda Health and Fitness Center. All three trustees agreed to this for the first quarter of 2006 and the program will be reconsidered at that time.

            Trustee Reports:

             Geyer reporting; Moxadarla road has been spot patched at the intersection of Pather Drive.  This may cause an added expense to the black topping invoice.

            Heckel Drive has had a 2nd coat of asphalt applied.

            Work is still in progress on the fence surrounding the cemetery behind the home of Norma Lent in Fultonham.

Most likely the paper work will soon be received from the County Commissioners re; the township assuming responsibility of roads developed in the “Georgia Pines” subdivision.

Possibly the same will hold true for additional roads in the subdivision on Darlington Road.

He has completed the quarterly report required to be sent to FEMA for the grant received.  Dozer will take on this responsibility as of 01-01-05.

Elson has agreed to assume the responsibility of board member with JEDD.  Geyer will notify the board of same.


Elson reporting:  The culvert on Linn Drive needs to be completed before the weather gets bad.  He has received a call from Mr. Moyer, local resident there.


Dozer reporting; There are still catch basins in Avondale to be finished.

He will be conducting a safety meeting for the road employees on November 17, 2005.

He has been in contact with Chess re; situation in Avondale.

 Old Business:  none reported.

 New Business:

 Discussion on status of a non-maintained road.

 Clerk’s Report:

 Bonds need to be secured for the newly elected trustees.  It was unanimously determined by all trustees this should be set at $10,000.00.  This will be completed by the clerk at once.

The following notices were included in trustees hand – outs;

            Zemba Brothers, Inc. has recently acquired a hydro-excavator truck for hire.

Copies of letters sent re; unkempt vegetation.

A letter received from Muskingum Co. Community Development re; block grants.

            Notice has been received re; the renewal of all liquor licenses in the township.

Notation made that FEMA money needs to be distributed to the proper funds for reimbursement by the end of the year.  Geyer noted he would check this out.


The next meeting will be held November 21, 2005 due to the holiday that week.


All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented. 


The December meetings will be held December 8 and December27, 2005 at 7:00 PM.


Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.




            The Newton Township Trustees met for their second monthly meeting on November 21, 2005 at 7:00 PM at the meeting room at the Fire Department.  Those in attendance were; Larry Geiger, Allen Deaver and Craig Knox for the fire department, James R. Smith the newly elected township trustee, Derek J. Dozer, Charles R. Elson and James C. Geyer, township trustees and Bernadine E. Swingle, township clerk.


            Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by chairperson; Derek Dozer.

             Agenda was approved as presented.

             Public Participation:  none required.

             Fire Department, Deaver reporting;

            *There needs to be two purchase orders let for the purchase of the new medic recently ordered. 

            *There is a toilet in the men’s restroom that is leaking, causing low water pressure and unnecessary usage of water.  The problem seems to stem from a main water line coming into the building in a 2” line being reduced to a ¾” line at the meter.  The Maysville Water Department will install a new water meter for the cost of $300.00.  All three trustees agreed this should be done.

            *Professional Plumbing has been on site to check the water flow problem within the “NEW” boiler system. 

            *The annual awards banquet will be held at Eaglesticks’ on January 28, 2006.  Social hour at 5:00 with dinner served at 6:00 and awards at 7:00.

            *The 50th anniversary of the fire department will be in 2006.  Celebration will possibly be held during June 2006. 

            *The Genesis fitness program is in the planning stages.  There will be an informational meeting held at the fire house on December 11, 2005 at 2:00 PM.  The public is invited.


            EMS report per Craig Knox;

            *Job descriptions are in the working for EMT, MEDIC and Craigs’ position.  These will be presented to Dozer in the very near future.

            *A benefit dinner and auction for one Nathan Joseph will be held at the department on December 4, 2006.  Baked steak dinner at $5.00 per plate will be served from 2-4PM and tickets are available.

            *The fire department will be hosting a Christmas Dinner

            *Fire extinguishers are due for annual inspection; the trustees asked that township extinguishers be checked also.


            Trustees Reports:

             Geyer; the quarterly FEMA report has been submitted.  Nothing else to report.

             Elson; nothing to report.

             Dozer; the grant for road surfacing in Ironspot has been completed and filed with the county office.

            The situation in Avondale has been mowed and cleaned up by Travis Lyon, township employee.

            Ironspot situation is being cleaned up, but still has a long way to go to be up to standards.

            A culvert has been installed on Payne Road as requested.

            There are still no drain boxes on the “Tipton” property in Avondale.

            Maysville Water is / will be installing water lines on Stine Road between Dodson’s and the Newton / Springfield township line.


            Old Business:

            The Enviro-Flo bill is here to be paid tonight.  The County Commissioners have agreed to pay half at the amount of $1500.00.


            Clerks Report:

            All documents were signed by trustees and the clerk to fulfill obligations to secure funding for the new medic on order with the Horton Emergency Vehicle Co.

            The County Engineers Office has advised us that the “Georgia Pines” subdivision roads will most likely be turned over to the township by end of 2005.  The Clyde Hina subdivision is very close to the same status.  Township trustees may want to check on the “Hina” situation for acceptance of the roads as they appear to be acceptable.

            Dozer has indicated he will check on “Rodayle Drive” also.

             The bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.

             The next regular meeting will be held December 8, 2005.

             Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.


Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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