July 2005



            Newton Township Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, July 14, 2005 at 7:00 pm at the Newton Fire Department.  Those in attendance; James C. Geyer, Charles R. Elson and Derek J. Dozer, township trustees; Tim Swingle, Allen Deaver and Larry Geiger of the fire department and Bernadine E. Swingle, township clerk.


            Agenda was amended to include a time for “executive” session.


            Minutes were approved as presented.


            First order of business went to the fire department personnel. 

·         Information on the possibility of changing cellular phone services was presented.

§         The hiring of part-time personnel was discussed. 

·         Someone has been contacted and the window replacement should start the first of next week.

·         The Indian Pow-Wow is presently moving in for their scheduled week end activities.

·         The Country Music Jubilee organization which has been meeting at the South Zanesville gym has asked permission to hold their program in the gym.  They will be meeting on the second Saturday of each month.  This was agreeable with all trustees.

·         Bingo was the next subject approached.  The plan is to begin this program by the end of August if the licensed has by that time been approved by the Attorney Generals’ office.  Following a lengthy discussion; the trustees requested a plan / information as to how they plan to initiate the program be presented for formal approval when they are ready to proceed.

·         Community Days will be held September 23, 24, and 25, 2005.  Previously the trustees had requested a member of the fire department attend all Community Days meetings to assist in pulling the plans together.  A meeting was held July 13, 2005 with no representative of the fire department present; there were several issues presented for clarification that were left open due to this.


9:10 pm Meeting went into executive session to discuss personnel matters at hand.


9:30 pm out of executive session.


Geyer noted Deaver is due for an evaluation meeting.  Dozer agreed to contact Deaver and set a time for completing this.


Trustees Reports:


Geyer reporting: a letter pertaining to noxious weeds has been received regarding a problem area on Pinkerton Road.  Complaints have also been received regarding same at two locations in Avondale.  One being on Lincoln Street and the other on Roseville Road.  It was noted that these complaints need to be presented in writing to allow proper follow up of the problems.

Geyer has agreed to draw up a resolution per guidance of the Prosecuting Attorneys’ office for presentation for approval at the next township meeting.


Geyer also noted there is a class being offered by O D O T in Belle Valley on “Snow and Ice Control” the end of September and would prefer to have an employee attend.  This was approved by all trustees.


Elson; had nothing to report.


Dozer; had nothing to report.


Old Business:


The trees on Nolan Drive still have not been removed per Dozer.


Clerks Report:


Summer Conference, being held in Perrysburg, Ohio is scheduled for August 3 – 6, 2005.


A “Loss Control” CD listing safety training videos / cd’s has been received and given to Dozer.


The scheduled “audit” is still on hold.  Word has been received that someone will be in contact soon to pick up the necessary records for completing of same.


A “budget” was presented to the trustees for viewing.  As this is no longer a requirement of the township, it was viewed and approved as presented.


There has been notice received from Nextel that they will be merging with the Sprint Company in the very near future.


Notice has been received from State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program that annual dues are due / this can be waived if township agrees to be involved for one year in a “pilot” program as to purchases made through them.  Trustees agreed this would be acceptable and the clerk will complete and sent back the enrollment.


A letter of notice to a refuse company has been received from the Muskingum County Health Department re. compliance with the Ohio E P A’s solid waste regulations at his properties.  They have refused to renew his hauler registration until requirements are met.


A permit from SBC phone company has been received to allow them to bury cable along Workman Road.  This was approved by all three trustees.


All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.


Next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at 7:00 pm at the meeting room at the fire department.


10:00 pm meeting adjourned.




            Newton Township Trustees met for their second monthly meeting on July 26, 2005 at 7:00 pm in the township meeting room at the fire department.  Those in attendance were:  Allen Deaver, fire chief; James C. Geyer, Charles R. Elson, and Derek Dozer, township trustees; and Bernadine E. Swingle, township clerk.


            Agenda was approved as presented.


            Minutes were approved as presented.


            No public participation was deemed necessary as none were present.


            Fire Department was first order of business, Allen Deaver fire chief reporting:

            *Part – time (paid) fire personnel was presented by Deaver with details as to pay per hour, hours per week etc. to cover the fire department / EMS runs being missed during the daylight hours mostly.  Geyer responding; trustees would appreciate the opportunity to meet with the entire fire department personnel regarding this matter and receive an overall input as to the feelings / attitudes of the department in general.  Also, cash flow needs to be checked as well as to the reaction of community receiving this type of program.  Possibly schedule a meeting that would include the fire department, township officials and be open to the community.

            This was tabled for further consideration by the trustees.

            A “Bingo” proposal has been requested by the trustees. 

            *The new windows for the building should be installed by the end of August, 2005.

            *The existing black top should be sealed in the next couple of weeks.  Parking / stop blocks have been priced at $31.00 each and will be ordered soon.

            Geyer asked who is doing fire inspections in the township and has anyone checked a store on Maysville Pike?  Josh Bryan, Tim Swingle, Larry Geiger and Shawn Maxwell are all certified fire inspectors and Bryan has been the most active recently.

            Community Days committee has requested use of some tables and chairs from the fire department for their activities in White Cottage during Community Days the end of September.  This was agreeable with the fire department, however it is up to the committee to move them from one building to the other.  Deaver, Tammy Swingle, Jane Lutz and Tad Lantz have indicated they will plan to attend the next few community days committee meetings to represent the fire department.

            Geyer questioned the notice in the Times Recorder as of 07-25, 2005 regarding the County Commissioners holding a community meeting in the Township meeting hall on August 11, 2005.  Dozer stated he had been contacted some weeks ago.


Trustee Reports:


            Geyer reporting; FEMA money has been received.  A letter requesting a quarterly report due August 1 has also been received.  The necessity of reconciling what percentage of the work has been completed is needed.  He will continue to work on this.


            Elson reporting; He had some calls on downed trees following the rain storms recently.  He also noted a ditch on Foxfire Drive has been cleared and filled in.


            Dozer reporting; He will be out of town the date of the next meeting.


Old Business:


            Dozer noted the trees on Nolan Drive have mostly been removed.


            A letter has been received regarding “noxious” weeds on Pinkerton Lane”.  Geyer will check as to whether they have been removed and will alert the clerk to same to determine the need to contact the individual that owns the property.

            An individual on Zella Drive has been in contact once again with the trustees and the Muskingum County Sheriffs’ office in regards to junk cars being an eyesore on that street.  She was asked to put this in writing, at this time nothing has been received.  Geyer did present a proposal to the board for approval for the same.  All trustees agreed to the proposal.

            Geyer has been in contact with Shelly Company regarding a portion of Heckel Drive.  Shelly Co. has agreed to apply 3” topcoat of asphalt to this area.  This would include berming the same area.  All trustees were in agreement with this.


            Additionally, Thorn Drive and Lakewood Drive are in a state of needing some repair.  This will be taken under advisement at a later date.


New Business:


            Nothing noted at this time.


Clerk’s Report:


            Notice has been received from Zemba Brothers regarding the fact they now offer for sale topsoil and fill dirt at the intersection of Rock Cut Road and Beech Run Road

Governing board signatures were requested for viewing the books for the second quarter.

A letter of acceptance for chip and seal has been received from the Muskingum County

Commissioner’s office with Shelly Co. as the successful bidder.

            A list of expectations for Allen Deaver fire chief that had been requested of him at his hiring was provided to each trustee.

            A letter has been received from the Muskingum County Auditors office stating there is no need for township approval of LGF this year as the state has frozen that at 2004 level.

            A resolution for a new “Amended Certificate” to cover the FEMA money received was presented for approval.  All three trustees approved same.

            Payment of $200.00 has been received for a heater removed from the township garage that was no longer needed there.


            All bills presented were deemed to be valid expenditures and were to be paid as presented.


            Next regular meeting will be held August 11, 2005 at 7:00 pm at the township meeting room at the fire department.


            Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm.


Newton Township has made every effort to ensure all the information listed on this website is accurate and up to date.  This information can and may change without notice.  Meeting overviews are meant to serve as short informational updates on township business.  We can not be responsible for any inaccurate or omitted information. 

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